David H. Olivier This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance of characters to persons, living or dead, is coincidental. This work also uses characters copyrighted by others: to wit, the creator, Naoko Takeuchi, and the media through which they have been brought to life: Kodansha, Toei, and DIC. This work is not written for profit or personal gain, and is ever-mindful that the above-named individuals and/or corporations retain copyright to their intellectual property. Further information follows the story. Sailor Moon: "Mothers and Daughters" Every evening Princess Serena came and sat on the small marble bench outside Queen's Serenity's chamber. Every evening she sat and waited outside the closed doors. Every evening she prayed she'd spend more time in the suite beyond those doors and less time sitting on the hard stone bench. Most evenings she was disappointed. So much had changed in the past two years; the Princess had left her carefree childhood far behind. She lived in her own quarters, was attended by her own servants, held her own court, and was even called upon to perform minor ceremonial duties in place of the increasingly-busy Queen. But she still missed the time she spent with her mother, playing on the steps beside the royal throne while Serenity was granting audiences or discussing affairs of state with her learned advisors. Now, their few minutes together each evening were the only times they could be together as mother and daughter, not as monarch and heiress. Serena leaned towards the doors slightly; she could hear voices. This was a bad sign, as voices that could carry through two inches of solid oak were voices raised in anger. The two guards that stood on duty, one well to either side of the doors, kept their eyes firmly forward and faces expressionless, choosing to ignore the noises within. The voices seemed to be growing louder, and the Princess could begin to recognize the speakers, if not their words. It was as she feared - the same two, as always, fighting with one another as they usually did. Only this sounded worse, far worse - The doors exploded open with a bang; the sentries remained still, but Serena flinched at the report. A figure hurtled past out of the room, marching away as fast as she could. Serena recognized the set jaw and piercing eyes, the dark blue skirt and yellow bow, the close-cropped orange-blonde hair. "Uranus, wait!" A voice called out from within. Another woman, her curled green hair contrasting with the darker hue of her skirt, came through the door in pursuit. "You can't just walk out like that, Uranus. It can't end this way," said the woman in green. At the mention of her name, Sailor Uranus stopped and whirled around. Her face was flushed and she was breathing heavily. "Just watch me, Neptune." The voice was calm, but barely in check. "That's the last time she pulls something like that. First Saturn, then Pluto, now this. It's as if she's got a death wish." "Don't you trust her?" Uranus' reply was a bitter whisper. "I'm not certain I trust anyone anymore." Sailor Neptune reached out a hand, brushing it against Uranus' arm. "Please. Come back." Uranus pulled her arm away. "No." Then she turned and was gone. Neptune watched the receding figure, a single tear trickling down her cheek. "Neptune, is she coming back?" A much shorter girl, dressed in a purple skirt, came out and joined Sailor Neptune. She looked down the hallway and saw Uranus disappear around a far corner. "Oh," was all she could say. Then she shifted and noticed the seated Princess, and gave Neptune a surreptitious nudge in the ribs. Neptune turned and saw Princess Serena. Sailors Neptune and Saturn made brief formal curtsies; Serena nodded in reply. Immediately, Neptune turned and went off in pursuit of her teammate; Saturn waited a moment longer and left by herself down another corridor. A black cat walked out of the room and reached the bench. "Your Highness," said the Lady Luna, "the Queen is delayed with other matters. If you would care to wait in the antechamber, Her Majesty will join you shortly." Serena rose and followed Luna inside to a side-room, well-furnished with comfortable chairs. A low table held plates of fruits, vegetables, cheeses, and bread. Serena took a modest chair and sat down. "What happened in there, Luna? Why was Sailor Uranus so angry?" "I don't think it's my place to answer that question. Perhaps your mother will tell you later." Luna turned and left Serena alone. Again, Princess Serena settled down to wait for her mother. ***** The door closed behind her and Serena Tsukino leaned back against it for a moment. She prayed the tears in her eyes would be mistaken for streaks of the torrential rain that poured down on the streets of Tokyo. "Is that you, Serena? You're home early." Serena didn't reply. Instead, she kicked off her sodden shoes, placed her umbrella in the stand, took off her jacket, and wandered into the kitchen. "Hi, Mom," she said to the woman standing at the counter. Ikuko Tsukino was quite a different-looking woman from her daughter. Ikuko's hair was long and nearly lavender in colour; she was tall but sturdy, not at all rake-thin like Serena. She stopped stirring her bowl of dough and looked up at the girl. "Did Raye's grandfather get tired of you and the others hanging around the shrine, or did you just decide to take a day off?" "Everyone had plans for today, that's all, Mom." "Including you, right? Weren't you supposed to meet Darien today?" Serena's lower lip began quivering; quickly, she dropped her chin, hoping her eyes would be hidden. Ikuko reacted at once. Wiping her hands on her apron, she crossed the kitchen, took her daughter in her arms, and held her close. Softly, Serena began to cry. "There, there, dear daughter. Let the hurt come out." Serena sniffled. "S'okay, mom. It's not like he broke up with me or anything." Ikuko looked down at her daughter. "Then why the tears?" "He's going away, Mom. For a year. To America." "Why?" Another sniffle. "He's been invited to study at one of the universities there - I forget which one. I really didn't hear much after he said he'd said `yes', he was going. "And how do you feel?" Ikuko's voice was soft; she could feel the trembling of her little girl. "I-I-I'm so-so hap-ap-py for him!" And the crying began again. Ikuko held her daughter a little closer, feeling the heart-rending sobs shaking through Serena's body as if they were her own. "There, there, my darling. I know it hurts now, but he must love you still." Eyes still filled with tears, Serena looked up at Ikuko. "I know he still loves me, Mom. I'm just gonna miss him so much." Ikuko broke the embrace and led her daughter by the hand to the kitchen table. "Sit down, dear; have a cookie." "`m not hungry." Ikuko shook her head. "It must be bad if you can't even eat one cookie." She sat down across from Serena and regarded her daughter carefully. "How's the new uniform? Everything fit alright?" The blonde was caught off-guard by the sudden shift in topic. After a moment's hesitation, she replied: "Oh yeah, everything's great." "A high school uniform. You know, Serena, there were days I despaired of ever seeing you in one." Despite herself, Serena found a little humour in that. "Aw, c'mon, Mom, I wasn't that bad, was I?" "Some days." "Gee, thanks." Ikuko reached across the table and clasped her daughter's hands in her own. "But something about you has changed these past two years: you're still essentially the same person you were, but there are times when you can be so responsible. Why?" Serena shook her head slightly. "Maybe I just grew up a little." She eyed the plate of warm cookies with a ravenous look. "Can I have one?" she asked, even as she reached out and took a cookie in each hand. Ikuko waved her hand at the steaming platter in unnecessary assent. "And, thank goodness, some things never change." ***** "All right, that's quite enough. Visiting hours ended over an hour ago. Do you want me to get in trouble with the hospital administration?" "Amy, you are the hospital administration." "Then I'll have to punish myself for this violation." The lone man in the room stood up. "I guess you're right. C'mon, everybody. If I have to wait until tomorrow to see my wife and brand-new daughter the rest of you can stand the suspense too." "You're right, Darien. After all, Serena does need her beauty-sleep." Raye winked at Darien; he smiled in reply. "Some friend you are, Raye! Guess who's pulling diaper duty for the next three months?" Neo-Queen Serenity, lying in bed, stuck out her tongue in a most unregal fashion at Raye, who laughed and waved her hand dismissively. "Alright, alright, we're leaving. But we'll be back at the crack of dawn," said Mina. "Visiting hours start at ten a.m.," replied Amy icily. "Oh, I think we'll be here for seven," added Lita. The Queen decided to take matters in her own hands. "Anyone who rouses me from my royal sleep-in gets babysitting duties in perpetuity. Need I remind you of what kid we're talking about here?" "G'night, Serena." "Good night, Serena." "'Night, Serena. Sleep well." "Good night, my love." The door closed behind the hastily-departing visitors, leaving Amy standing alone in the room with Serena. Beside the bed was a small bassinet, with a tiny baby lying peacefully inside it. Serena leaned over and took a peep in at the child. "Still asleep, thank goodness. I'm amazed she could sleep through all that racket." "Must take after her mother." "Ha, ha, ha." "I don't think she'll be that way much longer, though. Little Serena will like her regular feedings as much as `Big' Serena does." "What is this, everybody's night to score points on me?" Amy sat down on the foot of the bed, reached out a hand, and placed it over her friend's. "We've known for years to expect this moment, and yet we can't help but be excited for you and Darien. It's almost like we were back to being five giggly junior high girls." Amy looked away from Serena and towards the bassinet. "For a few minutes we can forget all we've done, all we've become, and all that is yet to be, and just enjoy the moment." Serena reached out her other hand and closed it on Amy's; the two stared at one another. "It is something, isn't it? Despite all the pain, it really is worth it. I only wish that the rest of you could-" "Don't. Not today." Serena lowered her eyes slightly. "Sorry." There was a gentle mewling sound from the bassinet. "I think someone's awake," said Amy. "Thanks for the expert advice, Doctor." Serena leaned over. "Oh, yes, you are awake. I suppose you're looking for a little snack." Gently, she picked up the child and held her close, cradling the infant in her right arm. With her left she quickly undid the side of her nightgown, exposing her left breast. She lowered the child until it found the nipple. Tiny lips grasped hold, and little Serena began to suckle. "At least this is one meal I can't screw up too badly." Amy yawned and stood up. "I have to be going, Serena. There's still paperwork on my desk, and I want to write a few more pages of my next article." "Go, go," replied Serena. "You don't need a royal command to leave." Amy turned to depart. "Amy?" "Yes, Serena?" "Thanks. For everything." Amy smiled. "It was my pleasure." The door closed softly behind her. Serena looked down on the feeding infant, and couldn't help smiling to herself. *We did it, Darien. We really did it.* ***** "Enough, Artemis. You can handle the rest of the arrangements." "But, Your Majesty, do you really want the ambassador to meet with Harmony? That could be dangerous," cautioned Luna. "On the contrary, I plan to give him just enough rope. I want to know how much I can trust either of them, Harmony or Beryl. Now, enough for tonight. You are dismissed." Luna and a white cat, Lord Artemis, came out of the chamber, stopped, and bowed towards Serena. She waved back and they left. "I am truly sorry, Serena." Serena stood up and made a small curtsey as Queen Serenity entered the room. The Queen crossed over to her daughter, lifted the girl's chin, and kissed her on the forehead. "These last-minute preparations for the arrival of Beryl's ambassador will be the death of me. Artemis is obsessed with security, Luna still doubts Beryl's good intentions, and, well, I take it you were outside when Uranus left." The Queen took a plate and helped herself to the food. "I am so looking forward to this; I have not eaten since breakfast." Serena held her curiosity in check until her mother had eaten nearly half a plate of fruits and cheeses. "Why was Sailor Uranus so upset, Mother? Is she worried too about this - this visitor?" "More than that, my child. I have ordered her and Neptune to attend to other matters during the visit. After the first day, they leave for Earth." Serena gasped. "But they are your bodyguard and your Court. How could you do that to them?" The Queen's eyes locked in on her daughter's; Serena feared and hated that look in her mother's eyes. "I have my reasons. Don't you start questioning me." "I am sorry, Mother." Serenity reached out and touched her daughter on the shoulder. "No, I'm sorry. I am tired and on edge. It is no excuse for me to take my ill-humour out on you - or anyone else, for that matter." She reached down to her plate and picked up a slice of pear. Serena watched her mother continue to eat, a thousand questions whirling through her mind, knowing that none of them were appropriate to ask. Finally, she settled on one. "Why is Luna so worried about Uncle Harmony meeting the ambassador?" A faint smile curled the corners of the Queen's mouth. "Luna is always worried; you know that. She just believes that Harmony is planning something." "Oh." Serena felt relieved. "The same way she always feels, then." When she finished the all-too-brief meal, Serenity wiped her lips with a linen cloth, then reclined slightly on her seat, kicking off her sandals as she did so. Holding a silver goblet of ice wine, she stared at her daughter. "How are you getting along with your Court?" "Well, I guess." "No problems between you and, say, the Princess Mars?" Serena's cheeks flushed slightly. "How did you know?" Serenity's face was expressionless. "It always happens. Now, answer me this: of all the ladies of your Court, whom would you trust the most with your life?" "Well, I guess it would be" - Serena stopped for a moment - "I guess it would be Mars. Why is that?" "Would you believe me if I told you that is the same way I feel about Uranus?" "But you two are always arguing." "She wants what's best for me; I want what's best for the Kingdom." Serenity grimaced slightly as she said the last word. "I really fail to see the need to bow to tradition and call this a `kingdom' when no man has sat on the throne since the end of the Golden Millennium. Oh, well,...." Her voice tailed off; the Queen took another sip of wine. Serena was still puzzled. "And so you two argue?" "What's best for the Kingdom isn't always what's best for me. I've been Queen for many years, and I've had to take risks sometimes. Personal risks. Uranus would rather take those risks herself, for me." "Does that mean you are angry with each other?" "On the contrary, my darling daughter, it means we love each other." "That is a strange way of showing it." "Because Uranus - the others too, but more Uranus than anybody else - loves me, she would do anything for me, even die. Because I love her and them, I would never ask it. Indeed, because I love them, as I love all my subjects, I would do anything to spare them from harm." "Have you ever had to go that far?" The Queen didn't answer her daughter's question. Instead, she raised the cup to her lips. "Soon," she breathed into its polished depths. ***** The pair were seated at the small kitchen table; between them a pot of tea gave off a wispy cloud of steam. The half-empty plate of fresh-baked cookies sat beside the teapot, the odour gently wafting around the room. Serena sat quietly, holding her teacup in both hands, staring into the brown liquid. Her eyes were red and puffy, but the tears had long ago ceased. Ikuko was diagonally across from her, nursing her own drink and nibbling on a cookie. After a few moments, Serena looked up at her mother. "Were you and Dad ever separated for a long time?" "Well, you father does go on his business trips, but they're usually no more than a week. No, dear, never as long as a year." She stared deeply at her daughter. "But, tell me, that's not the only thing bothering you, is it?" "No, really, Mom, I'm fine." Serena wiped a finger under her nose. Ikuko shook her head and smiled. "I know you don't want to admit it, certainly not to me, but you miss Rini, don't you?" Serena lifted her head; Ikuko was taken aback at the look in her daughter's eyes. Then, a moment later, it was gone. The girl said nothing; instead, she raised her cup and took a sip of tea. "You may not want to say it, but I know the two of you became very close. You took care of her, and she just has this way of charming herself into your heart. Don't worry, Serena; I'm sure you'll see her again one day." "I know I will," whispered Serena in reply. They sat quietly for a moment, drinking tea. Ikuko regarded her daughter, sitting across from her. She knew something had happened to her loveable but irresponsible little girl, something she'd never quite figured out. Serena lifted her head from the steaming cup. "Mom, how can parents make sure they have a kid like Rini? I mean, like how charming she can be - when she wants to be, that is." Ikuko lifted an eyebrow. "You're not thinking of *that* already, are you?" Serena turned beet-red. "Uh, ah, no, Mom; certainly not." She mopped her brow with the back of her palm. "Darien and I aren't, well, we're not, uh -" "It's all right; I understand." Ikuko held up a reassuring hand. "It's still an intriguing question, though. How do you make sure a child grows up just right?" Serena leaned forward as her mother continued. "I'd say the secret is to make sure the child knows he or she is loved." "Aside from saying it, how do you do it?" "That's not as easy as it sounds. You remember the first time we let you babysit Sammy?" Serena frowned. "Boy, do I ever." "Yes, your father and I were unhappy that it turned out the way it did. However, what happened the next time we were going out?" "You trusted me again." "And our trust wasn't misplaced, Serena. You had Sammy tucked up in bed and fast asleep without a single problem. We were proud of you." Serena took another sip of tea. "Is that the key? Trust?" "It's one part of it. Someday, perhaps, you'll be in that same position, wondering just how far you can trust someone you can still remember holding in your arms as a tiny, helpless infant." "You still don't see me as that, do you?" Ikuko smiled softly. "Sometimes, you're the little baby I cradled in my arms at the hospital; but, when I see you dressed up to go out with Darien or the girls, I see you as the woman you're becoming. Someday I'll have to let you go." "Mom?" "Yes, dear?" "Thanks for trusting me." Serena reached across the table and squeezed Ikuko's hand. "Just my job," Ikuko replied, and squeezed back. ***** Once more little Serena lay asleep in her bassinet, her meal finished. Queen Neo-Serenity lay back in her bed, hands clasped behind her head. She was tired, but was still too excited to sleep. She knew she had heard nothing, yet something was different. Serena reached over and flicked on the light switch. Standing in the far corner was a woman - tall, with flowing green hair. She was dressed in a Sailor uniform, white with black trim. In her right hand she steadied a long staff. "A happy birth day," the newcomer said. "Indeed, Happy Birthday to you both." "Thanks. I didn't even get a slice of my birthday cake, though." "Oh? It's not like you." "Well, there I am, carefully cutting myself a modest piece, when my water breaks. After that, I seem to recall a lot of people panicking. I, on the other hand, remained perfectly calm." "I'm sure you were." The woman's face said she believed otherwise. "A little late for visiting, isn't it, Sailor Pluto? Better not let the doctor catch you." Pluto smiled. "Forgive me, Your Majesty, but I wanted to come when there wouldn't be anyone else around. Is this acceptable?" Serena adjusted the bed's tilt until she was seated nearly upright. "Of course, Pluto. I wasn't sleepy, anyway." The visitor took a step forward and peered into the cradle. "The Small Lady looks so peaceful. Such a miracle." "A miracle that she exists, or a miracle that she's so quiet?" Pluto straightened up, but kept her head slightly downcast. "Your Majesty," she began, falteringly, would it be possible - I mean, could I, perhaps- ?" "You want to hold her?" "Please? Only for a moment?" Serena waved her hand towards the sleeping child. "Of course you may." Sailor Pluto rested her staff in the corner, then bent over the bassinette. Gently she reached in and took Rini in both arms. Forming a cradle with her right arm, she nestled the child in, then placed the left over to steady her. Little Serena continued to sleep, unaware of her changed location. Pluto reached out her left index finger and stroked a tiny hand. "Small Lady," she said solemnly, "I promise to always be there for you. Always." Rini yawned in her sleep. Pluto grinned in reply. Serena stifled a yawn of her own. "I know you'll do whatever it takes to keep that promise." Sailor Pluto nodded in reply, then carefully returned Rini to her miniature bed. When she was finished, she retrieved her staff, but made no move to leave. "Thank you, Your Majesty." "You're welcome, Pluto. And feel free to come by when you so desire." "You know I cannot desert my post." "The time will come when you will be free of that labour." Pluto shook her head ruefully. "I have heard that before; I will wait and see." She stood still and nodded respectfully to the Queen. "Good night, Your Majesty." Then she was gone. Serena was alone again, save for the infant sleeping in the bassinet. She leaned over and checked on her offspring. "Don't worry, Rini; I promise you I'll do the best I can. After all, I learned from the best." Only then did she feel tired; she lay back, turned out the light, and was soon fast asleep. ***** the end of "Mothers and Daughters". Author's Notes: Part one of this story takes place approximately one week prior to the destruction of Silver Millenium, on 20 June 1178 A.D. Part two takes place between episodes 172 and 173. Part three takes place late on the evening of 30 June, in an as-yet-unspecified year.