Stories During the First Season

The most famous time period of Sailor Moon, the first season. Back when things were simple, there were only five scouts, and the enemies were straightforward. The first season chronicles the finding of the Inner Senshi, and their struggle against the four generals of the Dark Kingdom (Negaverse in the English version), to their final showdown with Queen Beryl.

Time Twister (124k) by Mike Chenoweth

This story demonstrates that every person's life is important. But who is more important than whom? Drop Mike a line with your comments. His web page is located at The Dark Side of the Moon.

What Evil Lurks (360k) by Greg Taylor

Perhaps Queen Beryl and the generals need a little help. Well, they get it when Sailor Mercury joins their side... Be there for the ride of your life!

The World Without (173k) by Mike Chenoweth

An interesting hypothesis - what if Luna found Sailor Mercury first, and Sailor Moon never makes the scene?. This is the Jadeite arc of the first Sailor Moon season from a unique perspective. Don't forget to e-mail Mike with your comments. His web page can be found at The Dark Side of the Moon.

After the First Death (22k) by Ysabet

What Minako was up to on her last night in England.

Interlude (205k) by Sexylyon

Were Serena and Darien really in love early in the first season? This beautifully written piece makes a case. This is a piece of erotic literature, with all the warnings that implies. If you like it, please drop Sexylyon a line, and visit her website Ascension Dream.

Destined Paths (16k) by Jade

Usagi is always whining about wanting to be a normal girl, and resisting her destiny as Sailor Moon. Does she really think that way? Let Jade tell you the answer...

Sailor Scouts Visit Gotham (148k) by Jennifer Wand

A Sailor Moon/Batman crossover. Malachite shifts the action to North America, but the results are no better for the Negaverse. Jennifer has written some other stories, including many Sailor Moon moments. They can be found at her page.

Under A Quantum Moon (33k) by Scott Delahunt

This story works surprisingly well. Sam has no clue what's going on when he leaps into Serena's body, but who can tell the difference? If you like it, let Scott know. There is a sequel out called...

Leap in the Morning, Sailors Take Warning (64k) by Scott Delahunt

Sam leaps into Raye - now that's a bigger challenge! It continues the thread from the first story, and adds its own twists. Very well done. Let Scott know what you thought of it.

Awakening (8k) by Mei

Life and death in the first season - did this really happen? If you liked it, please e-mail Mei and let her know!

Sailor Trek: The Dilithium Dilemma (148k) by Bill Harris

It's the trouble with crystals when Queen Beryl's forces encounter the crew of the Enterprise. Kirk, Bones and Spock meet their match in the Sailor Scouts, as they team up against the Negaverse! There are two sequels, Sailor Trek: A Borg to Remember... and Sailor Trek: Deep Space Nine

Sailor Trek: Deep Space Nine (346k) by Bill Harris

This is simultaneously in both a real first season and an alternate first season, as Quark and the crew meet up with the depleted and now desperate senshi. More adult in tone than the first two. You should read Sailor Trek: The Dilithium Dilemma and Sailor Trek: A Borg to Remember... first. More of Bill's writing can be found at

Aphelion (22k) by +Gradient

Set just before 'Day of Destiny'. Makoto looks back on her life as a senshi. Very classy. Gradient now has his own website, Gradient's Page of Silly Analogies & SM Fanfics.

The Other Half (15k) by +Gradient

A look at fate. +Gradient now has his own website, Gradient's Page of Silly Analogies & SM Fanfics.

No Longer the Leader (11k) by Michaela Wills

A look at why Minako's maturity drops between the first and second season, as seen by Artemis.

Reality (2k) by Jelynne

How does Ami's scientific mind deal with the existance of magic? This story might have an answer. If you like this story and wish to read more, please visit Jelynne's Little Mess.

She Loves Me (25k) by Jennifer Wand

Told from Darien's viewpoint, the first season romance between an unknowing Usagi and the already aware Darien. It fits in well with both the manga and anime interpretations. More stories can be found at her page.

The Wish (16k) by Ken Wolfe

A Sailor Moon/Sandman crossover analyzing the last few moments after the battle between Princess Serenity and Queen Beryl. This story was the Grand Prize winner of the Anime North 2000 Short Story contest. For more stories, check Ken Wolfe's Place.