Sometimes great things happen from email correspondence. And sometimes we are sucked into a realm full of vampyres, spooky chidrun, whiches, and Maryland Mansun. Confused? Keep reading!

      Warning: Some emails contain profanity.

      How it started...
      It continues...
      And it escalates...
      Floating eyeballs of doom...
      The return of James...
      Necron's identity is uncovered!
      Am I really Satan, or is it all a ploy to mess with Necron's head?
      Spam, art, prayers -- you know, the usual.
      We're all gay here, no need to gawk.
      The end of Necron's reign as High Priest of the Spooky Children.

      Take a virtual tour through Dinosaur Land!

      There are, of course, other pictures beside the vaunted fiberglass dinosaurs. First, the Corona Doom Booze and second, Virgin Wine with Butterflies. Unfortunately, we couldn't get these pictures at the actual Food Lion Necron visits, but we tried, and alcohol is alcohol (unless you drink during the day, and then it's a problem.)

      Then, because I know you're all curious, this is his picture of him, and me, on a ride on dinosaur. I'm not shitting you. That was attached to all his "dinisoreking" missives. Still makes me feel a wee bit creeped out.

      Though I can't say it's him for sure, it sure sounds like he's a guest reviewer for The Matrix, The Lord of the Rings, and Star Wars at the Filthy Critic. If not, I feel inexplicable, unspeakable bemusement that there are two Necrons running around.

      Since his retirement as High Priest in 2004, he's currently dabbling in politics by being on the Communications committee/webmaster for the local Tea Party. Hmmm. No comment.

      Dinisore Jeezis
      We already know, thanks to The Onion, that Necron thinks Jesus is a zombie. But what would he think of Raptor Jesus and Jesus riding a dinosaur? Dinosaurs are, of course, vampires. So is Jesus a zombie vampire? Did he subjugate vampires and use them as ponies? Have I smoked too much doom weed to even be contemplating this? You should just look at this instead of listening to me.

      The Zinger
      Allie- Sun, Jun 2, 2002 at 7:46 PM EDT
      I like children. They taste just like chicken.
      NECRON ROMANCER OF DEATH- Mon, Jun 3, 2002 at 3:25 PM EDT
      yah there blood tastes good i've sakirfised some to satan.but satan my prinsess has left me oh the ageny i'm just a withreing vampyre any way. i want to eat chidren.