The following really really violates continuity, just so you know... MISCONCEPTION by Scott K. Jamison (Sailor Moon and its associated characters created by Naoko Takeuchi. No infringement is intended) Chapter One Usagi served herself another helping of Triple Fudge Almond Marshmellow ice cream. She'd actually scored a "C" on the history test, and she deserved a reward. And she was looking forward to her other reward, tonight with Mamo-chan... She hardly even blushed about it any more when thinking about him and her together. Some of the other girls in school had become quite jealous of her boyfriend and how close they'd become. They'd had another lecture today in health class about safe sex, and how important it was to use "protection". She giggled. Her boyfriend was *named* "Protector", and besides, they weren't going to have their daughter for a good long time yet. "Isn't that so, Chibi-Usa?" Usagi asked out of the blue. Her pink-haired offspring started. "Would you like some ice cream?" "I guess so..." Usagi noted that her future daughter seemed a bit pensive. "What's the matter, fungus?" "um...just homesick I guess. I miss Mama, and Papa and Ichiro..." "Well, you know Mamoru and I are your Papa and Mama, or will be. Who's Ichiro?" "Didn't I tell you? He's my big brother." "" "Yeah, he wasn't in Crystal Tokyo when you visited because he's all grown up now and away in the Space Navy." "Space Navy? Grown up? Um, Chibi-Usa, how old is your brother?" "Um, lessee, born in 1979, no wait, that should be 1997...carry the one..." Suddenly, the ice cream didn't want to stay in Usagi's stomach any more... SKJAM! comments to MISCONCEPTION by Scott K. Jamison (Takeuchi disclaimer) Chapter Two When Usagi came out of the bathroom, Chibi-Usa looked at her concernedly. "Was the ice cream bad?" " you know what year this is?" "Sure! It's 1997! Why...oh." While the pink-haired girl was quite bright, she'd inherited some of her mother's absent-mindedness, which was probably why she'd neglected ever mentioning her older brother before. "That's when Ichiro gets born! I'm gonna be a big sister! Ooh, weird." "Chibiusa, do you know where babies come from?" "Well, when a man and a woman love each other very much, they sleep together like you and Daddy do, and then the baby grows in the Mommy's tummy, right?" "Right. It takes about nine months from start to finish. And since there are only twelve months in 1997..." "You mean Ichiro is inside you right now?" Chibiusa's eyes grew wider, a feat Usagi would have thought impossible. "Or soon will be...OhmigodI'mgoingtohaveababy! WhatamIgonnado? Momwillkillmeandwhataboutschool and how am I going... to... tell... Mamoru?" Panic attack over for the moment, Usagi tried to think. Okay, Chibiusa might be confused about the date, or it could be a couple of months until Ichiro (ohmigodason!) is conceived. But I heard vomiting is one of the first signs of pregnancy... What would Ami do? I know, see a doctor! "Chibi-chan, I need to go out for a while. Tell Mom I went to the mall or something. And *don't* tell anyone about Ichiro till I get back, okay?" "Okay. Are you sure you're all right?" The girl from the future didn't always let on, but she loved her mother, even the airheaded teenage version. "That's what I'm going to find out." * * * Usagi sat nervously in the doctor's office. She'd only seen Zenda-sensei twice before, for annual gyn exams, but she was the doctor Usagi had decided on. She'd nearly spilled everything to the receptionist, and it was pretty obvious from the amused faces of the other patients in the waiting room they had a good idea why she was there. "Konnichiwa, Tsukino-san," said the young doctor as she entered the room. Zenda-sensei wasn't pretty, but she had good bone structure, and a face that looked trustworthy. "Now, the receptionist said you had a bit of an emergency?" "I think I might be pregnant and I'msoscared! WhatamIgonnado? WillIbloatupandmakeMamochandisgusted? Whataboutmyclothes!?" Usagi began weeping. The doctor seemed unsurprised at this reaction and silently handed Usagi a box of tissues. When the flood of tears slowed to a trickle, she spoke. "Tsukino-san, you think you might be pregnant? Have you had anything unusual happen to you physically lately?" "Well, I did vomit earlier, but that was after I realized I might be pregnant." "So it might have been the shock? When was your last period?" "Last month, sometime. I'm not real good at keeping track of it, sorry." "All right, I'm going to draw a little blood and run a test. This won't hurt much." The doctor was right, of course, but Usagi still was a little scared. She was relieved it was over so quickly. "Now, while we're waiting for the results, if you do happen to be pregnant, do you know who the father is?" "Of course I know! What kind of girl do you think I am?" "Good. So what led you to think you might be pregnant?" "Well, I was talking to (oops, can't tell her *that*) my cousin, and she kinda predicted I'd have a baby soon. And I have been sleeping with my fiancee, and we haven't beenusinganyprotection and whydidn'tIlisteninhealthclass?!" "Tsukino-san, please don't panic. I'm sure everything will turn out fine. Ah. The results." The doctor frowned. "You're pregnant." "EEEEEE!!!" Zenda-sensei didn't seem too surprised by that reaction either. "I must admit I'm surprised. According to this workup, you couldn't have been pregnant for more than a week. Most women wouldn't have noticed for quite a while yet." "Just...lucky...I guess. So now what?" "Well, you have several options available to you. You can choose to go through with the pregnancy, and either keep the child or give it up for adoption." "Him. It's going to be a boy." "So sure? But then you were right the first time...the other option of course is abortion." "NO!! I'm not gonna kill my baby!!" Usagi's compassion for all living things made even the thought of abortion loathsome to her, however much easier it would make her life. "I see. I'll explain the options more fully of course, and you have some time to make a final decision. You'll need to inform your parents of course, and the father should probably be told." "Mamoru-san..." I feel like such an idiot, she thought. But I guess this is destiny. Gotta be brave. She tried to concentrate on what the doctor was telling her, but somehow her mind kept slipping away to anxious thoughts. She had a nightmarish picture of herself in Sailor Moon garb, eight months pregnant.... To Be Continued... SKJAM! Comments to This is likely to get a bit mushy... MISCONCEPTION by Scott K. Jamison (Takeuchi disclaimer) Chapter Three Usagi munched slowly on a triple cheeseburger as she stared at the pile of literature in front of her. Zenda-sensei, perhaps sensing that the teenager wasn't fully paying attention during her lecture, had given her a small stack of pamphlets to read. Homework, of sorts. Yuck. Several of the pamphlets were sponsored by the manufacturers of maternity and baby products. These tended to be brightly-colored and friendly, and just so happened to have plugs for the very products the manufacturers put out. Usagi grinned ruefully. When she got around to reading them, she'd probably fall for the advertising. She knew she shouldn't, though. A couple were very technical-looking, and put out by the hospital itself. She'd ask Ami to help her with those. Just from a quick glance, it looked like there were all sorts of ways a pregnancy could go wrong that they hadn't mentioned in health class. Then there were some from various social and religious agencies. Apparently, if she wanted to give her baby up for adoption, there were several ways to go about it. Plus there were agencies that would help her if she wanted to keep Ichiro. I already know his name, she thought. So I guess I am going to keep him. The nearby clock tolled, reminding her it was getting late. She'd stopped by the mall just to back up the story Chibiusa was supposed to tell, but she hadn't bought anything but the burger. No time now! Mamoru would be by to pick her up soon! As she ran for home, Usagi worried about who to tell and when. Chibiusa already knew, sort of. Her parents, because if she didn't, when the bill for the clinic visit arrived, it would get messy. Mamoru, of course, and Luna. Probably the other Senshi. And Naru, mustn't forget the best friend! But not Shingo. Not until she started to show, at least. His teasing was the last thing she needed. * * * "I'm home!" "Welcome back, Usagi. How was the mall? Buy anything nice?" "Great, Mom! Just a burger! Chibiusa, I need to talk to you upstairs!" She caught her daughter's arm and dragged her off. "Don't forget, your young man will be by in fifteen minutes." "Thanks, Mom!" Usagi looked around to make sure Shingo wasn't in view, then shut the door to her room. "Well?" "Congratulations, Chibi-chan. You're gonna be a sister!" "YAAY--" as Usagi clamped a hand over her mouth. "Mrphl?" "It's a secret, okay? You don't tell anyone about Ichiro or my being...being pregnant...until they tell you, got it? You're good at keeping secrets, I know you are." Chibiusa nodded gravely, then grinned. "I promise!" "Especially you don't tell Shingo. The rugrat is too much of a pain already." * * * The motorcycle ride over had been quiet, and Usagi could sense that Mamoru was becoming concerned over her silence. She smiled to show she wasn't angry at him or anything. Well, not really angry yet, though she'd heard women often got angry at men while giving birth. A picture flashed through her head of her bopping Tuxedo Kamen over the head with the Moon Scepter while screaming her head off, and she broke into a giggle. "Is there something you're not telling me, Usa-ko?" asked Mamoru as he stirred the fried rice. Living on his own had made him a decent cook. Better than Usagi, so far. "Yes." "And that is...?" "Mamo-chan, you like children, right?" "Of course I do! I take good care of Chibi when I can, don't I?" "Yes, and I'm really grateful to you! You know that she's our daughter in the future..." "Mm-hmm..." as he began transferring the rice to a serving dish. "Today, Chibiusa told me she had a brother. A big brother." "Really? We'll have a son too? That's nice." "I'm glad to hear that. Mamoru...I'm pregnant." The dish crashed on the floor, spilling rice and vegetables everywhere. "Pregnant!? How did *that* happen?" "And you call *me* `dumpling-head'. How do you *think* it happened? We haven't taken any precautions at all!" "Oh. But I thought..." "So did I. Guess we were both pretty stupid, huh?" He grinned sheepishly. "How far along are you?" "About a week. I wouldn't have noticed for a long time yet, except Chibiusa picked today to tell me about Ichiro." "Who?" "Her big brother. Our son. My baby. WhatarewegonnadoMamochan!?" She took a big breath. The doctor had told her that panic attacks weren't good for the baby. Just stay calm... "Well...this is awfully unexpected. I thought we'd wait to get married until after I finished college and you graduated high school. But it looks will marry me, won't you, Usagi?" "Yes! I mean, of course I will, I love you." "And I love you." He kissed her, then asked, "may I feel?" "There's nothing to feel yet, silly. But go ahead." His hand on her abdomen felt warm and comforting, despite the layers of cloth between their skins. For now, everything was all right. The rabbit was with her protector, and nothing could harm her. * * * Usagi gave Shingo a wad of money. "You treat Mika nice at the movies now." "Aw, c'mon, sis. You know I'm not into that mushy stuff. Mika's just my buddy." But he smiled a little. He might not be ready for romance yet, but in a little while...He bolted out the door. "Wait for me!" cried Chibiusa, who was acting as "chaperone" or "excess baggage", depending on who you asked. Usagi breathed a sigh of relief. With the rugrat out of the way, she could talk to her parents relatively uninterrupted. She hoped. Good thing there hadn't been any monster attacks lately. Mama and Papa sat on the couch, watching the early news. Just the usual stuff, no weird occurrences... "Okaasan, Otousan, I have to talk to you." The use of formal titles let them know she was serious, and Papa shut off the TV. "What is it, dear?" " know I've been seeing Mamoru Chiba for a while..." "Yes, dear." In fact, her parents believed the affair had been going on quite a bit longer than it actually had, using it to explain all her disappearances and odd behavior. That she was in fact the Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon had just never occurred to them. "Well, we've gotten very close, and..." in a tiny voice, "I'm going to have a baby." There was a shocked silence. Then her father exploded. "I knew it! I knew that college boy wouldn't be able to keep his hands off you! I'll kill him!" Usagi stared at him, amazed. She'd very seldom seen Papa angry. He was always so easygoing! "Dear, I think you should calm down. Or have you forgotten?" Papa simmered down. "Go on, Usagi." "I admit it was really dumb of us not to use any protection, but I guess we thought nothing would happen. I'msorryMamaPapaitwasn'tsupposedtobelikethis!" "Has your young man been told?" "Um...yeah, I told Mamoru. He says we should get married." "Darn straight!" fumed Papa. "Though how he'll support you on that odd jobs salary of his is beyond me." "Dear, I think it's time Usagi knew." "Knew about what, Mama?" For answer, her mother walked over to the bookcase and pulled out two photo albums. Usagi recognized one as her parents' wedding album and the other as her baby pictures album. Mama leafed through both, opening each near the front. Then she turned them around. Usagi looked. Her parents' wedding certificate, and her own birth certificate. "I don't get it." "Keep looking, dear." Then Usagi realized. Her math wasn't the best, but something didn't add up. "These dates...they're only five months apart. But that means..." "Yes, dear. It does. A wedding kimono can hide a lot, can't it?" Papa looked sheepish, just as Mamoru had the previous night. "I suppose I did get a little carried away. Eheh." "I was very fortunate that your father was such a fine man." That made him blush. "Though having you meant changing a lot of my plans, and my future was in a different path than I expected, I've never regretted it. I know you are going to have to make a lot of difficult decisions, but whatever you choose, I will be with daughter." "I'm here for you too, Usagi. But this Mamoru had better treat you right. Or else." Papa tried to look stern, but he just didn't have enough practice. * * * There was another shocked silence. Not terribly surprising, actually. Even the Senshi weren't prepared for this particular bombshell. Then Minako began to giggle. "Boy, Usagi, you really had me going for a minute there! You, pregnant!" Usagi and Mamoru just smiled at her. "You're serious...aren't you? Ohmigawdyou'regonnahaveababy!" There were times when the Venus Senshi's uncanny resemblance to Usagi got out of control. This was one of them. "Well, I suppose it was only natural, given you two were going at it like rabbits in heat," said Makoto, managing to get a blush out of the young couple. "Congrats!" Rei stared. "It's true! I can already sense a difference in your aura. But I thought Chibiusa wasn't born for fifty years yet." "She won't be. But it turns out she has a big brother she never mentioned to us. His name will be Ichiro." "So we were all laboring under a misconception, if you'll forgive my pun." Ami gave a thin smile. "Because we know a great deal of what happens in the future, we assumed we knew everything important about it. That is clearly not the case." Mamoru was thoughtful looking. "And it's likely our future counterparts deliberately never told us about Ichiro, because his birth was so close to our current time. Buddha knows, if I thought I was going to be a father this soon, I would have been a bit more careful." The cats looked at each other and sighed. Things had just gotten complicated again... To Be Continued... SKJAM! Comments to This part was originally written for St. Valentine's Day. MISCONCEPTION by Scott K. Jamison (Takeuchi disclaimer) Chapter Four Usagi had butterflies in her stomach, and not all from Ichiro. Though it didn't help that she now really was feeling the symptoms of pregnancy. The past two months had passed in a whirlwind of preparations. Usagi had never realized how much work went into a wedding! Invitations, decorations, cake, dresses, a thousand different things. It was a good thing Mama knew about these things, because if she'd had to do them herself, Usagi would've just broken down and cried. A lot. Even more than usual. "Say, Rei, you remember the time my home ec teacher was possessed by a wedding dress youma?" The shrine maiden didn't pause in arranging her robes. "Who could forget? That's when I found out your mother couldn't sew!" Fortunately, Makoto could, and she'd also helped pick out the bridesmaids' dresses. Mama re-entered the room, and no more talk of youma was heard. Rei's grandfather had agreed to a hybrid Shinto/Western ceremony. He might be old, but he was adaptable. Rei would help him officiate, and Usagi was given to understand Representative Hino, her father, would be putting in one of his rare personal appearances. Usagi was suddenly very grateful for Mama and Papa. Rei's mother was gone, as was Naru's father. Ami's parents were divorced, and both Makoto and Mamoru were orphans. Only she and Minako had a full set of parents. She resolved that she was going to be there for Ichiro and Chibiusa as much as possible. Speaking of the little imp, here she was now. She spun to show off her dress, then asked, "Am I pretty, o-nee-san?" As long as Mama was in the room, Chibiusa was just Usagi's favorite cousin, rather than her future daughter. "You look fine, Chibi-chan!" The pink-haired child had been assigned flower girl duties, as Shingo had been dragooned into being the ringbearer. Shingo was quite possibly the only person in the temple who didn't at least suspect Usagi was pregnant. After all, there weren't many other reasons a sixteen-year-old girl got married on only two months' notice. But to him, she was still his gawky, clumsy older sister. He was amazed enough Mamoru even dated her, let alone wanted to marry such an ugly girl. So it wasn't too surprising he hadn't realized what was going on. Either that, or he'd done an amazingly good job of holding his tongue. Luna mewed. Usagi looked down at her mentor/pet and giggled. "Sorry, Luna. I'd love to talk, but Makoto's still fixing up my kimono, so I can't bend over." Luna had been (in private) quite indignant about having to *prove* she was well-trained enough to attend the ceremony. It was certainly the first wedding Mama had ever heard of that would have cats in the reception line. "Here, Luna, you can talk to me," said Ami. Even today the blue-haired girl was carrying a book, though Usagi hadn't seen her even turn a page yet. She scooped up the cat and put her on her shoulder. "Usagi, don't wiggle," mumbled Makoto, her mouth full of pins. They'd decided to go with Shinto-style garb for the ceremony for the happy couple; Western formal wear would be just a little too reminiscent of their alternate identities. "Oh, Usagi-chan, you do look so pretty!" gushed Naru. "Thanks, Naru-chan. You look like a princess yourself." Usagi's best friend blushed. She did look splendid in her maid of honor dress. Ami, Makoto and Minako had to settle for bridesmaid; Usagi hoped they understood. Ami came over and whispered to Usagi. "Luna says she's checked the grounds again, and there's no sign of evil energy." "That's a relief." The last thing they needed was a monster attack. They'd been lucky since Usagi had discovered her pregnancy; only three monsters had appeared, and there didn't seem to be any pattern to them. "Okay! We have closure!" said Makoto, giving a thumbs-up sign. "A last kiss for luck!" cried Mama, suiting action to words, but careful not to disturb Usagi's outfit. "And just in time, too," commented Rei. "Time for me to start the ceremony!" She exited. Mama arranged everyone in order of appearance. Usagi found herself moving a bit stiffly after standing still for so long. It didn't help that the kimono seemed specifically designed to hinder walking. One or two at a time, the women left the dressing room. At last it was Usagi's turn. Papa met her at the door, and guided her into the ceremony room. She was quietly grateful for his help. It wouldn't do to fall flat on her face now! Papa looked so dignified, almost proud. But she could see just a little drop of sweat on his neck. He was as nervous as her! That made her feel a little calmer herself, knowing she wasn't the only worried one. Her mind drifted back to the wedding shower. Minako had taken bets on which one of them would get married next. Ami and Naru had been 2-1 because they were both in relationships of a sort; Minako and Makoto were at 3-1, and poor Rei had been 4-1. Minako had gotten a taste of the priestess' sharp tongue for that. Mama had been surprised at how many of the gifts had a "sailing" or "moon" motif. Come to think of it, even Naru's gift had been sailboat earrings, silver with moonstone sails. Did she suspect? Nahh. The nervousness returned when Usagi saw the crowd. So many of her relatives, many of whom she hadn't seen in years. Lots of her classmates of course. Umino was taking pictures like mad, since they were forbidden during the ceremony itself. Then there were her friends from outside school. The Outer Senshi (in civilian garb) sat together, as did the Black Moon sisters. She spotted others she'd met through Sailor Moon. That's right, Usagi thought to herself. I am the champion of love and justice, I've faced down beings that have conquered entire worlds and triumphed. My friends are here for me, this is just a wedding, I can handle it. And it didn't hurt that Usagi really had done some growing up in the last two years, mentally as well as physically. There were a sprinkling of people she didn't recognize. Some of them were Mamoru's friends, others were her parent's invitees. Papa nudged her a little bit. Oh, they'd reached the front. Papa released her, and Usagi went to join Mamoru. He was handsome in his formal kimono, but then he was handsome in everything he wore. Part of it was the training he'd had in modeling, the rest was just good genes. Oh, and the fact that she loved him, of course. Motoki stood next to him as best man. He'd been her first crush, but he had his own fiancee, even if she was in Africa. If things had been otherwise... Rei's grandfather beamed a wide smile at them, and began the main part of the ceremony. Suddenly, the doors of the shrine slammed open. Everyone turned to look. There was a tall, dark-skinned man in a familiar-looking gray uniform standing there. He was handsome in a sinister way, bald with glittering silver eyes. "I am Fulgurite, last of the Dark Kingdom! At last Queen Metallia shall be avenged upon you, Sailor Moon!" Oh no! Not now! Usagi fretted over whether to transform in front of all these people, and she began to whine. Mamoru's hand in hers held her back. Several people were rising to their feet, including a couple Usagi was pretty sure *weren't* secretly superpowered, but the first to reach Fulgurite was a blonde woman in a blue dress and matching veiled hat. She grabbed the Dark Kingdom officer by the throat and lifted him off the ground. "I have been waiting for this day for a very long time. You will *not* disrupt this ceremony further, or in the name of the Moon, I *will* punish you. Do you understand?" Fulgurite was being too closely choked to speak. Finally, he nodded. "Good. Then shut up and sit down." She giggled a bit. He shut up and sat down. Gramps cleared his throat and picked up where he'd left off. Everyone seemed relieved their energy hadn't been drained... There were no further interruptions, and soon it was time for the sharing of sake. The strong spirits burned Usagi's throat a bit. Usagi remembered her first experience with alcohol, at Princess Daiya's ball. She'd gotten smashed on the punch. That had been the first time Mamoru had kissed her too, though she was in such a daze at the time, she'd thought it a dream. And then she'd had such a hangover the next morning! Recalling Luna's stern lecture on the evils of drunkenness, Usagi couldn't help but giggle. It was all she could do to focus her attention back on what Gramps was saying. At last the ceremony ended, and after a quick change into Western semi-formal garb, everyone was moved outside for the reception. Both Fulgurite and the woman in blue had vanished. The rumor among the attendees was that she had been Sailor Moon herself, for it was well known she was a friend of Usagi's. Usagi had her own thoughts on the matter of course. Yuuichirou had set up a stereo system with some taped music. According to Rei, he had a hidden talent as a DJ. Most people sat out the macarena, a new import from the States. They preferred to browse the buffet. Papa gave a short speech, as did Haruna-sensei. There were some quick toasts from Mamoru's college friends. There were more speeches congratulating the newlyweds, and then the serious celebrating began. Mamoru and Usagi essayed a waltz with each other. She only stepped on his foot once, a major improvement. Next, she danced with Papa. Usagi giggled again when she saw Naru vainly trying to guide Umino in the proper steps. "He's a dear, but I've got a lot of polishing to do before we'll be ready to for a wedding ourselves," said Naru as they both took a breather. "I think I'll hold off on the baby-making for a good long time." "Excellent idea, Naru-chan," admitted Usagi. "I thought I was safe as houses, but then the roof blew off..." More dancing followed, including one with Shingo. When had he learned how to tango? "Nee-san, how come everybody keeps whispering and then shutting up when I come near? Is there something wrong with my suit?" "No, you're fine. But there are some things kids aren't supposed to hear." "Such as?" "You'll find out when you're older." "I wanna know now!" "You won't be that much older. Trust me." At last, she returned to Mamoru's arms. She didn't even begrudge Rei what seemed an awfully long kiss. They said farewell to all the guests. Chibiusa was very disappointed not to be going on the honeymoon, but Luna reminded her the cat wasn't going either. "There are some things parents need to do alone, Small Lady." Then the black feline had to shut up as non-Senshi came into earshot. "Time to go, Usagi Chiba," remarked her husband. "Let's!" For all the magic and wonder she'd experienced, Usagi felt none of it could compare to what had happened today. Love was a very good thing. To Be Continued... SKJAM! "Love is in the air, there's magic everywhere" MISCONCEPTION by Scott K. Jamison (Takeuchi disclaimer) Chapter Five Usagi wrung out her handkerchief. She was already out of dry ones again and facial tissues just didn't cut it with her tear volume. The apartment rang with the sudden silence. She and Mamoru had had another fight. It had ended with her bursting into tears as usual, but this time he had simply walked out. Angry as she had been at him a moment before, Usagi desperately wanted him to come back and hold her now. "Oh, Mamo-chan, what are we doing wrong?" This fight had been about money. Usagi had never really thought about money before. It was something she got in allowances, and if she overspent, she could just get an advance from Papa. Mama had always told her money didn't grow on trees, but somehow Usagi had never quite grasped how true that was. Mamoru's trust fund paid for the apartment and his college tuition, barely. He'd been using his odd jobs to pay for food and transportation, after finding out he couldn't have a decent modeling career and stay in school at the same time. And Usagi, being a high school student with no marketable skills, wasn't adding to the household funds at all. She wasn't looking forward to trying to finish school and being a full-time mother at the same time. The wedding present money was being saved to buy all the baby supplies. In the meantime, Usagi was having to learn how to manage a budget. She'd whined today about how difficult trying to stretch half the necessary money over twice the expenses was, Mamoru had made what he thought a witty retort, and they'd fought. Some ice cream will cheer me up, Usagi thought, then remembered she'd eaten the last of it last night, and there was no money in the budget to buy more for a whole *week*! "Besides, I'm getting fat enough already," she teased herself, patting her belly. Five months into the pregnancy, she was really starting to show. And she was only going to get bigger. But it was all going to be worth it. She was going to have a son! She even knew his name. Ichiro. Though Usagi was dying of curiosity, she'd refrained from asking Chibiusa any more about her big brother. A short conversation with Setsuna a while back had involved a warning that knowing *too* much about the future was a very, very bad thing. So, she'd just have to wait out the intervening time to see how Ichiro came out. There. She felt a bit better now. Usagi fixed her face, then decided to call Ami. She located her Senshi communicator, and punched in Ami's number. The picture stayed blank for several seconds, then Ami's face appeared. "Yes?" "Anything going on, Ami-chan?" "No, everything's quiet, Usagi. Just like the last three times you called. Say, is anything wrong?" "No, no, I'm fine, Mamoru's fine, the baby's fine. Everything's A-okay!" "You had another fight, didn't you?" "Yes. I'm worried, Ami. What if he doesn't love me anymore?" "Usagi, you know he loves you, and you love him. All married couples go through times when they fight..." Ami looked sad, then spoke quickly, "But just because you get angry at each other, doesn't mean you don't love each other. It just means you're going to have to work things out. What was the fight about?" Usagi told her. "I see. Okay, Accounting isn't my strongest subject, but I'll come by tomorrow and see if I can help you with your budget. Now get some sleep. Mamoru will be back soon, and we'll call you if we need Sailor Moon." "Thanks, Ami-chan. You're a pal!" Sailor Moon. She hadn't been seen much action lately. Mina had taken over as field leader of the Senshi, and Uranus and Neptune had stepped up their activity. Fulgurite had been their main opponent ever since the wedding. He didn't seem to be all that powerful, maybe on a par with Jadeite, but he was a lot sneakier than the other Dark Kingdom army people had been, and had actually managed to keep some of the things he was trying to steal. It seemed to be mostly historical items Fulgurite was after; none of them had been able to discern a particular pattern to them yet. And he'd struck all over Japan, requiring quite a few Sailor Teleports. Still, the team was handling him adequately without Sailor Moon. "So I guess I'm down to just being the `Princess'." She sighed. For all Usagi's whining and protests, and the fear she felt during every battle, she'd grown accustomed to her warrior role, even proud of it. Now there was someone else to think of, and Luna had insisted she transform as little as possible. "There's no telling how the magic might affect him, and the Silver Crystal would be even worse," the cat had said. At least she was doing better at school, since she wasn't spending her nights fighting evil and could stay awake. There was a knock at the door. Mamo-chan! No, wait, wouldn't he have just come in? Usagi went over and opened it. "Hi, kaa-chan!" chirped the pink-haired girl standing there. "Chibi-chan!" Now that Usagi had married Mamoru, Chibiusa had begun acknowledging her as her mother more openly, though still never at home. Usagi knew it hurt Chibi a lot that she had to pretend otherwise, but that was the cost of having a secret identity. "Ikuko-mama sent over some cookies!" said Chibiusa by way of explaining her presence. "That sounds yummy! Why don't you open them onto a plate while I make some tea?" They chattered happily for a bit about Chibi's school, and Shingo's latest stupid hobby, popsicle stick sculpture. "I like it, 'cause I get to eat lotsa popsicles!" "You're eating nutritious food too, right?" "Aw, you're no fun anymore!" They both giggled mightily. "Ikuko-mama wants you to come to dinner tomorrow. She thinks it's time you told Shingo about the baby." "Really?" "Yeppers! I think she's worried he'll do something hentai with Mika." Oh boy. The "facts of life" speech, with live demonstration model. Still, the look on Shingo's face should be worth it. "Okay, tell her I'll be there at the usual time." "Tou-chan too!" "Um, that might be a bit of a problem..." "Why?" asked a male voice. "Mamo-chan!" "Tou-chan!" Mamoru had returned, looking a little damp, but his face relaxed. "I'm sorry about before, Usako. I let my mouth get ahead of my brain." "I know. I'm sorry I blew up on you like that. I'm going to have Ami help me with the budget." Usagi smiled. "Would you like a cookie?" "Don't mind if I do. I talked to my boss at the temp agency, they can give me a bit of a raise, given the special circumstances and all. Give your father a hug, Chibi?" "Okay!" After a nanosecond, Usagi joined them in the hug. The rough times weren't over, not by a long shot, but they could get through them together, as a family. To Be Continued... SKJAM! Comments to MISCONCEPTION by Scott K. Jamison (Takeuchi disclaimer) Chapter Six "Ooh! He's kicking again!" "Let me feel!" "No, it's my turn!" This had been going on for the last half hour. This was Usagi's first baby shower, and she was beginning to wonder if every guest of honor at one of these felt like the prize exhibit at a petting zoo. At eight months plus, Usagi was bulging in places she'd never thought about before. Who knew feet swelled so much during pregnancy? "Is it time for the presents yet?" asked Chibiusa. Frequent visits to her future mother's apartment had taken some of the shine off tummy-feeling and maternity advice for her. And truth to tell, Usagi was getting pretty tired of pregnancy and baby advice herself. Ever since she'd become obviously with child, the neighbor women in the apartment complex had taken it on themselves to share all their experience in the field with her. Mostly it made her feel more worried about what was to come. She just wasn't ready for this responsibility! She doubted she would have been ready even fifty years from now. But she'd made her choices, and now it was too late to turn back. Ichiro was coming, ready or not. "I guess so, if everyone's ready. So, which first?" There was a big pile of brightly-wrapped packages on the table. Usagi picked one up and ripped off the paper. Inside were several baby outfits. There was a label saying they were "Se-ru-mo-ku-ro-mi-ku?" "Thermochromic cloth? I've heard of that," said Ami. "Oh, see, it turns pink in cold water, blue in hot water." The card read, [Because you just never know. Love, Seiya-tachi.] "The `gals' couldn't make it themselves, so they asked me to bring that along," deadpanned Haruka. The next gift was a "My First Computer" from Ami. "I dunno, Ami, it looks awfully advanced." "Nonsense! See, `for ages 6 months and up'." "But I can't get it to turn on!" "It takes batteries, Usagi." "Oh." Naru's gift was a stuffed bunny, and Makoto's a hand-knit blanket. There was a lot of throat-clearing when the package from Minako proved to contain a Sailor V crib mobile. "What!?" she asked, all wounded innocence. There was a bottle warmer from Mama, a toy race car from Haruka and a cassette of violin lullabies from Michiru. Rei had made charms for easy childbirth and a healthy delivery. "And *this* one eases headaches due to constant wailing. It works. Trust me, I know." Usagi stuck her tongue out at the shrine maiden, who replied in kind. But they couldn't keep it up for long before both cracked up in laughter. Several of Usagi's classmates had gone in together on a car seat for the motorcycle, complete with a little crash helmet. Of course, Usagi had no intention of taking her baby anywhere on such a dangerous thing, but the thought was nice. Finally, there was only one package left. "Hotaru-chan 'n' me picked it out together," explained Chibiusa. The quiet girl nodded in affirmation. It was an infant-sized cape, white with a midnight blue lining. "...It's very pretty, Chibi-chan, Hotaru-chan." Chibiusa hugged Usagi, and whispered in her ear. "It's like the one my brother wears." That was right! To Chibi, Ichiro was already a real person, one she'd known all her life. Usagi hoped her daughter would realize that the baby wasn't going to be the big brother she knew for a long long time. She hugged back fiercely. "Is everyone hungry?" asked Mama, bringing in the snacks and cake. Usagi was certainly looking forward to this part. She'd been eating for two for a while now, though Shingo had kidded her that she'd always eaten that way. Usagi's brother had actually adjusted pretty well, all things considered. He had made a number of rude jokes about her condition, of course, but overall he seemed thrilled at the notion of being an uncle. Luna mewed, and Usagi stroked her cat's fur. She knew Luna hated it when she had to act like a normal cat for so long. Certainly she herself couldn't have kept from talking! Usagi was just about to dig into a big piece of fudge ripple cake when the wall collapsed. Somehow, very few people in the room were surprised to see a youma standing where the wall had been. "I think we should be going now, Tsukino-oba-san," said Naru in an eerily calm voice. "But--but Usagi--" "If we all just leave the room or faint, Sailor Moon will show up and save us. Trust me. I've done this a lot." Usagi had a moment to get suspicious about just how much Naru knew. "Kriegspiel!" shouted the youma in a manner more befitting a Cardian. The civilians quickly cleared the room, leaving the Senshi free to transform. All but Usagi did so. "Splendid," said the youma, in a voice rather unlike its previous roar. "I have you all together." "Fulgurite!" spat Sailor Mars. The monster wavered and vanished, revealing the surprisingly impressive figure of the Dark Kingdom warrior. "Guilty as charged, fire maiden. I've come to challenge you. Observe." Fulgurite pointed a finger at the table. Almost immediately it crumbled to dust. "Hyper-accelerated aging!" gasped Sailor Mercury, as her visor presented its report. "Precisely. And I now have enough power to do the same to all of Tokyo, including the people. Meet me at midnight at Tokyo Tower. If you can defeat me then, I will let Tokyo live. If not...well, then you will never have the chance to become immortal, and Crystal Tokyo will never come into existence." "But how--" "Did you think I was the only remnant of your past, Princess Serenity? Others have aided me in my quest. You and your precious future are going to die." He sank into a shadow on the floor. "He's managed to jam my tracking signals. No telling where he is now." "Maybe not, but we know where he will be." Sailor Jupiter cracked her knuckles. To Be Continued... SKJAM! "Time is the fire in which we burn" MISCONCEPTION by Scott K. Jamison (Takeuchi disclaimer) Chapter Seven After explaining to Mrs. Tsukino that Sailor Moon had indeed shown up and chased away the monster, Usagi and Chibiusa regrouped with the others at the Command Center. "I say we go out in force and kick Negabutt!" said Sailor Jupiter. "Negabutt?" mouthed several of the other Senshi silently. "I don't think it's a good idea for Usagi to go out there in her condition, especially with this man able to age things real fast," pointed out Sailor Mars. "I agree, she should stay here," said Mamoru. "On the other hand, it could be Fulgurite's intention to separate us from her. And where did he get that power, anyways?" asked Sailor Venus. Sailor Mercury looked up from her calculations. "Presumably from one of those historical artifacts he was stealing, or perhaps a combination of them. I wish Pluto were here; she's our time expert." There was considerable discussion, some of it heated, but eventually a decision was reached. "Let's review the plan," said Usagi. "Sailors Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune will proceed to Tokyo Tower, along with the Starlights if they pick up their messages by midnight. Mercury, Saturn, Chibi-Moon, Tuxedo Kamen and I will stay here in reserve. If Pluto or any of our other allies show up, we'll assign them where there's the most trouble. Did I get it right?" "Spot on, Usagi. But you forgot that Artemis will be with the away team while I and Diana help out here," Luna pointed out. "Also, despite the possible side effects, I'd suggest you transform now. Fulgurite might decide to strike early." "Right!" Usagi transformed into Sailor Moon, and everyone gasped. She saw that several faces had turned quite pale. "What's wrong?" "Th-the baby!" whispered Mamoru. "It's--" Usagi looked down. Her costume had stretched to acommodate her swollen belly, but that was to be expected. She patted her abdomen. "It seems fine to me, Mamo-chan." "B-but..." Mercury lowered her visor. "Ah, I see. It's part of the masking effect that keeps us from being too easily recognized." "What are you talking about!?" "Oh. To us, it looks like you're not pregnant at all." That was a bit of a surprise. Usagi kind of wished she'd known about it earlier. "I still wouldn't do anything too strenuous," advised Luna. "But just maybe it will fool Fulgurite if it comes to that..." * * * "Eights," said Chibi-Moon. "Go fish," Sailor Saturn replied. Usagi got up from the couch. She'd managed to catch a little sleep, but Ichiro was restless, and kept waking her up. Added to her worry about her friends, it didn't make for much rest. She looked at the clock again and discovered that it was, finally, nearly midnight. "Say, Mercury-chan, any word yet?" "No, Sailor Moon, I--" Her communicator beeped. "Come in, Venus." "Still no sign of Fulgurite, or anyone else. We've checked out the Tower and there don't seem to be any boobytraps or explosives. Wait, I see lights--*frzzt*" "Venus? Venus, come in! Mars, Jupiter, report! Anyone!?" Sailor Mercury tapped her communicator as if that would make a reply come. "Oh no! We've got to do something!" Usagi cried. "Steady, Moon, everyone's life signs are still strong, they're probably just busy." Mercury added under her breath, "I hope." "I sense evil energy!" shouted Luna, and everyone braced. Sure enough, the room began to shake, and the floor erupted with tentacles. Tuxedo Kamen grabbed Sailor Moon and pulled her out the door. There was shouting and screams behind them. "Death Ribbon Rev--" "Pink Sugar Hea--" "Aqua--" "MRROWRR!!" Then silence for a moment. Followed by deep and mirthless laughter. Fear gripped Usagi's heart. "Mamo-chan, what are we going to do?" "What we must, Usako. What we must." He stopped before a steel door, and entered a passcode into the lock. The door slid open with a pressurized "whoosh". "Always remember, my Princess, I love you." He kissed her deeply, then they passed into the lower levels. It was like a maze down here, and Usagi had never fully explored it. In the future of Crystal Tokyo, these corridors would be bustling with workers and servants carrying out the business of the new Silver Millennium. But now they were dark and empty, and she was lost. But if she didn't know where she was, perhaps Fulgurite wouldn't either. That hope died when the corridor in front of them collapsed. "The chase is over, little bunny. And now the big bad wolf has come." Fulgurite hovered a foot above the floor, his shining crystal eyes brighter than the overhead lights. "What have you done with my friends?!" "They may be dead. Or they may not. You Senshi have a nasty tendency to keep coming back, like the bugs you are. But cut off the head, and the body dies." He raised his hand, which glowed darkly. Tuxedo Kamen impaled the upraised hand with a rose, and leapt to the attack. "So eager to die?" "True love never dies! It just assumes a new form!" "Let's see then, what form it now takes!" Energy flared, and Mamoru was thrown back. As the dark force continued to batter him, his tuxedo began to tatter, and then turned to dust. Mamoru found himself quite naked, and nearly bald. "Wha?" "Oh, that bit about me killing all the people in Tokyo with instant aging? I lied. It doesn't work on living things. But you must admit it made an excellent bluff." Fulgurite smirked, then blasted Mamoru with a concussive blast. Usagi's husband slumped to the floor. "Tuxedo Kamen!!" "And now, Serenity, it's time for the final battle." Serenity. Yes. Usagi drew upon her greater heritage and became the Princess. "You have injured my friends, perhaps killed them. You have attacked my husband and endangered my unborn child. In the name of the Moon, I shall punish you!" "We are pleased that you take us seriously. Fulgurite, you have served us faithfully. As reward, we fully embue you with ourself." Usagi remembered that voice, though she'd really only heard it once before. Metallia. "I destroyed you!" "So you did, child. But Fulgurite found a way to reach back in time and salvage a fragment of us. He nurtured us inside him until we regained our power. Now we will put an end to your interference." Fulgurite's body had swollen grotesquely, and glowed in an entirely different fashion from before. His eyes were unblinking and unfocused now, as the voice spoke without moving his lips. "Creature of Evil! I call upon the Silver Crystal! You will be destroyed forever!" Princess Serenity felt the power of the Crystal tearing at her as she directed it against her foe. But Metallia was fighting back, and Serenity realized that to defeat it, she'd have to die again. Her and Ichiro, and this time she'd only be able to save one of them. She made her decision. But what it was, we shall never know. For at that moment, Metallia/Fulgurite's forehead sprouted a midnight blue rose. Its attack suddenly faltered, and Serenity was able to blast the body into atoms, whereupon Metallia's energy dispersed back to whence it had come. She dropped to her knees, suddenly in great pain, then suddenly realized what that pain was. "No! I can't be in labor already!" "Yes, the miracle of life is about to happen. Permit me to take you to a hospital." It was a tall young man in a Navy captain's white uniform, with a midnight blue mask and cape. "I-ichiro?" "Never could fool you, could I, Mother? But in this outfit, I'm Sailor Kamen..." He picked her up, his arms strong and gentle. His cape was lined in purest white. It swirled around them, and they were gone. * * * Ichiro was crying again. Usagi picked him up. Now what was the matter? He couldn't possibly be hungry so soon after his last feeding, and he was still dry. Maybe he just wanted to be rocked. Yes, that seemed to be it. The baby quieted as Usagi made cooing noises at him. Things had been touch and go there for a bit, but she'd come through the birth fine, and Ichiro had been born healthy (for which Rei claimed some credit.) Sailor Kamen had managed to get everyone to the hospital in time for the happy event, though some had to use the facilities for their own injuries. Tokyo Tower had mostly been demolished in an epic battle, as Fulgurite had amassed a small army of monsters to engage the Senshi. The city's maintenance crew was still trying to get all the ichor off the streets. Usagi hoped this meant an end to attacks for a good long while... She glanced over at Mamoru, trying his best to sleep with a pillow over his head. His hair was coming back in, and a new tuxedo had magically appeared when he'd tried to summon one. All in all, they'd gotten off amazingly lightly. Ah. Ichiro was beginning to nod off. She laid him back in the cradle. A little music would be nice. She pushed the "play" button on the stereo, and the soft strains of violin music filled the room. She knew some of the words to this one..."No foreboding should alarm thee, no dark dream shall give sad warning..." The crescent moon shone silver against a dark blue sky. And she came in on the chorus, her voice surprisingly melodic, "Soft the gentle hours are creeping, hill and dale in slumber sleeping; I my loved ones watch am keeping, all through the night..." THE END Author's Notes: Hope you liked it! This story was to a certain extent inspired by the every-so-often "Ranma gets pregnant" stories. Let's face it, you have to stretch a bit to make *that* happen... And it flashed on me that it would be much more likely for the sexually active Usagi/Sailor Moon to concieve. Okay, but we've seen her daughter, and she won't be born for years yet, right? But it's never stated (to the best of my knowledge) that Chibiusa was an only child... With this in mind, I did a short joke post, Chapter One of this story, which slowly grew into an actual story. I tried to put just a touch of realism in without making it too preachy, did I succeed? SKJAM! comments to and check out my other stories at !