ranma@falcon.cc.ukans.edu *************** Prologue: The Call to Adventure *************** The playground is normally an innocent place. Normally, however, it isn't occupied by an eight foot tall green woman wielding a flaming staff, five teenagers in sailor suits with superpowers, and a lot of unconscious children. Sailor Moon pointed at the creature. "I won't let the life force of innocent children be stolen! Childhood should be a time of innocence and..." While Sailor Moon was ranting, the creature tossed a small black object right into Sailor Mercury's hands. "Catch." She did, instinctively. Then it exploded... The last thing she heard was Sailor Venus shouting, "NO!!!!!!! MERCURY!!!!!!!!!" ***************************************************************************** For a time, all was black and void. Am I dead? I didn't feel any pain...where is everyone?" Then there was a breeze upon the surface of the void, and light... Mercury blinked. The world was lit once more. It was still night time, but she was now in a ...forest? She stood deep in a forest of deciduous trees. Two horses were tethered to a tree nearby, each with a saddle and heavy packs. A little farther away, a small wooden building with translucent orange windows sat among the trees with its front door open. She could hear voices inside. "Where am I? That must have been some sort of teleportation bomb...I guess it wanted to get me out of the way." Mercury activated her VR visor, setting it to scan for evil energies. None lingered. In fact, the building seemed likely to be a holy spot. A calm voice emitted from the building. "Sirs, this shield ought not to be hanged about no senshi's neck but the worthiest Senshi in the world, and therefore I counsel you senshi to be well advised." Whoever it was, they were female, speaking in ever so slightly archaic Japanese. WHERE am I? Sailor Mercury walked over to the doorway and looked in. It was a simple Christian chapel, with a few benches, an altar, a side door that likely lead to its caretaker's quarters, a large cross on the wall behind the altar...and a white shield with a blood red cross marked in its center, hanging on a pole behind the altar. What was a shield doing hanging up by the altar of a church? Two figures clad in armor stood before the altar with their backs to Sailor Mercury, but facing an old woman in brown robes with an oddly shaved head. She had a single lock of hair in the front, then was shaved back to about the middle of her head, but still had hair in back and on the sides, just not the top. A simple wooden cross hung from a leather cord around her throat. As Mercury watched, one of the knights strode over towards the shield. The other spoke. "What happens if an unworthy senshi takes the shield?" It was a woman, with a lyrical voice, a voice that Sailor Mercury found familiar... "No woman may bear this shield around her neck but she be mischieved or dead within three days, or maimed forever." The woman turned to the advancing knight. "Let that be your warning if ye seek this adventure." "I must take the adventure that comes before me," the knight said, reaching out for the shield. "I'll not be scared off by the words of an old nun who knows nothing of honor and glory." Her voice also sounded familiar. "I shall not attempt this adventure, Haruka, and I advise thee not to attempt it either." Mercury blinked. Haruka? Could that be...yes, that was Michiru's voice. What were they doing here? She scanned the shield. No evil energies...but they might be masked or something. What were Haruka and Michiru doing in armor? I'd better do something. Mercury said, "Hello, there! Where am I?" The nun and the knight who sounded like Michiru turned to face Mercury. The other knight, however, stepped forward and took the shield off the pole. The nun said to Mercury, "Welcome, traveller to the Chapel of the Shield that Waits, founded by Joseph of Arimathea in 45 AD. May you find rest and peace here." "I am Senshi Dodinas, and this is my adventuring companion, Senshi Sagremor le Desirous," said the knight who had not taken the shield. Her helmet was open, and she looked very much like Michiru. "Who I pray has not been overly eager in this case." The shield-bearing knight said to Senshi Dodinas, "I do what should, and must be done. How could we pass up such an adventure as this? It is for such as this that we became Senshi." She looked very much like Haruka. Mercury now realized that they both looked about twenty years older than the Haruka and Michiru she knew. "You wouldn't happen to...know anyone named Haruka or Michiru would you? And where...is this place?" I sound like an idiot. They might be relatives. Senshi...Because they are knights? What IS going on here? The two knights blinked. "You know...our secret names? What magic is...wait, you look familiar." Senshi Dodinas furrowed her brows. "You look rather like Senshi Bors. Are you her niece perhaps? And what is that strange outfit you are wearing?" Mercury smiled faintly. No stranger than yours. "It is my Senshi uniform. I am Sailor Mercury. I fight for Love and Justice in the name of the planet Mercury." Haruka turned to Michiru. "How long have we been gone from Camelot? I don't remember seeing her at the last gathering of the Round Table we attended." Round Table? Mercury blinked. That sounded familiar...What was that from? Michiru said, "She looks more a sorceress than a Senshi. No proper armor for one thing." Turning to Sailor Mercury, she said, "Are you a sorceress? I've never seen a Senshi who dresses like you." "Umm, I suppose you could call me that. Where am I?" "In the Forest Sauvage, in the realm of Logres, on the Isle of Britain. We two are senshi of the Round Table, sworn to defend this land. I take it you have travelled far from home by some strange adventure?" Haruka said. "Yes, you could say that. Have you ever heard of Japan?" Blank stares met that statement. Why are they speaking Japanese if they've never heard of Japan?...Wait, Round Table...Britain...King Arthur! They must be knights serving King Arthur! Then why is everyone speaking Japanese? Or are we speaking English and I haven't noticed somehow? This is confusing me. "Japan? Is that somewhere in Africa?" Michiru said. Haruka snapped her fingers. "It's the kingdom of Prester John! Right?" Sailor Mercury sighed. "So you serve King Arthur?" "King who?" Haruka said. The nun furrowed her brow. "He is obscure to me also. Who is he married to?" "Queen Guenevere." Michiru shook her head. "Never heard of either of them. We serve the High Queen of Britain, Rei Pendragon and her consort, King Mamoru." Sailor Mercury, quite appropriately, fainted. ***************************************************************************** A Tokyo Senshi in Queen Rei's Court by John Biles **************************************************************************** ************* Book 1: The Senshi Who Needs No Weapon ************* Sailor Mercury woke up in a rough bed. For a moment, she thought it must have all been a dream, then she realized this wasn't her bed or her bedroom, and she was still Sailor Mercury. There was a knock at the door. "Come in?" The nun and the two knights came in. "How are you?" asked Senshi Sagramor. "I'm hungry, but I feel okay. Did I just sleep all night long?" The sun shining in the window said yes before they did. "Come and we shall break fast," the nun said. "My name is Sister Himeko. What would you like us to call you?" Mercury got out of bed and followed them. "I'm Sailor Mercury, but you can call me Mercury." I feel like I can trust them, but I have to be sure first. And try to find out more of what is going on. Sister Himeko led them to a small room with a table. Four places were set, each with a plate, a cup of water, some bread, cheese, and fruit. "I regret I can offer thee but simple fare. My life is plain." The senshi dug in, eating heartily and rather swiftly. Mercury ate more slowly, as did the nun. "I take it our description of your location was rather a shock to you?" Senshi Dodinas asked. "I...I had heard stories that I guess weren't true. So you serve a Queen Rei and a King Mamoru? Have you ever heard of someone named Tsukino Usagi?" Ami wondered if maybe things had come out differently here...could this be some far future or far past life of them all? "Yes. Queen Rei has ruled the land of Logres for many years now, and is High Queen of all of Britain, as well as Empress of Rome, for what that title is worth," Senshi Sagremor said. She leaned back in her chair. "We are Senshi of her Round Table, the Senshi of the Realm. This Usagi you speak of...One of our greatest knights is Senshi Lancelot. I have heard it said her true name is Usagi. She is blond with twin ponytails. Truly a klutz and a crybaby, yet she has defeated evils that would faze most of our fellowship. Indeed, she grows more noble by the year. Do you know Senshi Bors? You bear a strong resemblance to her." "I...um...I've traveled here by some strange magic. There are many people here who are like those of my land. I am one of the...senshi of my land, Japan. A monster we were fighting sent me here by some means I don't fully understand." That was basically the truth. Well, I suppose I'll need to try and find the Merlin equivalent here. Maybe he could send me home. "Would you like to journey with us a while? We would learn more of your land, and we could tell you of the land of Britain. We are on our way to Camelot. The great feast of Pentecost is coming, when the Table Round gathers to feast and share tales of glory." Senshi Sagremor smiled. "Perhaps I shall tell them of my new shield." The nun smiled. "I shall pray that you survive taking that shield. Many a brave knight has taken that shield, and always it returns here within three days. A few of the knights have even returned alive to try a second time, or to thank God they survived the adventure." "Well, I don't know what else to do. Perhaps I can find Merlin and see if he can advise me." Assuming he exists... Sagremor stood up. "Ahh, yes, the everwise Merlin. Everytime I hear about that talking cat...But then again, Senshi Lancelot was said to have been raised by a cat in a magical kingdom under a lake or some such thing." Mercury smiled. "Would that cat happen to be black with a yellow crescent moon on her forehead? And Merlin a white cat with a similar moon?" "Why yes. Have you met them?" Senshi Dodinas asked, sounding surprised. I thought he'd been locked away somewhere for forty years or dead or something... "Their reputation precedes them." Mercury stood up. "Thank you for your hospitality. I think I'm ready to travel now." "It was my pleasure," Sister Himeko said. "May God bless your journey." And may God have mercy on your soul, she thought, looking at Senshi Sagremor. **************************************************************************** The Senshi rode through the forest. Well, two of them rode. Mercury walked, as she had no horse, nor knew how to ride one properly. "So how many Senshi does your land have, Mercury?" Senshi Sagremor asked. Mercury thought for a moment. "Nine. Ten if you count Chibi-Moon, Eleven if you count Tuxedo Kamen." Senshi Dodinas blinked. "Only nine? Your land must be small indeed. The Round Table alone has seven score and eight senshi, and there are far more senshi who do not belong to the table." "Well, we've done okay so far. We're only just starting out. We're the first senshi in thousands of years..." One hundred and fourtyeight on the Round Table, Mercury thought. That must mean they haven't filled the Siege Perilous yet, plus one extra empty chair. Both of the two senshi were stunned into silence. "For thousands of years? How did your land defend itself?" Senshi Dodinas asked. "It...Well, there were no threats of a level that demanded the existence of Senshi. We're still trying to really figure out what we're doing." I won't mention how Usagi and Rei fight all the time. Or how we all died that one time...or...Hmm. A lot of things I shouldn't talk about, Mercury thought. Their talk was interrupted as a strange light glowed in the distance. Hoofbeats began to echo through the thick forest. "Ahh, perhaps some adventure has offered itself to us," Senshi Dodinas said. "It's about time! I've been carrying this shield for over a day and nothing has happened yet. I was starting to think the hermit made up the whole story," Senshi Sagremor said. "Let us see what fate has laid before us." They rode forward, and soon they saw a figure clad in glowing white scale armor. A full closed helm covered its face and its armor was cut in such a way as to leave it indeterminate in sex. The warrior's surcoat was embossed with the same symbol as the shield, in the same colors. It spoke. "The shield is not meant for you. Return it to the shrine, or face my wrath." "I claim this shield. I hight Senshi Sagremor, daughter of the Emperor of Byzantium. Who might ye be?" Senshi Sagremor turned her mount to face the knight. Mercury wondered why Har...Ura...Sagremor had dropped into an archaic speech pattern suddenly. "I hight the Guardian of the Shield that Waits. Have at ye, Senshi Sagremor, for I must battle with thee." The Senshi began to glow with a bright white light. Mercury and Dodinas had to squint to see. Sagremor drew forth a rod from her hip. She swung it over her head and a glowing yellow chain extended from one end, ending in a yellow glowing ball surrounded by rings, with the symbol of Uranus embossed on it. Gripping the shield with her free hand, she spurred her horse forward. Mercury popped down her visor, then realized that Dodinas hadn't even drawn a weapon. "Aren't you going to do something?" "No. This is her fight. It would be dishonorable to intervene." Dodinas winced for a second. "However much I want to..." Mercury stared at her for a moment. "We're just going to watch them fight?" "She...has brought this on herself." Senshi Dodinas fell silent, unwilling to speak further. The White Senshi fought with a flaming sword, embossed with a mark too bright for anyone to see clearly. The first stroke of the sword was matched by a downward blow from Senshi Sagremor. The weapons intertwined and Sagremor's weapon melted away, leaving only the hilt in her hands. "Ye art passing strong, yet ye shall not emerge triumphant this day. Shall ye yield, Sagremor?" the White Senshi asked. "I shall not yield, upon my honor! Have at ye!" Sagremor rushed in, raising her shield to block the sword while trying to grab with her now free hand at the sword hand of the White Senshi. The White Senshi proceeded to clonk her in the head with its own shield, then drove her sword down through the Shield that Waits, somehow not damaging it or being stopped by it, halting the blade an inch from her neck. "Yield." Sagremor growled and tossed down the shield. The White Senshi dismounted and bent to pick it up. Mercury tensed, seeing Sagremor pull back her leg to kick the White Senshi in the posterior region while it was bent over. To her surprise, Sagremor suddenly slumped slightly and put her foot back in the stirrup on that side instead of kicking the White Senshi. She turned and rode back to her friends as the White Senshi remounted. Dodinas let out a loud sigh of relief. "Don't say it," Sagremor said to Dodinas. "Until we meet again," the White Senshi said, bowing. It sheathed its sword and rode off into the forest, swiftly vanishing admidst the thick growth of trees and underbrush. The sounds of the forest closed in full force. This is all going to take some getting used to, Mercury thought. *********************************************************************** Weeks of travel through the forest passed, often days without seeing anyone but the occassional hermit, woodcutter, or hunter. Somehow, the two Senshi never seemed to run out of food for themselves and their guest, though when Mercury tried to figure out where the food was coming from, she couldn't. A few times, they even stumbled on tables of food, simply sitting in the woods, ready to eat. After a while, she simply got used to it, and hardly questioned it anymore. One day, the forest simply stopped. One moment, they were surrounded by trees, the next, they had ridden forth into cleared ground. Fields of wheat stretched out around them, full of busy peasants and their animals. Off to the south, there stood a great city of crystal and stone, delicate towers spiraling upwards into the sky, glistening in the sun, which sat at high noon. "It's beautiful," Mercury said. "Where are we?" Senshi Dodinas smiled and pulled out a harp from her many saddlebags. As she began to tune it she said, "Ye see before ye the most beautiful and glorious city in the world, second to none, the seat of High Queen Rei Pendragon of Britain, the capital of the realm of Logres, the city known in days gone by as Winchester, and before that as Venta Belgarum, and perhaps other names besides..." Senshi Sagremor said, "If we wait for her, you may wait all day, Mercury. This is the city of Camelot, the only city in the world capable of matching the glory of my Father's capital, Constantinople, the new Rome." "Only matching?" Dodinas said, smiling. "There are those who would dispute that..." "Dodinas...", Sagremor said warningly. "Let us ride. The Queen and King will be interested to meet you and hear stories of your land!" "Maybe I can learn to ride a horse too...Keeping up is starting to wear me out," Mercury said. Dodinas smiled. "Perhaps Father Kay will call you the Senshi who cannot ride...Hmm, what would that be in Latin...Senshi qui non equita?" Mercury sincerely hoped Dodinas was wrong. ************************************************************************* The streets of Camelot were thronged with people. The first thing Mercury noticed were the smells. The city smelled like perfume. It was pleasant perfume, but very thick. The senshi seemed to pay it no mind, but she couldn't help but cough a little for the first few minutes. Soon, she became used to it. Crowds parted for the two senshi and they made good time through the city with their guest. The streets were tangled and twisted, blocked with carts and hawkers. The buildings were built out over the street, so that you could barely see the sky. While Mercury was used to cities, this wasn't the kind of city she was used to. Fatigue took her, as the smells, hunger, and the long denied exhaustion of many days of walking washed over her. She fainted in the street. ************************************************************************** She awoke in a nice soft bed, surrounded by a silken canopy. Her sheets were blue, and to her surprise, they were embossed with her own symbol in gold. She was dressed in blue silken pajamas. Parting the canopy, she saw she was in a large stone room, with a wooden wardrobe against one wall, a small table, a mirror, and a tapestry on the wall depicting a young dark haired girl drawing a mallet with a glowing jewel embedded in it from an anvil. She recognized the girl...It was Rei, or someone very like her in appearance. As she got out of the bed, there was a knock on the door. "Umm...come in?" Ami said. The door opened and a tall middle aged woman strode in. She had long brunette hair, tied back in a very long ponytail and streaked with grey. Her under and over tunic were of green silk. The undertunic's sleeves were very wide at the ends, hanging down in long points, and had an attached hood, which also hung down in a long point. The overtunic was tied with a green belt and embossed with a yellow mallet over a yellow double headed eagle. For a moment, Ami wondered if this was a relative of the Hapsburgs, then dismissed the thought as she recognized the woman, who bore a strong resemblence to her old friend Kino Makoto...Sailor Jupiter. The woman spoke. "I am Senshi Gawaine. Welcome to Camelot, Mercury." For a few seconds, Ami's mind rattled through her knowlege of Arthurian myth. Gawaine was Arthur's half-nephew; his mother had been Arthur's older half-sister Margawse. If Makoto is this old...how old is Rei?, Ami wondered. Makoto must be at least in her fifties...although she's in rather good shape. Maybe she's just prematurely grey. "Thank you. I have come seeking Merlin's help in returning to my own land..." Gawaine frowned. "I have bad news for you, then." "Bad news..." Suddenly Ami remembered what happened to Merlin eventually... "Merlin has been missing and presumed dead for forty years now. I'm sorry." Gawaine sat down at the table, as did Ami. "I guess...I'd heard rumors..umm..." Trapped in a crystal cave by his own apprentice, Ami thought. Or a tree, or whatever...the traps differ, but the story always ends the same way.... "However, his last apprentice, the enchantress Minako, sometimes visits the court. Perhaps you might be able to find her." Gawaine noticed Ami was simply sitting and staring at the table. "Why do you need Merlin's aid in returning to your land? Is it hidden by sorcery?" "Something like that...It's hard to explain." I don't even know for sure if I'm in the past or the future or another universe or what, Ami thought. "Well, I advise you to get dressed. The Queen and King wish to breakfast with you and learn of your land and your deeds." Gawaine smiled. "The royal will is not to be denied." Ami smiled. As bossy as Rei was, she had to be loving this life. "I...I've been told I resemble one of the Senshi here..." "Hai. Senshi Bors will no doubt be interested to meet you...You look much like she did when she was young." Gawaine arose to depart. "How old is she now?" Ami asked. "I'm fifteen." "Forty five years old." Gawaine paused in the doorway. "She was born in the year of our lord 409 and the year is now 454...yes, I did that right. I've never been good with arithmetic." And how old are you, Ami wondered, trying to remember if Bors was supposed to be older or younger than Gawaine... *********************************************************************** Having dressed herself in a nice blue dress from the wardrobe, Ami made her way through the tangled maze of passages, only having to ask directions three times to find the royal breakfast chamber. She paused at the doorway, bracing herself for the shock to come. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door and walked in. Rei was clad in a red coathardie covered with yellow crowns and a black skirt. It was laced in the front, rather reminiscent to Ami of Makoto's. There was a simple silver tiara on her head, set with a red gem bearing the yellow symbol of Mars. Her hair was long, black, and flowing as Ami remembered, yet it was starting to show signs of grey, like Makoto's...Gawaine's. A green belt gathered the dress at the waist, and there was a golden ring on Rei's right hand. Next to her sat Mamoru, his face showing a few wrinkles, his short black hair also streaked with grey. His usual sardonic smile still graced his face, and his eyes shone with their typical faint amusement. He wore a simple black tunic and black stockings, with an unfaded rose pinned to the front of the tunic, perhaps freshly drawn from the vase of roses in the center of the table. Ami noticed he wore a ring that matched Rei's on his right hand. Four pages lurked nearby, ready to serve, but out of the way, clad in the livery of Camelot: colors of red and black, with the symbol of a rose twined about a crown and a spear. Ami bowed, wishing she knew more about court etiquette in the Middle Ages. I really should have studied harder, she thought. I'd have a better idea what I was doing right now. Rei smiled. "Greetings, Senshi Mercury. Do you come bringing tidings from the gods?" She smiled. "Not all of us studied faerie stories as children, Rei-chan," Mamoru said. "She may have no idea of what you speak." "Don't let Father Kay or Grandfather hear you saying that, dear, or you might find yourself excommunicated again." Rei said. "Me excommunicated? You're the one who got Pope Haruna III angry with you! I was innocent." Ami tried not to giggle. "Well, we've amused our guest at least," Rei said. "Yuka, bring us our breakfast," Rei said to one of the pages, a child of ten, who rushed off to get the royal breakfast. "I understand you have travelled far to our land," Mamoru said. "From a distant kingdom far to the east." "Yes. I'm from a land called Japan. There's only nine Senshi in our land. One of our enemies somehow sent me here when we were fighting some of his minions. Or her minions. We're not even sure who this lot of monsters serve." I hope they're doing okay without me...They must think I'm dead. Soon breakfast was served, bread and cheese and fruit and venison and vegetables. The concept of venison for breakfast was alien to Ami's experience, but it was quite good. She dug in, finding herself remarkably hungry. Rei sighed faintly. "It has been long since the days when I have had such adventures. I miss them sometimes. Still, peace is good, especially for those of us who grow old. Adventure is for the younger senshi like yourself now. I must content myself with advice and providing a peaceful refuge for them, and justice for my people." She didn't sound very content. Mamoru reached over and took her hand. "Don't be jealous, dear. I never got to have any adventures at all. Unless you count being kidnapped multiple times..." Rei smiled impishly, seeming to lose years off her age in an instant. "Yes, but a man's place is in the home. Cooking is your adventure." "While getting beaten up in tournaments is yours, I suppose?" "Touche...my luck has been bad of late. Senshi Lancelot unhorsed me three times during the melee at Lonazep last year. Senshi Perceval did too...not three times, though. I need to practice more." "Well, they are younger than you." "It doesn't look good when the Queen can't stay in the saddle." Rei turned to Ami. "Are you good at jousting?" "We...um...We've been too busy fighting monsters to have time for, umm...tournaments." Not to mention I can't stay on a horse to save my life. "Yes. Well, it keeps us busy, keeps our skills up. That and quests. Well, I haven't been questing in a long time..." Rei got a far off look in her eyes. "Well, it's a lot better than everyone killing each other like in the old days," Mamoru said. "And with so many senshi out a-questing, I'm surprised there's any monsters or adventures left to be had." Mamoru paused, and he too got a far away look. Ami sat and ate quietly, uncertain as to whether to disturb them in their thoughts. The door opened quickly, knocking down a page. A woman with long blonde hair shaped into two knobs on her head, from which pony-tails protruded stood in the doorway. She was slender, but with well-defined muscles, and she was dressed in a multi-colored, striped coathardie that ran down to mid-thigh with white and blue stripes. She wore a badge upon her left shoulder that depicted a crescent moon against a black background with a blue lake at the bottom. She put a hand to her mouth and said, "EEP! I'm sorry!" She helped the page up. "Hiya, Rei-chan! Hiya, Mamoru-kun! Hiya, Ami-chan." She froze, staring at Ami. "Hey, you look so young!" She ran over to Ami and sat down next to her. "Wow, you haven't looked like this in a long time...Did you find some ancient trove of beauty products on that last quest?" Ami laughed. "Nice to meet you...I'm not the person you're thinking of. I'm Senshi Mercury, from Japan." Rei smiled. "Senshi Mercury, meet the Royal Champion, Senshi Lancelot of the Lake." "Also known as Senshi Meatball-head," Mamoru said, laughing. Lancelot turned and glared at Mamoru. "Will you STOP calling me that!" Ami laughed. Some things never change in any time or place, I guess... **************************************************************** Ami stood in the royal stable, staring at the horse that had been selected for her. Why did I ever agree to go hunting, she thought...I've never been hunting. Food is supposed to be found in the supermarket, not the forest. The horse stared at her as she tried to muster the willpower to try one more time to get into the saddle. Footsteps approached. She stood and acted innocent, then started tying her shoe. Senshi Lancelot came into sight. "Something wrong? Everyone else is waiting for you." "I...umm..." "Here, let me help you up. Snow here is really a gentle horse. She just looks scary." Almost effortlessly it appeared, Lancelot lifted Ami up onto the top of Snow, a black courser with white spots on her forehead. "I take it you haven't done much hunting." "I haven't done much riding..." Ami wobbled in the saddle, then calmed herself. "At least she's not as big as those horses Sagremor and Dodinas had." "Those were warhorses. Good for fighting, but they get tired too easily for hunting. Snow here wouldn't be much use in a lance charge or a fight with humans, but she's quick and nimble and won't tire." Lancelot petted Snow's neck. "You'll need to keep an eye out, but she won't steer you wrong. Just watch out for branches and the like." Lancelot turned, walked out of the stall and mounted her own horse, a black courser with a yellow crescent moon on its forehead. Slowly, Snow backed out of the stall while Ami clung desperately to the reins. "Lead on, good Senshi," she said. Soon, they made their way outside. Rei and Mamoru sat on matching brown coursers, while Gawaine sat nearby chatting with two familiar figures. One of them resembled Prisma, while the other looked like Crane no Joe, though both of them were older-looking than the people Ami remembered. An old and wizened priest sat on a cranky looking donkey, and near him, Yuuichiro, his hair grey now, sat upon a brown courser. As Lancelot and Ami approached the group, a senshi bolted out of the stable, her short blue-black hair blowing in the wind of her own movement, riding a white courser. "Sorry I'm late! Matins ran over today..." It was Ami's double, Senshi Bors. She rode up to the group. "Father Kay, Father Ector, how did you two get here ahead of me?" Father Ector smiled. "Well, I only had to go to the vestry to change." "The same for myself, Bors," Father Kay (Yuuichiro) said. Ami said, "Umm...nice to meet you, Senshi Bors," Ami said. "I'm Senshi Mercury." Father Kay smiled. "Hmm. So where have you been hiding this daughter, Bors? I don't ...remember... you being married...Or have you just been..." Bors blushed. "I don't have any children! Umm...nice to meet you." Ami and Bors stared at each other for a moment. Bors was Ami as she hoped to be one day. Her form was still slender, but it had reached its full maturity. They had the same short hair cut and Bors' hair had yet to grey, unlike many of the others present. She was dressed in a blue tunic, with a white surcoat over it tied with a green belt of the same style as Gawaine and Rei and Lancelot all wore. In fact, almost everyone present was wearing one, except for the priests, who dressed in simple robes of brown. Bors even spoke with Ami's voice, though older in sound. "You...You're not really my daughter,...are you?" "I've met my mother and she isn't you," Ami said. "Don't worry, I'm not your child." "But...we look so much alike." "Everyone here seems to look like someone I've met at home," Ami said. "Some strange magic afoot." Maybe I'm dreaming all of this. A bee chose this moment to sting Snow, who bucked instinctively. Ami pitched off her horse onto Bors, and succeeded in unhorsing her as well as herself. Father Kay laughed. "You are indeed the Senshi who could not ride." Everyone laughed and Ami blushed. ************************************************************************* After a wait for some of the men-in-waiting of the court to join them, the hunt rode forth into the forest, following the baying of the hounds. Ami did her best to keep up, but most of her energy was devoted to staying on her horse. Soon, she found herself alone and totally lost in the woods. She could hear cries and hounds somewhere in the distance. She stared at the boar spear they had given her. "Too bad they didn't teach us to use these in physical education...won't matter if I can't find anything. Well, let's see if I can find anyone." She got out her computer and told it to search for everyone. A schematic of the forest popped up, with little moving dots for hunters and prey. One large knot of people seemed to be gathered in a clearing about a hundred meters to her left. The rest were scattered about, chasing a large orange blip hither and yon. I guess I'll check out the large group first, Ami thought. Soon, she found the clearing. About ten men were sitting on blankets, probably spread for them by the fifteen or so pages standing around watching as the men lunched on fruit, bread, and meats from several large baskets. Seven of the men were playing some sort of card game while they ate, which required moving around a lot. Mamoru was one of them, and he wasn't doing too well, it seemed, from the frown on his face. Thomas, one of Mamoru's men-in-waiting moved to one end of the V formation that the gameplayers were in. "Now I'm the King!" he said, laughing. One of the men turned and pointed towards where Ami sat on her horse. "Look, it's the Senshi who cannot ride." Ami frowned, espcially after a second one said, "Looks like she can't hunt either." Mamoru frowned more now. "Be quiet, Hitoki. I don't see you out there chasing boars either." He spoke louder. "They left you behind too, I see. Come over and join us, Mercury." Ami rode over and managed to dismount without falling down. She wondered why they weren't hunting either...why come all this way out in the woods just to picnic? "All this riding around makes me hungry." One of the men started to say, "The senshi who..." but Mamoru whapped him in the head with a wooden spoon. "Pardon their manners. If they HAVE ANY." He glared at the men, who shut up. One of them, who had sat the entire time quietly reading a book, finally looked up. "So you have finally come. I was wondering if I had been wrong for once." He was old, the oldest person Ami had seen at Camelot, with short grey hair. He dressed in simple grey robes that matched his hair. Blue eyes seemed to stare right through her. Wrinkles marked his face, yet Ami knew him. "Urawa?" she asked. Several of the men started and even Mamoru blinked. The old man smiled. "I have not been called that in a long time...Not since my last student vanished so many years ago. I have been called by many names, but that one is dear to me." He sighed. "It is good that you are here." "Um, thank you." Has he had a vision? Maybe he knows how I can get home. "Do you know, by any chance...how I might be able to..." "Because in ten seconds, the angry boar is going to charge into this clearing." Mass panic broke out. Men leapt to their feet as the brush parted at one edge of the clearing and an angry boar charged into the clearing, heading straight at the knot of men. Pages started trying to secure horses for people, as the men scattered everywhere. Ami shouted, "Don't worry, I'll stop it!" As the boar charged forward, Ami whipped out her transformation pen. "Mercury STAR POWER!" The change rushed over her in an instant. Unfortunately, by that point, the boar had charged right past her. It gored Mamoru's horse, which collapsed, flinging Mamoru aside. The boar turned and gored a second horse. Panicked riders fled in all directions. Mercury turned and leaped over to Mamoru helping him up. "Are you okay?" "Don't mind me! Stop the boar!" Mercury turned to where the boar was working on horse number three. "Shabon Spray...Freezing!" A spray of ice flew from her hands, coating the horse and the boar. They both locked up and collapsed, coated with ice. "My horse!" Thomas shouted. "Better your horse than you," Mamoru said. "Sorcery," whispered one of the men. "I was wondering why you went hunting with no weapons of your own," Mamoru said. "I see now that you are your own weapon." "That's one way of putting it," Ami said. "Very impressive, Mercury. Unfortunately, we still have a problem," Urawa said. "The boar has a mate, who will kill Thomas in the next minute or so." At that moment, several of the hunters broke into the far side of the clearing. Everyone instinctively turned towards the noise, except Thomas who leaped off his horse in a panic and bolted for a tree. A second boar rushed out of the woods, straight at him. "Shabon SPRAY!" Mercury shouted, and a fine mist spread over much of the clearing. Thomas was able to leap to one side, and the boar, unable to see him, charged on into the tree, stunning itself for a few seconds. People scattered again in confusion, this time worse since they could not see. Mercury began shooing everyone out of the fog as they muttered about sorcery. The boar got back up and zoomed off...towards Mamoru. Mercury wondered if he had angered some boar somewhere or if Mamoru was just unlucky. She ran after the boar and prepared to blast it. Mamoru, meanwhile, was blissfully unaware of his state of danger. Mercury saw that the boar was going to reach Mamoru before she could reach him. For a moment, it seemed Mamoru was doomed, but then... A black blur passed between Mamoru and the boar. Suddenly, hands reached down and lifted Mamoru up onto a horse, and the boar zoomed through empty space. It was an open target now. "Shabon Spray, Freezing!" Mercury shouted. The boar became a popsicle like its mate. Mercury turned and saw Senshi Lancelot had Mamoru up on her horse, her arms around his waist, holding him on the horse. Mercury could see clearly through the mist what no one else could see...the way they held each other closely for just a moment. Did I imagine it, Ami wondered, or did they...Maybe some others things haven't changed all that much either. The mist parted and Mamoru leaped down. The rest of the hunters arrived. Queen Rei leaped off her horse and ran over to Mamoru. "Are you okay?" Mamoru took her hands. "I'm fine. Senshi Mercury defeated the two boars singlehandedly." "Hey, I kinda saved you from getting gored to death, ya know!" Senshi Lancelot said. "I could stand a little appreciation, too!" "Thank you, Lancelot. We all know your great skill and give thanks every day for your presence." Mercury blinked. Rei passing up a chance to snipe at...I guess some things are different here. She is older and wiser, I guess. "Is everyone else okay?" Senshi Gawaine finished looking at the boars. "They...They're frozen...how did you do that?" "She called forth the ice from nowhere and the mist as well. Great power is at her command. She is a living weapon of sorcery," Urawa said. "She shall be known as the Senshi Mercury the Senshi who needs no weapon, for as Mamoru said, she is her own weapon. The one hundred and forty ninth Senshi of the Round Table has arrived. The table awaits the coming of but one more Senshi to achieve perfection, and that Senshi is on her way to Camelot as we speak. The climax of all your efforts is at hand. I have seen it." And thus Senshi Mercury came to be known as Senshi Mercury the Senshi Who Needs No Weapon and to join the Round Table. *********************************************************************** ********** Book II: The Quest for the Holy Grail ********** The feast of Easter had come. It was all a new experience for Mercury, who had never attended Catholic religious services before. She wondered if they were as weird in her own time and place as they were here... Or if it was all Father Ector's fault. Of course, it might actually make more sense if I knew more Church Latin. I never realized it was this different from classical Latin. I really should have taken that correspondence course, she thought. After Mass, it was time for the annual Easter feast. As usual, it was presided over by Senshi Bedivere, the royal butler. Oddly, Senshi Bedivere looked remarkably like Senshi Lancelot, despite being completely unrelated. Her real name was Serena. The one hundred and forty nine senshi of the Round Table filed into the feast hall, with it's great round table. One hundred and fifty seats, made of mahogany with plush velvet cushioning sat around it, each inscribed with the name of a Senshi. Only one remained nameless. It sat directly opposite Queen Rei's chair, and it bore simply the inscription, 'The Siege Perilous'. Ami stood there in an elaborate gown, as the other Senshi, clad in similar costumes, took their seats. It was time for her to be formally initiated into the company. Urawa came around the table, clad in his usual black and silver clothing. He pulled out the chair marked, "The Siege of Senshi Mercury" and said, "My pupil Merlin enchanted this table and these chairs, that they might help to gather the most noble Senshi of all the world to defend this land of Logres from the evils that beset it. Since his departure, I have watched over this table, helping to prepare for the day in which this company would come to completion. But two sieges remain to be filled. Senshi Mercury now takes her rightful place among this company." Ami sat in the chair. "Only one siege remains. The Siege Perilous." He paused. "This day, that siege shall be filled and the Round Table brought to its highest perfection." The room fell silent. Five senshi had braved the dangers of the Siege Perilous. All had been struck dead on the spot. It awaited the greatest Senshi in the world. All those who might have been worthy had not dared to try. Indeed, how could any senshi worthy of it be proud enough to take the chance? Everyone looked at each other. The greatest Senshi of Logres, perhaps of the world were gathered here. Who yet remained beyond their company? Who might be worthy? It was at this moment that the trumpets blew, heralding an arrival. A young woman strode into the room. She was clad in a dress of pure white samite, cut high on top and flowing down past her feet to trail on the floor. A five year old followed her, holding up the train so it didn't drag on the floor. Two young ladies, each around sixteen years of age followed her, clad in green with the emblem of a yellow cup upon their surcoats. A belt hung round her hips, and from it hung an empty scabbard. Her hair was hidden for the most part beneath a long pointed white hat, from which hung a long white veil that almost scraped the head of the child carrying the train. Her features were hauntingly familiar to those gathered there. She swept in and stared silently at the company. Mercury noticed that Senshi Lancelot was turning green and looked ready to explode. It was at that very moment that the woman spied the empty chair at the table. "Hey, someone saved me a seat!" She rushed over and plopped down. "This place is so big...I was getting really tired." Senshi Lancelot achieved a grass-like greeness and quietly fainted. Everyone stared in silence, waiting for death to come. He didn't. Perhaps he was busy with that wizard fellow again. "Why is everyone staring at me...Mom, you did tell them to save me a seat, right?" Senshi Lancelot made a noise like a chicken being strangled and twitched a bit on the floor. Mercury put two and two together...She hadn't recognized the girl at first, but hearing her voice...Chibi-Usa. She must be twenty or so...No wonder I didn't recognize her. Senshi Perceval turned to the young lady. Senshi Perceval was a dark haired young senshi with pale skin that made her seem ever so slightly ethereal. She was clad in purple and black as was her wont. She was the youngest of the De Galis clan, but recently come to Camelot herself. Several of her siblings had fallen under mysterious circumstances of late. She knew there was a shadow growing, waiting to swallow the light that had been lit at Camelot. It was lonely sometimes for her. So many of the senshi she admired were growing old, and she was so much younger than them. "Umm. The chair you're sitting in kills people. It's waiting for the best senshi in the world, I think." The woman got big eyes. "ACK!" She leaped up out of the seat. "Please don't kill me, Mr. Chair! This is the first time Dad's let me out of the house in eight years! I wanna live!" She got down on her knees. "Pleaaaassseee...." Senshi Lancelot finally got back up into her seat. "Stop grovelling, Chibi. It's un-senshi-like." "That never stopped you, Mom!" "I'm NOT YOUR MOTHER!" Senshi Lancelot shouted. Everyone turned and stared at her. "So that's why you disappear on those long quests all the time," Senshi Dinadan said. "Pregnancy requires hiding for a long time if no one is supposed to..." "I've never been pregnant! NEVER!" Senshi Lancelot blushed as all eyes turned to her. Clearly, they didn't believe her. Urawa came back around to the poor girl, who was on the verge of crying, perhaps because the chair wasn't answering her pleas. "Look at the chair, Usagi Minor." Everyone looked when he spoke. The inscription now read, 'This hight the siege of Senshi Galahad. The circle is complete.' "Arise and take your rightful place, Senshi Galahad. The Round Table is complete." "So when do we eat?" Senshi Galahad asked. Everyone facefaulted. ************************************************************************* The days passed swiftly for Ami. She kept intending to ride forth, or at least walk forth to seek Merlin, or maybe the ladies of the lake or someone, anyone who could help her return home. Yet, one way or another, it never quite happened. There was always something to do. The temptation to simply stay and relax and enjoy herself was too great. She could feel the discipline she had forced on herself slipping away, inch by inch. Well, one kind of discipline. Another discipline had taken its place, the discipline of the art of war. While Ami's powers of sorcery were awesome in the eyes of her new companions, she had rapidly seen how meager her fighting skills were. She had supernatural speed and endurance, but she didn't know a lot about how to use it. Somehow, she had begun training with Senshi Lancelot, and her daughter, Senshi Galahad. It was, to say the least, a shock. To start with, Senshi Galahad was late. Senshi Lancelot tapped her foot. "Where is that girl! We were supposed to start an hour ago!" Senshi Gawaine, who sat nearby, laughed. "I seem to remember a certain senshi who once couldn't be on time to save her life." Ami tried not to laugh too much, remembering how Usagi always was back home. Senshi Lancelot said, "Yes, but I was always doing something important!" "Like mooning over Motoki?" Gawaine said. "Yeah...no, I mean...aargh." Senshi Lancelot sat down, fuming. At this point, Senshi Galahad ran up, dripping wet, with an unsheathed sword in her hands. An also dripping wet Senshi Perceval was a little behind her. Senshi Lancelot blinked. "Umm...why did you go swimming with a sword? Also, it's going to rust if you don't dry it off." "I'm sorry," Senshi Perceval said, hanging her head. "I was trying to save a cat and forgot I don't swim very well. She leaped in to save me and it took her a while to get me out. I made her late." "So why are you waving that sword around?" Ami asked. "Oh this? Someone left an anvil lying around in the river with it stuck in it. It was about to float off downstream. I needed a sword, 'cause I was in such a hurry when I left Carbonek that I left my sword there. So I grabbed it." Senshi Galahad plopped down on the grass. "I didn't have my scabbard with me, so I didn't have anywhere to put it." Ami coughed. "An anvil...floating downstream?" "This is a sight worthy of the seeing," Gawaine said. "That's impossible!" Ami said. "I'm not lying!" Senshi Galahad insisted. "You claim I'm your mom when I'm not!" "Are so! Dame Esmeraude wouldn't lie to me!" "Dame Esmeraude is a vicious, lying witch who tried to trick me into sleeping with that Demand creep!" "That's Prince Demand! Grandpa really gets mad when people won't call dad by his title! Besides, why'd you come live with Dad if..." Senshi Lancelot blushed. "It was an honor thing..." She fell quiet. Senshi Perceval said, "Do you really need to fight about this? I mean, my parents never fought..." "You father died when you were an infant...kinda hard to fight when one of your parents is dead," Senshi Galahad noted. Senshi Gawaine remained silent, apparently lost in thought. "Anyway, aren't we supposed to be helping give Senshi Mercury some lessons in fighting?" Senshi Mercury nodded. "I'm ready...I guess." Senshi Gawaine said quietly, "I need to be leaving. I'll see you later!" She departed, looking a bit melancholy. Mercury watched her go, wondering why she had suddenly become depressed. She was startled back to reality by Senshi Lancelot handing her a sword. "Ready?" "Umm...No, but I'll do my best." Mercury's best wasn't good enough. Senshi Galahad looked clumsy most of the time, but when the sparring began, suddenly her clumsiness vanished. Her face became calm and her eyes almost glowed with an inner light. The wooden practice swords clashed again and again, and Mercury soon realized that she was hideously outmatched. While she was faster than Galahad, Galahad was tremendously more skilled. Soon, she was lying on the ground disarmed. Over the days to come, Mercury came to a greater appreciation of the amount of fighting skill the Senshi actually possessed. While her powers made her as powerful a combatant as them or more so, they actually knew how to fight much better than her. The days from Easter to Pentecost passed in a blur of practice, sword forms, horseback riding, hunts, feasts, and time spent in the library, learning more of the strange world she found herself in. By this point, Ami was convinced that she must be in a different world. Armies of youma hadn't roamed across the world in the fifth century. Rome hadn't had any female emperors, nor had there been female popes. "Who was pope in 454 AD, anyway?" Ami muttered to herself. "I really should have read up more on..." A voice spoke from behind her. "That should be, 'who is pope?'. The answer being Haruna III. She has had an impressively long reign, although she's expected to die soon. Of course, they said that ten years ago, too." It was Urawa. "I...Do you know where the ladies of the lake live? I keep asking people, but I get different answers. I'm hoping maybe they can help me find..." "They can't. Or won't. I have seen our future and you are still in it. You might as well not even waste your time." Ami frowned. "Another vision of the future?" "That's what I said. The future cannot be escaped. Only accepted or denied." "You told me that when you were younger too...umm, I mean..." Urawa blinked. "Few people ever surprise me...you seem to have the knack. When I was younger...you would not have been alive." "It was uh...this guy I knew back in Japan. You remind me of him." "Indeed. Perhaps the Green Senshi was right..." "What?" "He once told me he believed that everyone had a double somewhere. >From some of the stories I have heard, I am beginning to conclude that is true. You and Senshi Bors, for example." "I just...I can't give up. I have to try, even if I'm doomed to fail." "That is why you are a Senshi and I am but a chronicler. I wish you luck, though I don't believe you will have any. I suspect there is some reason you are here, some purpose you must fulfill before you are able to return. A purpose that might be long in coming to fulfillment." "Like what?" "Only time will tell..." ************************************************************************** The feast of Pentecost had arrived. Once again, the knights of the Round Table had assembled for the feast. It was Queen Rei's custom not to begin the feast until some marvel had presented itself, or the opportunity for some great quest. The sun had set, and as of yet, no marvel had taken place. The gathered senshi grew famished and Queen Rei was almost ready to break custom, when the marvel appeared. A faint music began to play and a great golden cup appeared over the table. It was covered with a white cover, stitched with red crosses. Shining with a golden glow, it floated across the table, and in its wake the plates of the senshi were filled with their favorite foods and their cups with their favorite drinks. A sweet scent of perfume filled the room. They watched in awe as it circled the table, then floated to the middle. They felt a presence watching them as they watched it. The light increased in brightness until they had to close their eyes and shield their faces. Suddenly it was gone. For a long moment, no one spoke in the room, which now seemed dim and gloomy. The world reasserted itself. Senshi Galahad spoke in a whisper. "The Holy Grail." Senshi Gawaine sprung to her feet. "It is the quest for which we have been waiting! We must find it! It was for this that our table was assembled! I swear I shall ride forth this day and seek the Holy Grail! GOD WILLS IT!!!!" The senshi rose and gave a great shout. "The Holy Grail shall be found! GOD WILLS IT!!!!" The feast began with much murmering and the making of plans. The quest for the Holy Grail had begun. *********************************************************************** Soon, senshi began to stream forth from Camelot. Many went straight to the stables from the feast hall and rode forth. Others paused to make a few simple preparations. Ami was one of those. She went to the library to search for a map. Unfortunately, the maps tended to be rather dissapointing. Far too much "here be dragons" and a lack of caring about concepts like scale, unless Logres really WAS twice the size of France... A hand tapped her on the shoulder. She turned and saw Queen Rei. "I thought I'd find you here." Ami smiled faintly. "Well, I don't like looking for something without having any clue as to where it might be. I mean...I don't even know where the next town is from here, let alone the Grail." "Why do you seek it?" Queen Rei asked. "I...I'm hoping if I find it...I can get home. My parents must be out of their minds wondering where I am, not to mention my friends. I've been gone for close to two months now. They probably think I'm dead...Are you going to go seek the grail too?" For a long moment, Queen Rei was silent. "I cannot." "You can't?" "My duties hold me here. It is not a Queen's place to seek adventure, but rather to rule her land as best she is able." Rei sighed and almost seemed to shrink a few inches. "Merlin used to always tell me that...I guess I did learn a few things from him. My days of adventure are behind me. Logres is at peace now. The senshi are restless. They need adventure, war, something to do." She began to pace back and forth. "For a long time, cleaning up all the corners of Logres kept them busy, kept them focused outward. They rode the roads, righted wrongs, crushed the evils that still lurked in deep forests, abandoned castles, and ancient places. I held tournaments too, to give them goals to strive for, prizes to win, competition to fill their need to excel. So did other lords, though their tournaments held less splendour. Still, it is not enough." Ami nodded. "People bred to fight...need targets to fight. If they don't have them..." "Maybe this quest is what we need. A spiritual quest. We've achieved as much physical and political perfection as we're capable of. Now we must move on to the next level, to a higher challenge." Her voice trailed off and she turned to stare into the depths of the library. "You think they're going to fail." Ami said quietly. "You can't batter down the gates of Heaven with a lance and a sword. Saint Peter holds the gates with weapons not of this world. I don't know if my senshi can learn to wield them." Her voice trembled faintly. "And if they do...will they ever want to come back? Who would want to leave Heaven...?" Peter. Wheels churned in Ami's brain. The Peter Principle. Everyone rises to their level of incompetence. She had a sudden sinking feeling that they were about to see it in action. *************************************************************************** Ami had never been to confession before. She wasn't Catholic, for one thing. Yet, she remembered from her reading that all of the knights who had failed on the Quest in Malory had not gone to confession. She was determined not to make any mistakes. She sat in a small booth, facing a grill. This theoretically guaranteed anonymity. Of course, given that she knew Father Ector was on the other side, and that he probably could recognize her voice, it wasn't much of a guarantee, but it at least made it easier to speak. Queen Rei had gotten her a missal, so she could at least do the ritual aspects of it correctly. It was the confession that was the hard part. What exactly did the Catholic church consider a sin? Ami felt she had basically been a pretty good person. There was no rape, pillage, murder, theft, arson, or other major crimes on her record. She'd always been an obedient child, though being human, she wasn't perfect in that respect. Well, that was something. I guess I have been kinda lazy sometimes. The silence haunted the room. Finally, Father Ector said, "It's not easy, is it. Don't be afraid, child. Whatever you may have done, God will not abandon you." Ami took a deep breath and launched into a long litany of rememberances. "I took a cookie from the tin without asking Mom first...I sometimes get lazy and only read six or seven chapters ahead in the book...I don't always clean my room when I come home...." Everything came out. Every tiny lapse she could think of. This took a very long time...Ami could remember quite a bit. Eventually, the tide slowed and Father Ector said, "And this is all since your last confession?" "Umm. This is my first time." "Well, have you done anything serious? None of these have really been all that bad. More an absence of overwhelming virtue than positive sin." "But I haven't done anything...um, I mean..." Claiming sinlessness was not the way to go; Ami knew that much. "That in itself can be a problem. God wants more than just abstention from bad things. He wants you to do good as well." "Well, I have done good things...I've fought many evil beings. I've been studying to learn to be a doctor...um, to heal people and..." "If you feel you have done nothing seriously wrong, then why are you here?" The question cut through Ami's state of confusion. She couldn't just say, 'because I know I'll fail if I don't do this.' The realization struck her that such an attitude would doom her as surely as a failure to go at all. It wasn't just something that could be checked off a list. "I...don't know." "The admittance of ignorance is the beginning of wisdom." The words stung. Ami didn't like to be ignorant. She'd focused her life around gaining knowlege. She knew what made the stars burn and the worlds move in their courses. She could name every part of the body and what it does. She spoke three different languages well, and several more...not so well. The last time she'd played Trivial Pursuit, no one else got a turn once it was hers. In a battle of wits, her opponents could effectively be considered unarmed. And yet... The words rung true. The matters of the spirit were beyond her understanding. She'd never quite been able to grasp why some knights had succeeded where other good knights had failed when she had read about the Grail quest. It all seemed to revolve around bizarre theological distinctions, and a willingness to do things that made no sense. Yet, Ami was born to learn, and this was one more thing to learn. She knew the odds were against her, but she wasn't willing to roll over and die. "What must I do to gain wisdom?" The lessons were about to begin... *************************************************************************** Senshi Mercury rode forth from Camelot, garbed for battle. Well, in her senshi uniform. And a hairshirt. How being itchy would convey wisdom was beyond her, but she hoped she'd come to understand. It was one of the standard penitent things to do, she remembered from her studies. Something about suffering conveying wisdom. At least it didn't have any fleas in it. She turned at the edge of the forest and gazed back on Camelot. It had become a home to her in the two months she had spent there. Will I ever see it again?, she wondered. She turned and rode into the forest. I guess I'll find out. The forest stretched around. Minutes turned into hours. Hours turned into days. Days turned into weeks. She had never been this bored in her entire life. The forest was full of life, but you couldn't talk to it. Nothing to read. Not even anything to run away from. The constant itching was starting to drive her slowly insane. Even hunting was hard...when your powers freeze your food, cooking it takes forever. The worst part of it was wondering if anything was actually ever going to happen. I could just wander the woods for years without seeing anyone. How big are these woods anyway?, she wondered. I've been travelling for a month and I still haven't gotten to anywhere. Am I just going around in a big circle? Ami leaned over and marked a tree with her knife. She did so every hour or so as far as she could tell. Her watch battery had died, and now she could only live by the sun. More days passed. She hadn't come to any of her marked trees. Maybe I'm going to end up as one of those questers who didn't have any adventures...I can't fail! I can't afford to fail! I've got to get back to my home... A voice spoke. It was a young man in brown robes sitting on a root. "Maybe you'll never go home. Ever considered that this might all be just a big dream? The last delusion of a dying mind?" She started. Where had he come from? "Who are you?" "What you've been looking for." "You're not the Grail!" At least Ami didn't remember the Grail wandering around talking to people in any of the stories she had read. "What you really want is to go home, right?" "Yes. I'm hoping the Grail can send me home..." Not much of a hope, but better than nothing. "Oh, like you're ever going to find it. You haven't got a prayer." The young man smirked. "You didn't even think to use your computer." Ami blinked and felt like an idiot. My computer! Why didn't I think of that earlier? She got it out and called down her visor and started writing a program to search for the grail like the one she had tried writing during the whole business with the Dark Messiah. "It won't work. You can't find God's power with a machine." Ami blinked. "Why'd you bring it up if it won't work?" "Just to show you're not thinking clearly. There's a good reason for that." "What?" Who is this person and how does he know so much? "You're dying. This is all just some hallucination you're having. That's why it doesn't make any sense. Mamoru married to Rei. Everyone riding around in medieval armor beating each other up. Grandpa Hino as a catholic priest. You're just mixing together reality and fantasy. Now it's all winding down as the last glimmers of light go out in your brain. Go home, so you can at least enjoy your fantasy before you die." He got up. "If you stay here, you'll waste away what little time you have left." "Dying? Why would I be dying?" Ami shifted nervously on her horse, trying to tell herself it was just the hairshirt. "A bleeding grenade went off in your hands! What, you think that was an eggplant or something?" The boy got up and scowled at her. Ami tried to think back to the moment. It was fuzzy in her mind. Everything before she came here was somewhat fuzzy. They had been fighting another monster. It had thrown something to her...and then a flash of light and the void. Then she was here. She looked around. In fact, she had been right here...or somewhere like it. The boy looked around. "Yes, this is the place." "Are you reading my mind?" "I AM your mind! I'm just a projection of the part of you that knows this is all just a deluded dream. Forget it. Go ahead and wander in the woods. You know you won't find the Grail. And if you do...you'll die." Ami started. Three people found the grail...two of them died. The one who came back was Bors...her. Was that a sign? And of what? "Just go home and enjoy yourself until your brain turns off the rest of the way." "I am NOT dead! I know I'll be alive in the future! I've seen it! And they wouldn't let me die!" Ami found herself almost shouting. "Who says they have to let you die? It's not like they're all-powerful you know. Not to mention, who says there's only one future?" The boy smiled faintly. "Or that something couldn't change it? Like this." Ami's program finished running. DESIRED ENERGY SIGNATURE UNDETECTED IN INITIAL RADIUS. EXPAND RADIUS? . Ami hit the Y key. "Search all you want. You won't find it unless God wants you to. And I don't think He does." The boy sat back down. "Might as well go home and stop wasting your time." "I have no intention of giving up! I'm not a quitter." "Whatever. Wander around the woods forever like you had no brain. Doesn't matter to me." The boy got up and started to wander off. "WHO are you?" "Who are you?" he replied. "You know who I am!" "And so do you." The boy vanished among the trees. Ami rode after him, but he was gone. Had she imagined him? Am I really dying? Is this all just a fool's quest? Maybe I should just go back to Camelot...What are my odds of succeeding at this? She glanced at her computer. SEARCH CONTINUING. It would search until doomsday if she told it to. If I go back, I can get out of this stupid hairshirt and relax and... No, that's not my way. I can't sit back and wait for some chance event. If I'm wasting my time, at least I'm DOING something! Hmmm. If this is where I came here, there's a chapel nearby. I should go see how the lady who runs it is doing. She turned and rode towards where she remembered the chapel being. It was there. She went inside. The nun was praying. Something was missing...the shield was gone. "Did someone else take the adventure of the shield upon them?" "Senshi Galahad bears it now. She was here just a few hours ago. Senshi Lancelot was here as well. Indeed, these last few days we have had many visitors. Feel free to stay and rest a while." Ami plopped down on one of the long benches. "Has anyone found the grail yet?" "Not yet. A few have already given up, but most persist." Her voice was carefully neutral. It was hard to tell what she thought of all this. "Do you think this is a good idea?" "What, searching for the Grail?" Ami nodded. "It is not my place to judge. I wish you well on your quest, but I would advise you not to get your hopes up." Ami sighed. "I have to try." The nun nodded. "We are called to strive, whether or not we can reach what we are striving for. God bless you in your quest." ************************************************************************* Ami stayed at the Perilous Chapel that night. In the morning, she ate a simple breakfast with the nun and mounted up to ride away. To her surprise, the sounds of battle rang out through the forest. She rode towards the battle. Along the way, she got out her transformation pen and transformed. Reaching the edge of a small clearing, she saw the battle coming to an end. Senshi Dodinas and Senshi Sagremor were being overwhelmed by a group of about eight ogres. Dodinas' horse was dead, and she fought on foot with a shining blue blade. Sagremor was trying to cover her back with her glowing mace and chain. Both of them were bleeding profusely. As Sailor Mercury took a few seconds to assess the situation, they were both knocked unconscious and picked up by the ogres. A ninth ogre was carrying off a young lady, who was about the same age as Ami. He was in the process of ripping off her clothing and his intentions were rather clear. Sagremor recovered long enough to shout, "Senshi Mercury!" before being knocked out again. Mercury hesitated. The one ogre was going off a different way from the others...Who do I help first? My friends or the poor girl? What if the ogres kill them? But then the girl will be...Mercury found herself frozen in place, unable to act for a moment. She made her decision and rode off after the girl. The girl was defenseless and clearly in immediate danger. I'm sorry, Senshi Sagremor, Senshi Dodinas...I'll come back for you. I swear. The ogre was easy to chase down. It turned, dropping the girl. "Another stupid senshi, huh huh huh huh." It laughed, sounding like Beavis and Butthead on steroids. "SHABON SPRAY, FREEZING!" Mercury shouted. Freezing bubbles covered the ogre, who turned blue, fell over, and shattered. Well, that was easy, Mercury thought. I wish the monsters back home were this easy to defeat. She rode over to the girl. "Are you okay?" The girl nodded nervously. "What's your name?" "Inoue." The girl looked at Mercury as if she expected something horrible to happen. Mercury looked around. "What's wrong?" "I...can you help me get home? I'm lost. This forest is full of ogres." Mercury hesitated. Anything could happen to Dodinas or Sagremor if she waited any longer before she went to find them. I can't let this poor girl try to get home by herself either. She knew what she had to do. "I'll take you home. Do you know how to ride a horse?" The girl nodded. Mercury got down and hoisted the girl up onto the horse, surprising herself a little. Am I getting stronger or is she just very light? The girl smiled. "Thank you." It took five hours to get the girl home, and by the time they got there, Mercury had no idea how to get back where she had last seen the two kidnapped Senshi. Time to put my computer to work, I guess, she thought. The girl said, "Thank you for taking me home." She hugged Sailor Mercury. "God bless you." "I certainly hope so. Oh, what's your name?" The girl smiled. "Birdy. Nice to meet you!" Soon afterwards, Ami initiated a scanning program and tried to retrace her steps. She wasn't having much luck, until finally her computer found them. It was getting on towards nightfall by the time she found them and she was getting tired. Someone had already freed them, it seemed. Ogres were scattered everywhere, dead or unconscious. Dodinas was trying to cook something over a fire, while Sagremor sat nearby and looked cranky. Sagremor looked up, saw Mercury, and snarled. "Felt like coming to find us?" "I had to save the girl." "It took you all day to beat ONE ogre and follow the ogres half a mile to find us?" Sagremor stood up. She looked angry. "She needed to be taken home...I guess someone found you?" "YOU LEFT US TO DIE TO BABYSIT SOMEONE WHO WASN'T IN ANY DANGER ANYMORE?" Sagremor stomped forward. Dodinas frowned and got up. "I didn't realize it would take so long...I was afraid she'd get hurt and..." Sagremor pulled out her mace and chain. "WE'D BE DEAD BY NOW IF WE HAD HAD TO DEPEND ON YOU TO SAVE US!!!!" She charged Mercury, spinning her mace and chain high over her head. Mercury leaped up into a tree and the blow slew her horse instead. Sagremor started trying to climb the tree, without any luck. Too much armor. "Come down and fight us!" Mercury looked down at her poor horse. You did nothing to deserve this. She could feel an unfamiliar sensation building. Anger. I tried to do what I thought was best and she killed my poor innocent horse, just because I couldn't be in two places at once. You want a fight? I'll give you a fight... Before she could speak, Dodinas put a hand on Sagremor's shoulder. "Sagremor...she was just trying to do what she thought was right." Sagremore sagged. "You could have been killed Dodinas...They were about to kill you when Senshi Percival got here..." A tremor ran through her. "They were going to kill you with my own...my..." Senshi Dodinas took her into a clumsy embrace. Mercury felt the anger flow out of her. Sagremor had just had a really bad experience. She had to be forgiving. That was part of being a senshi. If I'd just watched one of my friends about to die when I knew someone else could have prevented it, I'd be unhappy too. "I'm sorry, Sagremor. I came as fast as I could." Sagremor said nothing, simply shaking in Dodinas's arms. There was nothing more to be said. *************************************************************************** They parted soon after that. Apologies were made, but it seemed best to let time heal the wounds. After camping together that night, Ami rode one way, they rode another. Ami set herself on Senshi Percival's trail. She knew that in the legends, Percival was one of those who found the grail. It gave her some kind of lead to follow. The days seemed to blur into one another again. She could find Percival with her computer, but she could never quite catch up with her. It became increasingly frustrating as the days passed. Yet, she had no better options. One day, weeks, maybe months after her last adventure, she came upon a clearing in the forest with a huge table spread out in it. It was surrounded by chairs and covered with a vast array of foods, all fresh and inviting. Ami's stomach growled. Her food supplies were running low and she had been living off venison and fruit for weeks. At one end of the table, sat five Senshi, all asleep in their chairs. Ami rode over to them. "Hello?" Upon a closer look, Ami recognized them. Senshi Gawaine, Senshi Gareth, Senshi Gaheris, Senshi Aggravaine, and Senshi Mordred. The Orkney clan. She had known them in her own world. Makoto, Shirokuro, Crane no Joe, Prisma, and Catsy. Would they really bring down Queen Rei's court in the end like their counterparts in the legends of Arthur? Had Crane no Joe slain their mother as Gaheris did his? Prisma and Catsy had started out evil...yet they had reformed. Would Aggravaine and Mordred reform? Would this legend end any differently from the one she knew? Maybe I should kill them right now...they die in the end anyway... She started at the thought, so uncharacteristic of her. I can't do that! I won't murder them! Well, I could just leave them here...if they sleep long enough...She shook her head. What's gotten into me? I can't just leave them here...Why are they sleeping anyway? A voice startled her. "It is a test. They failed it." She turned. A woman stood nearby. She was young...or was she? It was hard to tell what age she was. One moment, she seemed to be in late middle age, another she could scarcely have been considered over twenty. Her hair was long, blonde, and flowing, running most of the way down her back. She wore a simple white robe that covered all but her feet, head, and hands, gathered at the waist with a belt that looked like woven vines. Upon her brow hung an orange gemstone from a silver chain. "I am Minako, the lady of the lake. Greetings, Senshi Mercury." "I...hello. I'm ...I guess you know who I am. What happened here?" "They ignored the sign and ate." "What sign?" Minako pointed to a sign on a tree near the table. Ami blinked. It wasn't there before, was it? It said, "Don't eat the food. It has been dedicated to the Lord of the Forest." Hmm. Are they even literate, Ami wondered. Lots of knights weren't. "How long will they sleep?" "A thousand years unless someone wakes them. And no one will find them. This place is warded now." Ami shivered slightly. "I...you warded it?" "I do what must be done. I understand you seek a way to return to your world." "I...can you send me there?" "Perhaps." Minako smiled enigmatically as a faint breeze began to blow. "All things are possible, yet most things do not occur." "Have you been taking lessons from Setsuna?" Minako smiled. "Not recently. I can send you home..." She trailed off. "What do you need me to do?" "It is not what I desire, but a matter of fulfilling your role in the great song of destiny, in which we are all singers. I cannot send you out of this song until your part is done. The time shall come when I shall gladly aid you in going home." "But that time hasn't come yet." "It maybe be very near...depending on what you do." "What do I have to do?" Minako did not reply, turning instead to gaze into the forest. Ami turned and walked over to wake up Senshi Gawaine. I can't just leave them here. They haven't done anything yet to deserve a thousand years of sleep. "So you will bring down Rei's court?" Minako asked, not turning around, her voice as smooth as if she had asked, "Would you like some pudding?" Ami froze up. "I...you know what may happen?" "It can be very miserable, indeed. I have followed the skein of time, and I do not find it pleasing." "Why...Why didn't you just kill them then?" "Why don't YOU just kill them?" Ami said, "It wouldn't be right!" "Why do you think I'd be willing to murder them for deeds undone?" "Because you know what happened! Umm...will happen..." Minako turned. "Then why don't you do something about them?" "I will! I don't want to see it happen!" Minako smiled. "Good. That is your fate. Why you have come. To prevent this from all becoming a nightmare without end." The boy appeared again, walking out of the forest. "You can't stop them. Nothing can stop them if you wake them, Ami." Ami frowned. "WHO are you?" "That's not important. They're killers. They slew their own mother. They've been hunting down the Pellinore clan for years. They'll do worse before they're done. You can't change them. They're bad seeds, rotten to the core." "They are not rotten to the core! And people can change! I've seen them change!" The boy smirked. "I don't see Sailor Moon and her magic stick anywhere around here. What are you going to do, give them ethics lessons? Better living through physics?" "I don't know, but if I don't try, I'll never find out! I was able to help Birdy change! I can help them too!" Maybe he's right. Maybe I should leave them here. I don't know if he's telling the truth or lying. Not everything is exactly the same...they might not have done anything wrong yet. The boy shook his head. "Make more misery for yourself. See if I care." He turned and walked off. Ami turned and shook Gawaine awake. I'll take my chances, she thought. I have to give them that chance. Gawaine started awake, as did the others. "Mercury?" "Hai. I'm here." Senshi Gareth yawned and stretched. "How long have we been napping?" "You would have slept a thousand years if I hadn't woken you. I don't know how long you've been here." "Praise God you found us," Gareth said. "How did you find out we'd sleep that long?" "Minako told me." Senshi Aggravaine looked around. "I don't see her anywhere." "Well, she was here..." Ami looked. Minako had vanished, as had the sign again. She frowned. Gawaine got up and stretched. "We owe you a great favor, Mercury. I hope only that we may one day repay you." "We'll see what happens." ************************************************************************** Ami rode with them for a while, but eventually, they came to a fork in the road with six paths. As was the custom, they split up, each riding down a different path. By now, Ami had begun to realize that the adventures would come to her, as long as she kept moving. It was completely illogical...but this world operated by its own logic, she had learned. A senshi clad in black armor sat upon a huge black horse, blocking the road. "None shall pass." She blinked. This seems familiar. "Unless they defeat you?" "All who would pass, must fight me to the death." "Right." Ami turned her horse around and started to ride off. The senshi blinked. "Wait, you're just going to leave?" "I don't like the road that much." "Coward!" the senshi yelled. She shrugged. "Enjoy your road." She rode off. Being called a coward stung, but it certainly wasn't worth killing someone just to ride along the road. She found a path she hadn't noticed before, and turned off onto it. For several days, she rode through the increasingly dark and dismal forest. It started raining most of the time. Finally, the forest opened up and a manor spread out before her. Across the fields, she could see a large manor house and a village spread out around it. A man clad in white samite fled from a knight clad in familiar black armor. It was the knight from the road. He turned and saw Ami. "Going to run away again?" Ami frowned. "Leave that man alone!" "Or you'll what? Tell me again?" The senshi turned to look at her and the man ran and hid himself in the village. Her voice was harsh and disdainful. "Go home, little girl." "I am not a little girl! MERCURY STAR POWER!" The power came over her in a rush, filling her with strength. "You shouldn't harrass the poor and defenseless! In the name of the planet Mercury, I will punish you!" "Enough words." The woman drew a sword with a curved blade, that shone with a blue light. "Come and get me, if you dare." Mercury glanced for a moment at where the man had run to. "Leave now and..." "Enough!!!" The senshi galloped forward, sword raised high. Mercury waited until the senshi was almost upon her. She lept out of the saddle and into the air, landing on the horse behind the senshi, and kicking her sword away. She then lept back onto her horse as it passed the senshi, who blinked. "Had enough yet?" The senshi dismounted and ran for her sword. "NO!" "Why are you harrassing this town?" "Because I want it! I shall be the lord of this town! I'm tired of being landless, and I won't let you stand in my way! Now come down here and fight me!" Mercury did so. She easily dodged the attacks, thanks to the training that she had learned at Camelot. It soon became clear she had superior endurance as well. After a while, her opponent was exhausted, and unable to prevent Sailor Mercury from disarming her. The black senshi lay on the ground. "Go ahead. Finish me off. Put me out of my misery." "No. Get on your horse and leave and NEVER return." She stared hard at the senshi, who did so. The man who had been cowering behind a building came out. He was very nicely dressed in a cote hardie and leggings of white samite with a pair of crossed red wands on a blue badge pinned near one shoulder. He was only a little older than Ami. In fact, Ami now recognized him. He looked remarkably like Urawa. He sounded like him too. "I am Greg, the lord of this poor manor. Thank you, lady Senshi for aiding me. Please come to my castle, so that I might reward you properly." Ami smiled. "Thanks. I could do with a nice meal." She got a very nice meal indeed. Despite the rundown condition of the manor, her meal was very good, and the servants were very polite and helpful. They talked for a while after they ate, and he told her a few tales he had heard of the success or lack thereof of the other grail questers. It was pleasant to relax with company for once, especially someone who reminded her of someone she had loved. If only he hadn't forgotten me after Usagi wiped out everyone's memories. I really liked him a lot. Greg's voice, his mannerisms, all were the same as Urawa. The only difference was that if Greg had the same power of seeing the future as Urawa did, he didn't show it. Finally, it was time to go to bed. Greg showed her to her quarters then hesitated. "It is the custom of this place..." he paused. "I should have told you of this earlier..." Ami blinked. "What custom?" "As the lord of the manor, I must insure that no guest sleep alone..." Ami blinked again. "Even if they want to?" "I...if you do not find me desirable, one of my servants would do to fulfill the custom, but I should not send a servant to do my job." Is this for real? Ami remembered that some castles did seem to have very strange customs. She then remembered that usually the only way to end a custom was to fulfil it then declare it at an end. Wait, he had said sleep...maybe he really did just mean sleep..."You mean like...uh..." "Yes. You would honor me if I was the one." "I can't sleep with you!" It's tempting..but I don't REALLY know you that well. This isn't the time for me to lose my virginity. If you were really Urawa... He sighed. "I know I'm not very handsome. Well, I'll call the..." "No, I mean, I'm...I'm a virgin and I want to stay that way. For now, anyway." This all seemed somewhat familiar, suddenly, but Ami wasn't sure why. The man frowned. "Well, I'll have to kill myself then." Ami blinked. "You what?" "It is part of the custom. I suppose I should try to seduce you, but I was never very good at that. Well, it's been nice knowing you." He turned to go. "Where did I leave that sword, anyway..." "I can't let you kill yourself! Why do you have to die?" "It is the custom," he said, in the same tone one might use to say, "Because I like strawberries." "I can't let you kill yourself over some stupid custom!" "Then you will..." "No, I can't do that either!" Is he really going to kill himself? Maybe it's just an act to get into bed with me. That is kind of flattering, but I can't let him force me to sleep with him...but if he kills himself...I'd feel so awful...There has to be some other way out of this. "Then I must die. Will you slay me or must I do it myself?" "I'm not going to kill you!" He paused. "That's it! I can jump!" He turned and ran out of the room. Ami chased him through the halls of the palace. Finally, they came out on the roof of the manor house, five stories up. Ami blinked, wondering where the cliff had come from that now was on one side of the house. It dropped down into a mist, though she could hear the crashing of the surf below. Greg stood at the edge of the cliff. "Are you sure you won't relent so I can live?" "Why are you doing this? I'm not worth killing yourself over!" "I must. It is the custom." He turned to leap. She grabbed his shoulder. "Don't jump! I don't want you to die! I just don't want to sleep with you." "And thus you send me to my death." He tried to jump, but she held onto him. "You're the nutcase trying to kill yourself! Why is this custom so important?" How can he blame this on ME? He's the one who is trying to kill himself! I'm not making him do it! "It is the law of the land. It must be obeyed. I am only its executor and its heir. Goodbye, Ami." He wrenched himself loose and lept. For a moment she hesitated. I can't let him do this!" She lept after him, pulling out her pen and transforming as she did so. What exactly am I going to DO about this anyway? They cleared the mist. There was water below. She hit the water shortly after he did. Luckily, the water was rather deep, somehow, and they sank beneath the waves. Mercury was an excellent swimmer and she managed to swim down to him and pull him to the surface before he could drown. She could see the shore nearby. He was quiet as she swum to shore and carried him up onto the beach. "Are you okay?" When he didn't say anything, but gagged instead, she realized he was going to need mouth to mouth resuscitation. She went to work, then realized in the middle of it, he might get the wrong idea. Finally, it worked and he started breathing properly. "You risked your life for me," he said. "Uh, yeah, I guess I did." "Why?" "I couldn't let you just kill yourself over some stupid custom!" "That was enough to risk your life?" Mercury paused. "I...I'd have felt guilty if you died. Even though it would have been your own fault. I didn't want that weight on my soul." I bet Urawa would have jumped too, if he'd seen a vision of himself jumping...Maybe you're even more like him than I thought. "Thank you." He pointed out onto the waters. "Something has come for you." She turned and looked and saw a boat, sailing under its own power. It halted a little off shore, though the water looked too shallow for it. "The time has come for you to go, Mercury. And for me to return to my home. The custom is over. Thank you again. God bless you." "My horse..." There was a whinney and Mercury saw her horse was already on the boat. Mercury blinked. "How did she get there?" There was no reply. She turned and looked. Greg was gone. What in...she wondered. "You're going nuts, that's what. I told you this is just the final delusions as you die." It was the boy again. "I am not nuts! This must be magic!" "That's what they said about lightning in the middle ages. And tides. Magic or God's will. You know better." "I know magic is real!" "Does it ever get this weird, though?" "Why do you want me to believe this is a dream? Or the last delusion of my dying mind? My mind feels fine." "Sooner or later, you'll realize I'm right. Just don't wait until it's too late." He vanished. Mercury sighed and turned to the boat. This is kinda all weird. Soon, she was on the boat and it headed out to sea. ********************************************************************** For days, Ami rode alone on the boat, except for her horse. The boat sailed under a stormy sky, though it rarely rained. The land had soon slipped out of sight. She thought she was probably sailing north, but she wasn't really sure. There was a book, but unfortunately, it was in aramaic and greek and she couldn't read it very well. She thought it was a bible, though. This trip was even more boring than being lost in the forest. I don't think I'm quite cut out for the questing life, I guess. Not alone, anyway, she thought. She spent a lot of time thinking and trying to remember her friends and her old life. It seemed almost dreamlike at times. Will I ever see them again? They must think I'm dead by now. Loneliness swept over her. No one here to talk to. Nothing to read. Nothing to do. Nothing. Just water, a book she couldn't read, and a stormy sky. Oh, and a horse. For someone of Ami's temperment, this was a living hell. She spent a while trying to figure out what was propelling the boat, but soon concluded it had to be magic. She was almost to the point where even having that annoying boy show up and taunt her would have been a relief, when a dark shape appeared on the horizon. It was a rocky island, with mountains rising in its interior. Atop a cliff sat a crude castle. The boat pulled up to a dock. She got off with her horse, and the boat sailed away. "Now how do I get to the top..." No one answered her. With a lot of looking, she found a staircase. She left her horse at the dock, and started up the crude staircase hacked out of the rock. Finally, she reached the top. The drawbridge of the castle was down, and there seemed to be no one on guard. As she approached the castle, she saw there were two lions, seemingly asleep, on the far side of the drawbridge, inside the gatehouse. One was black, and the other was white. She moved a little closer. "Hello?" There was no answer. "Is anyone there?" Silence. She moved a little closer to the lions. They seemed to be unaware of her presence, asleep in fact, but she wasn't sure if she could trust that. There was an inscription over the door. She tried to read it, wishing her knowlege of Pictish glyphs was better. "And the lion shall lay down with the lambs." Does that mean it is safe to enter? The white lion roused and gazed at her curiously. She froze in place. It got up, shook itself and stared at her. She tried again, just in case. "Hello?" "You have come," the lion said. Ami nearly fainted. "Uh, yes. May I come in?" "If you wish." "Will you let me pass?" "I didn't say that." The lion crouched down into a comfortable position. "You'll try to eat me?" "I didn't say that either." "Is it safe for me to come in?" "It is never safe to pass between lions." "I know that!" "Then why did you ask?" The lion looked genuinely curious. "In other words, you won't tell me if I'm safe." She paused. "Do you have a name?" "Yes." "Can you tell it to me?" "Yes." She sighed. Are lions capable of sarcasm? "What is your name?" "I have been called many names." "Umm. What would you like to be called?" "You may call me Tawny." Ami came a little bit closer. "So you can't tell me what you'll do if I try to come in, Tawny?" "I don't eat...everyone who enters." "Why is the other lion still asleep?" "There's only one of you." "Is there some other way in?" "What would be the point of guarding one entrance with lions and leaving another open?" Good point. "Wait, how can you talk?" "With my mouth and lungs, just like you." The lion smirked. Ami tried to remember anything like this from the Arthurian stories she had read. She remembered something about lions who some knight befriended. She looked up at the inscription. It could be a trick. Maybe I should transform. Then again, it might think that's a hostile act. I don't have enough information to make a good decision here. Well, if it wanted to eat me...She sighed. I'm going to think myself into mental knots. I'll just walk forward. If it comes for me, then I'll have to jump in the moat and transform or something. Oh, that's a brilliant plan. She sighed again. "You coming in or not?" Suddenly, Ami remembered the story. She walked forward, right past the lion, who sighed. "I never get to eat anyone...Go in peace as you have come." Ami smiled. "And you too." The castle seemed deserted at first, with a layer of dust over the entire courtyard as if noone had come in or out for millenia. Soon, however, she began to see lights at some of the windows of the keep and to hear faint music from within it. The doors of the keep stood open. She paused and knocked. Soon, a young female page with short blonde hair came to the door. She wore a green surcoat with a yellow cup emblazoned on it, and red tights. "Welcome to Castle Carbonek. Why have you come?" "I seek the Holy Grail." Ami felt a vague deja vu feeling. "Why do you seek it?" "I hope that maybe it can send me home." The page blinked. Apparently this wasn't part of whatever script she was operating by. "I..you...Umm...come in." The page turned and led Ami through the halls of Carbonek. She followed the girl for what seemed like hours. Finally, the music in the air grew louder and a smell of sweet perfume, masking a scent she couldn't quite recognize, filled the air. They entered a great hall, lit by torches high up on the walls. In the center of the room, an old man lay upon a couch. He wore regal clothing, but it was battered and old. There was a faint dripping sound, but Ami couldn't find the source of it. Two tapers stood near him, burning incense. A golden crown, worked to resemble a laurel wreath sat upon his head. His hair was white, and a pair of glasses were perched on his nose. The light reflected off them, hiding his eyes. With a start, Ami realized he bore a strong resemblence to Professor Tomoe. The grail king, she thought. Stabbed by Balin after he tried to kill Balin for killing his brother after his brother attacked Balin. Stabbed with the Holy Lance. Galahad's grandfather. I wish I could help him, but Galahad is the one destined to heal him...wait, this means I'm the first person to get here! The page led Ami over to the Grail King. "Sir, this is Senshi Mercury." Ami blinked. Wait, I never said who I was. "She says she's come looking for the grail, so it can send her home." The Grail King sighed. "My release is not yet come." "Don't worry, Chibi-Usa...I mean Usagi Minor, will succeed. You won't suffer forever." Pluto may worry about revealing the future, but I don't think this would hurt. "I can only pray. I have paid for my sins tenfold." He moaned faintly and clutched his side. Her gaze attracted by the gesture, she now saw the dripping was coming from his side. He was slowly bleeding into a dish. She shuddered faintly. I wonder if he's hemophiliac? "I...Is the grail here? Is there anything I can do to help you? I've got some asprin, I think..." The Grail King blinked. "Asprin? There is nothing you can do. Chris, take her to the chapel. Perhaps there she shall find what she seeks." Ami fumbled and got out some asprin. "Try taking these with water every twelve hours. It should help with the pain a little." The king took the tablets. "Magic?" "Medicine." "Well, I guess it can't hurt." "Just don't take more than two a day. It could have bad effects." Well, this will help him a little, anyway. The page said. "Follow me. I shall take you to the chapel, and we shall see what we shall see." The page lead Ami down a long hallway to a chapel. It was brightly lit and seemed to be the source of the all-present music. High on the right wall, a series of stained glass windows depicted important scenes from Christ's ministry on Earth, his death, and resurrection. They cast multicolored patterns of light across everything in the room, providing the only light source, except for the Grail itself. It sat on the altar, on top of a red altar cover, emblazoned with a white cross. She stepped forward slowly. It all seemed too easy. As she almost reached the altar, she heard shouting outside and stopped. The sound of fighting came through the windows. Someone was shouting something about help. She paused and tried to concentrate on the voice. "Someone...help me!!!!!!" It was Naru's voice. "Naru? What's she doing here?" In fact, I haven't even seen her since my arrival. Or Umino. It sounded like they were right outside the chapel. There was a door out, in fact, which she hadn't noticed before. I'd better go check on her... She ran to the door, then paused to look at the grail. It won't go anywhere...I hope. I have to make sure Naru is okay. The door opened out into the courtyard, which was full of mist. She heard Naru scream again. "HELP ME!!!!!!!!" She ran through the mist, pulling out her pen and transforming. Off to one side, she saw something that brought her to a halt. A circle of light hung in the air. Through the circle, she could see the playground where she and her friends had fought their battle. They were sitting together, looking very sad. Not much time seemed to have passed. "She must be dead," Sailor Jupiter said. "She can't be dead!" Sailor Moon yelled. "It can't end like this! She can't be dead! She can't!" Sailor Venus laid a hand on Moon's shoulder. "I'm alive! I'm right here!" Sailor Mercury yelled. They didn't seem to notice. "They won't hear you. Not unless you step through." It was the boy. "They think you're dead." The scream came again, and the portal began to shrink. It's closing, Sailor Mercury realized. "What a brilliant observation. In 30 seconds, it will close. Think you can save Naru and get back that fast? Of course, it may take you that long to make up your mind." He smirked. There'll be other chances, she told herself, turning and running into the mist, homing in on the screaming. The mist cleared away. A woman stood, clad in blue and gold, over a crumpled body of a man. The woman had long red hair, streaked with grey. She turned as she saw Sailor Mercury approach. It was Naru. With a start, she suddenly realized that the crumpled man was Umino, though much older than she was used to him being. He still had the glasses though, looking incongrous with his medieval garb. A senshi stood over them, sitting on the back of a black charger. She laughed. "So this is the great Senshi Tristam. I think the stories have been greatly exaggerated." Mercury recognized the voice. It was the senshi she had battled at Greg's manor. "Maybe if he hadn't been unarmed, it would have been different." The senshi turned her head, attracted by the voice. "So, we meet again. So what if he was unarmed? He was guilty of adultery. I acted to carry out the King's justice." Naru shouted at her, "You attacked an unarmed man because Nephrite promised you Umino's lands if you killed him! Because my husband is too cowardly to face Umino himself!" "My motives are irrelevant. I am but the humble tool doing the king's will. Does not every king reward his servants?" The senshi smiled. "Those who defy the royal will, defy justice and must be punished. Justice was done here." "Murder is never justice!" "He broke the law. The punishment for adultery is death." "The law isn't always just!" "Then each person should do what they think is right? Should we abandon law all together?" "Yes! No...umm..." Mercury hesitated. Abandoning all law would leave all to the rule of the strong over the weak, but not all laws were just. She hesitated, unable to justify her own position, yet feeling in her heart that it was right. The senshi laughed bitterly. "Make up your mind, child. You can't have it both ways. Don't you believe you will be judged for what you have done? That in the end, you will be brought to reckoning for your deeds?" Yes, I have, Mercury thought. When I bothered to think of it at all. I've tried to be a good person. To obey the law and my parents. Yet, something didn't ring true. The law wasn't made to make people miserable. Something...Words seethed at the verge of her consciousness. A memory just out of reach. Something she had read somewhere. "What about mercy?" "Mercy." The senshi laughed bitterly again. "Your mercy is why I'm here doing this. To have slain me would have been just at the time, for I was outside the law. Now I am the law, and you have sunk further into injustice by seeking to deny my carrying out the law. I have reformed, and you have not." "Reformed? REFORMED? You haven't changed a bit! All you have now is a different excuse for doing the same thing!" Mercury could feel herself getting angrier. How could this killer stand there and treat me like this? I'm better than her, dammit! I've risked my life to save people and all she does is kill to get what she wants! "You're nothing but a murderer!" "We're all murderers. We kill to live. Plants and animals die in droves to keep us alive. Do you stop to think when you squash a bug? No, you kill it because it's in the way." "A BUG IS NOT A HUMAN BEING!" Mercury was starting to yell everything she said. A tiny part of her stood back and watched, amazed. She had never been this angry in her entire life, not even at the moment of her own death when they'd faced the Doom and Gloom sisters. She trembled, trying to control herself. She wanted to silence this senshi. Who was she to pass judgement on me? I'm NOT a killer! I'm not! "It's still killing. Only the law can keep us from killing each other. Time and again, we've shown that left to our own devices, we'll do whatever we can to get what we want. I was like that. Everyone is like that. Without a clear standard to spell out what is acceptable and what is not, we become beasts, preying on each other. What I did before was wrong, but this is right. I act for the law now, not myself." The senshi turned to Naru. "Now you're coming with me, back to your husband, for judgement." " A law without mercy is injust! If you want her, you'll have to go over my DEAD BODY!" Mercury yelled. She wasn't normally an advocate of action without thought, but she was really sick and tired of this lowdown murderer putting them both on the same moral level. "Or what? You'll kill me? So I suppose it comes down to what you do is always right and what I do is always wrong?" The senshi glared at Ami. "How wonderfully self-righteous of you. I guess you're just a law unto yourself." "I follow a higher law!" "As laid down by you. That leads either to anarchy or dictatorship, depending on whether you're willing to beat the rest of the world up to get it to follow you." "And you're any better than that? What do you call what YOU're doing?" "I follow a law anyone can know and obey. It's rules are precise, and if you obey them, you will not be punished. It doesn't depend on individual whim. It's fair and applies to all equally." "All they did was love each other! Is love wrong?" "Law has no room for love. Love is inherently unjust." The senshi grabbed Naru's wrist. "Who ever really earned love? Law is about merit and punishment. Love cares nothing for either. Only law can preserve the order we need to restrain us from destroying ourselves." "Without love, the laws we make will only help us hurt each other!" Sailor Mercury struck a series of poses that made the other senshi blink. "I am Sailor Mercury and I fight for love AND justice! Sometimes they may seem incompatible, but they're not! Justice is more than the law can ever fully express and so is love! Now unhand her, or I will punish you in the name of the planet Mercury!" "Oooh. The planet Mercury. I'm shaking." The senshi hoisted Naru up onto her horse. "Let's rumble." She drew her shining blue sword and charged Mercury. Mercury vaulted into the air, landing on the back of the horse. She grabbed Naru and lept away. "Get away from here!" "I can't leave Umino!" Naru ran over to him and started to work on bandaging his wounds. The senshi wheeled her horse about. "Very good. You'll see I've improved since our last fight." "You'll see I went easy on you last time. SHABON SPRAY FREEZING!!" The power erupted from her in a great gout. Bubbles swarmed forth, innocent in appearance, but cold, cold with the chill of rage that had passed through burning fire to the cold ash beyond it. Frost covered the senshi and her horse, encapsulating them in a layer of ice. It was over. Or maybe not. The ice cracked and shattered. The senshi's teeth chattered and she shivered. She fell off her horse and collapsed to the ground, barely breathing. Mercury stared at her. The rage had blown out of her. I should feel triumphant. I beat her. All I feel is...empty. Mercury stared at the fallen senshi. I should finish you off. If I let you live, you'll just start this all over again. Naru ran over to the fallen senshi and picked up a nearby rock. She knelt, about to smash in the senshi's skull with it, then started to cry and dropped the rock. "I can't do it..." Neither could Mercury. If I kill her, I won't be any different than she is. I didn't have to hurt her so bad. I could have just made an ice cage like I did that time with those pets...but I wanted to make her shut up. To stop challenging me. I couldn't bear it. I was wrong. Everything I've done has been wrong. I thought I was fighting for love and justice, but I was just fighting for myself, just like her. I wanted to kill her. She went over to Naru. "Start a fire. We've got to warm her up or she'll die. Do you know anything about helping people with frostbite?" I've got to do something. Make amends. Naru helped her get a fire going. Soon, some color started to come back into the senshi's face. Mercury suddenly realized she didn't even know the senshi's name. She was going to live, whoever she was. She turned and saw Naru sitting quietly by Umino, holding his hand. "I know a lot of herbalism, but I don't have the materials or time to brew a healing draught. I've bandaged Umino...but he's bleeding so badly, it's not stopping. For all my skills as a healer..." Her voice began to break. "I don't know if I can save him..." Mercury sighed. If only I'd taken the Grail...it could heal this. "The Grail could heal this. It is beyond my power. I'm not much of a healer yet." "The Grail. If only the Grail would come." Wait, I could go get it, Mercury suddenly realized. She turned about, then suddenly realized that this wasn't the Grail Castle anymore. The boy appeared nearby. "That's right. You had your chance. You lost it. You don't get the grail, you don't go home, and he dies. And oh, the nutcase senshi you hate gets to live. Nice set of choices you made, eh?" "SHUT UP!" Sailor Mercury was sick and tired of him following her around and harrassing her. She had done the right thing! Doing the right thing isn't supposed to come out like this! It wasn't fair! "Since when was life fair? People die everyday. You just get to watch them this time. Sure, he'll die and you'll never go home, but hey, you'll know you did the right thing. Oh, did you know that you'll never be able to find your way back to the Grail Castle, since you left?" The boy smiled. "I just hope the Grail King doesn't accidentally overdose on the aspirin...kinda hard to measure time accurately without clocks." Mercury felt a twinge of worry. What if he thinks that if one is good, two is better? Or three..or four...What if he's allergic? He can't be in a condition to take too much of a shock. Her mind cast back along her entire trip, remembering all the things that went wrong. Sagremor and Dodinas carried off and nearly dying. The lord of that manor trying to kill himself over her. Waking up people who might destroy the kingdom in the future. A heavy burden bore down on her. I tried to do the right things and all these awful things happened. I can't do anything right. Umino twitched faintly. I can't even help Umino. She began to cry. "I'm sorry. I can't help you. I'm such a failure. Everything I've been doing has gone wrong. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." "It's not your fault. Umino and I...need to stop angering my husband, Nephrite, so much. I've been a bad wife. We brought this on ourselves. Please don't cry." She gave Sailor Mercury a clumsy hug. "We're the ones who sinned, not you." "I just...all my actions have come out wrong. I tried to do the right thing and it hasn't helped. I just...just...don't understand!" She tried to pull herself together, then realized Naru was shaking too. "But you tried to do the right thing. You're not a wretched sinner like Umino and I. We deserve our fate. Don't blame yourself for this." "It's not just this. Everything I've done on my trip has gone wrong." "Will you...pray with me? If Umino dies, I'm going to kill myself, and I want to be ready to...to...face God." "I...Don't kill yourself!" No, not another death. I can't bear it. "Just pray with me." She knelt down and closed her eyes. Mercury did the same. Naru prayed silently. Mercury kneeled. She didn't know what to do, what to say. She wasn't sure what she believed. She spoke silently, hoping something was listening. God, or Goddess, or kamis, or whoever might hear this...help Umino. Whatever's he done, I can't believe he deserves death. The Umino I knew was weird sometimes, but he had a pure heart. Please help him. There's nothing I can do. Nothing I've done has gone right. I can't do this. Please, please, whoever you are, whatever you are, help him. Mercury's lips moved silently. All was quiet for long moments, then a bright light began to beat against her eyelids. She opened her eyes. A shining cup was floating in the air over Umino. A sweet scent filled the air and she could hear the music that accompanied it. Her body tingled as if electricity had run through it. It descended to Umino's head and tipped over. A drop of reddish liquid fell onto Umino's lips. A flush of color ran through him and his eyes opened. He stared at the cup. It rose above him and he sat up. "I'm alive. Oh God, I'm alive!" Naru hugged him tightly. "You're alive! God has spared us." Mercury smiled. At least something went right. The Grail hung in the air, as if it was waiting for something. "Thank you," Mercury said. "Thank you for helping Umino." It floated closer to her. She backed up slightly. "No, I'm fine. I'm sorry I bothered you...I should have been able to do something...to prevent this. You'd better go back and wait for Galahad...the Grail King will need you..." A voice spoke without words. DRINK. "I...me? I'm not worthy. I'm not a spiritual person. I haven't done anything good enough. I did it all for the wrong reasons. I never should have come on this quest...All I wanted was to send myself home..." The Grail floated closer, insistent. DRINK AND BE HEALED. "But...I'm not hurt." NOT ALL WOUNDS ARE OF THE BODY. How could it know how she felt? She felt like someone had dragged a knife across her soul. All her illusions shattered. She felt very dirty. How could I be worthy to drink from the Grail? Not to mention Galahad died after he drank...and he was the most pure knight of all. She stared at the Grail. It looked so inviting...did she dare to drink from it? Her hands reached out to it, possessing a wisdom her mind could not understand. The cup moved into them and then to her lips. The liquid burned in her mouth and throat, sending waves of warmth through her. She shook and almost dropped the cup. Images exploded in her mind. Saving the girl from the ogre. The girl saying, "God Bless you" after she escorted the girl home. Freeing her friends from the enchanted sleep. Avoiding a pointless battle with the senshi on the road. Saving Greg from the Senshi and from trying to kill himself. Trying to help the Grail King. Turning back from her goals not once, but twice, to help Naru. She remembered other moments too. Helping Usagi study. Fighting side by side with her friends. A quiet moment with her parents. She felt a new strength flowing through her, a sense of love and peace she'd never felt before. She may have made mistakes; things might not always work out for the best, but that was not the sum of her existence, not the measure of her worth. She didn't have to be the perfect person, knowing everything, never making a mistake, to love and be loved. She could feel a power she had never known before. Is this the power of God, she wondered. Does Rei feel like this when she prays? What's happening to me? I feel a presence? Who are you? The only answer was a smile that was neither seen nor smelled, neither heard nor tasted nor could be touched, but was everywhere and in all things. It was inside her and outside her. Bigger than everything and tinier than an atom. Her mind tried to understand and failed. All she could understand was the love that flowed from it. The Grail shimmered and vanished. The light and the music and the sweet scent ceased, never to be seen again by Ami, but the love endured, a welcoming smile without beginning or end. Here endeth the book of the Quest of the Holy Grail, if not the quest itself. For that is a task without beginning or end, continuing to this very day. ************************************************************************** *********** Book III: La Morte de Rei? *********** Mercury rode down the road, passing through the most actual farmland she'd seen since her arrival in Logres. She was somewhere in what would be Devon in her own world, she thought, though she wasn't sure. Somehow, she had travelled from the Grail Castle to Cornwall when she left the chapel. As she crested the top of a hill, she saw another senshi, further ahead on the road. Spurring her horse, she rushed forward and called out, "Hello, there!" The senshi turned her head. It was Senshi Bors. "Hello, Mercury!" Bors stopped and waited for Mercury to catch up. "How has it gone with you, Mercury?" She smiled. "I found the grail, though it wasn't quite what I thought I was looking for." Bors nodded. "Indeed. I am surprised I did not see you at the Grail Castle. I thought that all of us who succeeded were there." They rode together for days and spoke of many things. Bors related her adventures in the quest of the grail, and they discussed the things they had learned. Those who would learn more of this may go and read Mallory. This story is long enough already :) They passed through a great forest once more, and then the forest parted before them. The great fields surrounding Camelot were spread out before them. A lone senshi kneeled in prayer by the side of the road. Bors called out. "Cousin!" The senshi started and turned, her helmet falling off her head. It was Senshi Lancelot. "Bors! Mercury! It's so good to see you!" She rushed to her feet and ran over to them. "How went your quest, dear cousin?" Bors asked as she got down off her horse and hugged Senshi Lancelot. "I was so blessed as to see the grail, which was more than I deserved. I feel...I feel so young again." She paused. "My daughter and I...I'm proud of her." She paused. "She is my daughter, even if I didn't bear her. It bothers me, though. If Brisen could move the unborn infant from my womb to hers...how many people may have been born to mothers not their own? Their true parentage hidden...Sorcery is rare, yet..." Mercury said, "So that's what happened? Dame Brisen moved the baby out of you before you could know you were pregnant?" Lancelot blushed. "I was seduced by Demand. He was disguised as...as.." Mercury nods. "I know what you mean. Brisen disguised Demand as someone you loved. You slept with him, and conceived a child. Then you realized the mistake, and left, but Brisen took the child out of you into her womb. She gave the child to Demand to raise, and one day Demand came to court, with your child. You slept with Demand again due to more sorcery and when...someone found you, you went mad and roamed the countryside for two years, until finally the Grail was sent by the Grail King, Demand's father, to heal you. You went stayed out of guilt and lived with him for a time, but in the end, you left, as you could not bear to stay. That child is Usagi Minor, your child and the granddaughter of the Grail King, Senshi Galahad. Am I right?" Lancelot blinked. "I...how did you know all that?" Mercury smiled. This must be how Pluto feels sometimes. Time for the truth. This is the best way to prevent the disasters to come, if I can. "I have read books in my own land that tell a story very similar to many things that have happened in this one. I took one of the stories and just changed a few names. There's trouble coming, if these stories hold true for here. For one thing, half of the Round Table died in the stories about the Grail Quest." Bors and Lancelot stared at her. Lancelot spoke first. "Half?" "The best knights never returned, and the worst gave up early. Many died in accidents, or almost slew each other through failing to recognize each other, enchantment, and other disasters. And then..." Mercury hesitated. What if I'm wrong? What if Mamoru and Usagi don't...Well, I have to tell them. If I'm wrong, then I have nothing to worry about. "In the story, the Queen and the King's best knight had an affair. Two jealous knights set out to reveal the affair. The end result was a civil war and the death of the King, and almost all of the rest of the knights of the Round Table." Mercury stared at Lancelot. "You have to give up on him." "I know. I learned many things on the quest. You can rest assured. I've changed. I won't let that happen. There will be nothing that anyone could speak of with dishonor." Lancelot paused and smiled. "Come, let us speak of happier things." And they did. **************************************************************************** Queen Rei sat in her chambers, pouring over various royal correspondence. Pope Haruna III was asking for a tax to be levied on the Logres Clergy to help pay for the missions to the Youmas beyond the Gaulish frontier, while the Archbishop of York was insisting they couldn't afford to pay due to the bad harvest this year. Endless letters from lords complaining about increased bandit activities. Letters from the loved ones of her Senshi, asking if Senshi This or Senshi That had returned yet from the Grail Quest. Depressed Senshi lurking around Camelot, trying to pretend they hadn't failed abjectly in the quest. A general atmosphere of gloom prevailed. To make matters worse, it had been almost three years now, and noone had seen Galahad, Percival, Bors, Lancelot, or Mercury since the first year of the quest. Many other senshi had fallen by the wayside, and their deaths at least established. These five were simply missing without a trace, except a rumor from Cornwall that Mercury had brought the Grail there, and another rumor that Galahad had healed the Lord of Castle Carbonek, wherever that is. The Queen sighed. So many places in my little realm of which I know so little. Carbonek...wasn't that where Galahad came from? A page boy ran into the room. "Your highness! They're coming!" She blinked. "Who's coming?" "It's Senshi Lancelot and two others! They've come back!" She leaped to her feet. Lancelot! You've come back! "Who else?" "I don't know. They look a lot alike, though." The Queen raced through the halls and soon came to one of the many balconies of the palace. Mamoru was there. "I see the page found you." They looked out across the fields together. Three figures in white approached Camelot, shining in the sun. Lancelot, Bors and Mercury. A surge of joy ran through her. Surely, one of them had succeeded. But where were Galahad and Perceval? Mamoru smiled. "I knew she'd come back." He reached over and put an arm around his wife's shoulders. She moved closer to him and smiled. "Look at them. They look so..." "Let's go greet them. I'm eager to hear their stories. " They hurried down to the great hall, where everyone was assembling. Dozens of Senshi had rushed into the chamber. Dozens more pages, squires, servants, husbands and wives of Senshi, and many others all milled about as Rei and Mamoru entered and took their seats on the throne. The trumpets of the heralds blared loudly. A herald cried out. "Senshi Lancelot, Senshi Bors, and Senshi Mercury have returned!" The three strode into the room together, walking with the same stride. It was a slightly uncanny sight. A gentle smile lit their faces, and the same light shone in their eyes, telling stories of inexpressible joy. Everyone watched silently as they strode through the hall, approaching the Queen and King. Senshi Lancelot broke the silence, stepping forward. "The Quest of the Holy Grail is over." Unfortunately, she slipped on a bump in the rug and proceeded to fall down. Everyone laughed instinctively, and so did she. Mamoru smiled. "I take it the Grail didn't make you any more agile than you used to be." Rei said, "Shush, Mamoru. Let them tell their story." She got down from her throne and helped Senshi Lancelot to her feet. "Are you okay?" Lancelot smiled. "Better than I've ever been." "Tell us what happened, Lancelot," Queen Rei said, returning to her throne. They did. Again, those who would learn more of her quest may read Malory; this story is still long enough already. **************************************************************************** They held a great dance, a ball to celebrate the return of the heroes, the completion of the quest. Ami danced through the night with dozens of men. Everyone wanted to see, to touch, to be near one of the successful heroes. She could see that Bors and Lancelot were veritably besieged as well. Indeed, as the evening wore on, Ami began to get very tired. She could hardly stop dancing. As she approached dance number thirty or so, she started trying to figure out some way to slip away. Then she changed her mind... A young man approached her nervously as she finished dancing with the Duke of Lindsey...or was it the Earl of Leicester? She recognized him. "Greg?" He smiled nervously. "Hello, Lady Mercury. Would you like to dance?" She grabbed his hands and moved out onto the dancefloor before the vultures could pounce. "I'm sorry I left you on the beach like that...I..." He smiled. "I told you to go. So you found the grail?" Ami laughed. "It found me, really. How are things at your manor?" "Much better. Except for the butler fighting with his wife all the time, but it's always been like that, really." He smiled. "You're a really great dancer." "You too." He was a good dancer, though he seemed very nervous about it. Somehow, they found themselves outside in the courtyard, looking up at the stars. The night air was a little bit chilly. Greg looked up at the stars. "It's a beautiful night." "It is indeed. I like Astronomy. It's really interesting." Ami soon found herself prattling on about constellations and parallax and all sorts of things that flew way over Greg's head. She sighed. "I'm sorry...I get into things and..." He smiled and nervously took her hand. "I don't mind. I've always wished I could know as much as you do." They smiled nervously at each other. It was the first of many evenings they would spend together in the days to come. **************************************************************************** Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into years. Many are the stories that could be told of that time, of Senshi Meliagraunce and how he kidnapped Mamoru and died in a judicial duel with Lancelot, having accused Mamoru of adultery. Skipped also is the tale of how Mamoru was accused of poisoning Senshi Gawaine, and the refutation of that accusation. Those who desire greater knowlege may find these things in the more lengthy retellings of this tale, elsewhere. Perhaps the Frenshe books of which Mallory so often speaks... The sun shone in Ami's window. She stirred slowly, gradually pulling herself out of happy dreams of home. She sighed. Will I ever get home? She got out of bed and went over to the mirror that now hung over her carefully built dresser drawers. Indeed, the room looked increasingly like her room back home. Queen Rei had rewarded Ami to the best of her ability for her many services to the crown. Whatever Ami wanted, Ami got if it could be made. The bed was like the one she had back home, even though the mattress had no springs. She had a dresser drawers, a mirror, even clothing like she was used to, though she rarely wore it, since no one else dressed like that. She even had hand sewn pajamas, which had caught on as a fashion once she had introduced the royal tailors to them. She looked at the mirror and started. She hadn't really looked at herself in a while. Or maybe it was just today that she REALLY looked at herself. She had started growing her hair out...somehow the difference that made hadn't quite sunk in before. It was down to her shoulderblades now, and she really needed to get her bangs trimmed. Her figure had changed too. She was far more muscular than she had been on her arrival, and her build had filled out as well. She'd never be as voluptous as Makoto, but she felt pretty proud of her looks. I hope I'm not getting vain, she thought. What really surprised her, though, was that she looked older. She was starting to look more like her mother than she had believed possible. How long have I been here, she thought. Months? Years? It was all blurring together, the result of no clocks, few calendars, a life that ran at a slower rhythym. She counted the Christmases. Four years. She paused. FOUR YEARS? She staggered away from the mirror. No way. That's not possible. Oh God...everyone HAS to believe I'm dead now. Poor Mother...Father... they must be heartbroken. How much longer will I have to stay? All my efforts to find a way home...they haven't worked. *************************************************************************** It was late at night, and the castle was quiet. A single figure crept down a hallway, returning to her quarters before anyone could notice. Elsewhere, two others were not so wise. Well, one of them was already in his quarters, and thus could be excused at least some of the blame for what was to come. It was the woman in his arms who had waited too long to leave. Some say that forbidden love is sweetest; certainly, it gets you in the most trouble. In this case, the trouble was coming in the form of fifteen young senshi, armed and armored, led by two somewhat older ones, namely Senshi Mordred and Senshi Aggravaine. "Be careful. Senshi Lancelot may be getting old, but I think we all remember our luck against her from the last tournament." The group nodded to Senshi Mordred's statement. "Let her be the one to start anything if she resists arrest. Hopefully, we won't actually have to fight her." They nodded. Most of them will still trying to figure out how Mordred and Aggravaine had even talked them into this. They had grown up on stories where Senshi Lancelot defeated entire armies with a toothpick, could go to Gaul by walking on the water, and could heal the unhealable. She wasn't quite God in their minds, but if he had decided to come moseying by, they wouldn't have been surprised if he went to Lancelot to reminisce about the days when they created the universe together. Still, there was safety in numbers. If nothing else, it increased the odds that someone else would die first. Ideally, it wouldn't come to killing. They hesitated outside the door. Aggravaine and Mordred crept closer and listened. "I think I'm going to go get a drink of water, Mamo-chan." It was Senshi Lancelot's voice. "Maybe you'd best go back to your rooms now," he replied softly. "Mercury warned us about what could happen...We shouldn't have done this." "You know I love you. I couldn't stay away. Neither..." It was enough. Mordred tried to hurl open the door. Unfortunately it was locked. That wouldn't stop her for long. She drew her sword and it ignited into flame. With a few blows, the door was chopped to splinters. By this point, Mamoru and Lancelot were on their feet. Mamoru was swathed in sheets from his bed, while Lancelot was clad only in a shift. Seeing the armed men and women confronting her, Lancelot swiftly unscrewed the top half of one of the posts of the canopied bed while Mamoru spoke. "What are you doing bringing armed men into the King's chambers, Mordred? You should be ashamed." Mordred laughed. "You won't be the king for long. You've committed adultery. That's high treason, punishable by death." "Then pick your time and my champion will..." Aggravaine sneered. "You've been caught in the act. Trial by Combat doesn't apply. You're going to burn, and so will your precious lover." Lancelot turned to Mamoru, who said, "We weren't doing anything illegal." "Then come with us and we'll see how well your innocence stands a trial," Aggravaine said. "If you had any." Lancelot scowled. "I will not stand for insults to the King. I don't care what you say about me, but you will NOT cast aspersions on either of our monarchs in my presence." "Look, are you going to come with us peacefully or will we have to fight you?" Mordred asked, noticing her followers were starting to get restless. Lancelot turned to Mamoru, a questioning look in her eyes. Mamoru's face was hard with anger. "Show them that the word of the King is not to be trifled with." Lancelot turned back to the crowd. "If any of you want to leave, I'll let you. The rest of you will see what it means to..." "ENOUGH! You're guilty and that's that! Now you're coming with us if we have to beat you black and blue." Or worse, thought Aggravaine. Aggravaine drew her mace. Electricity crackled around the head of the mace. She charged forward. The others hesitated and start drawing their weapons and trying to rush through the door. Lancelot smiled. The bedpost in her hands shone with a white light. Everyone blinked at the sudden bright flash. The makeshift staff whirred and struck Aggravaine's hands. A second blow and Aggravaine had not only dropped her mace but was on her way out the window. Before the other senshi could see, Lancelot was striking the ones who had charged in through the door. There was a time when she would have cried and run away from a fight like this, though most of these senshi had been babes at best when that was still true. Since those days, she had become the heroine she had dreamed of being, but never truly believed she was. Her motions were fluid and confident, the fruit of over forty years of battle. Within seconds, Mordred's sword was shattered, and she was on her knees, clutching her gut. Four other senshi were unconscious, jammed in the doorway, unable to even fall down. The remaining senshi stared through the doorway as best they could. They hesitated, then the pile of senshi finally collapsed. The rest of the senshi turned and ran, hoping that Senshi Lancelot couldn't REALLY outrace the wind. There was a shout from the courtyard outside the window. "Help me, I CAN'T SWIM!" It was Aggravaine. Lancelot ran over to the window. Aggravaine had not only gone out the window, but down one of the palace wells. A pair of pages were running over to the well, and started reeling Aggravaine up. Mordred looked up at Lancelot. "If I could get up..." "I'd just have to knock you back down. Look, you don't understand what's going on." "I don't want to understand. I want justice. You're breaking the Queen's law. You've betrayed her. Your wife." Mordred pointed at Mamoru. "And your closest friend." Mordred pointed at Lancelot. "And my mother." Lancelot and Mamoru started. "What, you thought I didn't know?" Lancelot said, "Uhh...how exactly do you think the Queen got Lotia pregnant?" "I don't know. How did you bear a child without giving birth?" Mordred said sarcastically, then suddenly realized something and blinked. They didn't know? Surely they knew I'm the Queen's daughter. She looked over at Mamoru, who also looked stunned. Lancelot blinked again. "Damnit...I wonder who else has had that happen to them...how many seemingly infertile women in our kingdom are really losing their babies to sorcery." For that matter, how many of Lotia's children might not really be hers? Now that she's dead, we may never find out. Mamoru went over to Mordred. "Who...who is your father?" The unspoken words, is it me, hung in his mind but wouldn't quite come out. Mordred stared at the wall and clutched her stomach again. "Zoicite. He seduced Rei before she was married to you. SHE didn't cheat on you, if that's what you're wondering. It was back during the war of the twelve kings. When Zoicite came with my half-brothers and sisters to try to arrange a peace. Then Aunt Beryl moved me into Queen Lotia's body. So noone knew. I didn't know for years. I thought Lotia was really my mother." She stared at the floor. "Then a hermit told me one day." "Does the Queen know about this?" Mamoru sagged slightly. He and the Queen had been married for decades, and they had been unable to have a child. He had hoped that just maybe...it wasn't his fault. Clearly, it was. "Yes. Minako, the lady of the lake, confirmed it when I confronted her." She didn't even tell them...her closest friends. Mordred tried not to cry. Why is she so ashamed of me? Am I such a failure? They could hear running about in the hallways. People were coming. Mamoru turned to Lancelot. "Get out of here." "Where am I supposed to..." "The window. Quickly." Lancelot leaped out the window as a dripping wet Aggravaine, Queen Rei, Gawaine, Dodinas, and a dozen or so other Senshi reached the doorway. Mamoru turned to face the Queen. "I'm sorry, Rei." The Queen frowned. "So am I." She looked about as if looking for something, then kneeled by Mordred. "Let's get you to the healers." She helped Mordred up and walked her out of the room as Gawaine and Dodinas hesitantly took Mamoru away. ************************************************************************* Ami sat in the library, a book staring up at her. Blast it, I told them they had to stop! OVER AND OVER, I TOLD THEM! Now it's all going to go to hell in a handbasket. If only I'd been there. In a burst of rationality, she corrected herself. There's no way I could know EXACTLY when it would happen. What am I supposed to do, follow them everywhere? Dammit! All it would take would be a little self-control. Okay, maybe a lot of self-control. She sighed. Maybe there was nothing I could do. But I can prevent the next thing. I'm not going to let Gareth and Gaheris die...not on my life. The time was coming. Soon, Mamoru would go to the stake, burned for high treason. The crux was coming. She could feel it. This was why she was here. To prevent two senseless deaths. It had to be. If I fail at this...we're doomed. ************************************************************************** I hate being sick, Ami thought. She lay in bed with a fever raging through her. The royal healers hadn't been able to do much more than offer chicken soup and reduce her temperature a little. She missed modern medicine very much, not that it could have done much for her either. To make matters worse, this was when she most needed to be well. The time for the execution of Mamoru was close at hand. The trial had been a nightmare, especially when she started getting sick. The evidence had been far too clear, especially in light of past events. To watch someone be sent to their death for adultery sickened Ami to the core. It wasn't a good thing, but death was an excessive punishment. It wasn't just. It wasn't right. Maybe I should have gone with them...She remembered what had happened. ************************************************************************** The trial had been in progress. She had returned to her quarters, feeling woozy. To her surprise, Senshi Bors had been waiting for her. "I...hi." Ami said. She never quite knew what to say around Bors. Bors was so like her in some ways, unlike her in others. For one thing, Bors and Lancelot were cousins. Their mothers had been sisters. Bors was the heir to a kingdom that no longer existed. Queen Claudia of the Franks had conquered it many years ago. Bors and Lancelot were very close. Ami thought Bors was one of those who had snuck out to join Lancelot when she fled the court. "Hello, Senshi Mercury." Bors hesitated. "What brings you here? I thought you left." Bors said, "May I sit down?" Ami gestured to a chair. "Go right ahead." She sat down too. "I've come to ask you to join us." Ami blinked and feigned ignorance, though not well. "Join you?" Bors stared at the door for a moment, then turned back to Ami. "We're going to rescue Mamoru if he is convicted. Lancelot and I have been getting all our relatives and supporters together." Ami sighed. "I wish I could join you." "Why don't you join us? You know this is a farce. The Queen doesn't really want to kill Mamoru. I don't think anyone wants Mamoru dead except maybe Mordred and Aggravaine, but the Queen has to follow the law. This way, it's our fault, not hers. We'll go to France and she can just claim there's nothing she can do about it. Everyone will be happy." "Because it's going to end in tragedy...I have to be here, so I can try to prevent it, not be in the middle of it." Ami sighed. "And the Queen will need me after this, whatever happens. If what I fear happens..." She trailed off, not wanting to think about it. The road to Camlann, and the death of all those she had grown to hold dear lay at hand. She coughed. "Blast it, I can't afford to get sick." Senshi Bors got up. "I understand. If Lancelot wasn't my cousin, I'd do the same thing. I have to help her. You understand that, don't you?" Ami nodded. "I'd do the same for my mother, or my friends back home. I understand." I miss them so much. I wonder if they ever figured out what happened to me? ************************************************************************* I told the Queen to expect a rescue. She just smiled and nodded. Maybe I'm paranoid, but I can't take the chance this will all go horribly wrong. Ami sighed, then coughed. The first horn blew in the distance. She staggered out of bed. I have to get down there. I have to be there. The world spun. She got out her transformation pen and transformed. She felt a little better, but not much. She stumbled out into the hall and headed for the main courtyard. ************************************************************************* The execution was about to begin. It had a strangely festive mood, perhaps because of the huge feast laid out for the wake in advance. Perhaps it was the fact that no one except maybe Mamoru actually seemed to believe the execution would go through. After all, this was what, the third time in as many years that Mamoru had faced charges of a crime and nearly died as a result? And who saved him every time? Lancelot. There was no way he'd really be executed. The Archbishop of Canterbury was droning on, giving a long boring sermon about the sin of adultery. He was reading it out of some book, and even seemed to be boring himself. Most of the crowd was watching the gates and the walls, waiting to see when Lancelot would show up. A gate guard spotted a suspicious clump of trees getting closer to the castle and pretended he didn't notice anything. Inside the gate, Mordred and Aggravaine stomped around in a circle with the other senshi who had been assigned to gate duty. Mordred hoped her observation that the 'guards' seemed to consist of the least competent fighters among those in attendance was not correct. At least she had her brothers with her, Gareth and Gaheris. Unfortunately, they were both unarmed, in symbolic protest of the whole affair, which rendered their vast fighting skills largely moot. Mordred turned and looked at the Archbishop, who was starting to wave his arms and rant more loudly. "I'm surprised he used a generic sermon...usually, he writes his own." Aggravaine spun a finger in a tight circle. "Whoop de doo. Who cares. Either way it would be boring and pointless. Just wasting time." Mordred shouted up to the sentry. "Anyone coming?" "No," the guard lied. He didn't want to see Mamoru burn anymore than anyone else did. *********************************************************************** Ami staggered down the hallway. She could hear distant chanting. It was Latin. Something about preparing the stake. She tried to speed up, her head swimming. Another spell of dizziness took her on the stairs. She wasn't quite sure where she was going. "Give it up. You can't stop anything in your condition." It was the boy. She had thought he would never come back. Clearly, she had been wrong. "I never give up! Ever!" She reached the top of the stairs, then nearly fell back down the stairs. "You can't fight fate. The kingdom has to fall. The story has to end. Nothing good lasts forever." "But I can try to make it last as long as I can. I won't let them die! I won't!" Down the hallway she went, wishing desperately that someone had left a handy pharmacy nearby. The chanting rose to a climax. A second horn blew. She stepped out onto a balcony. The boy followed. Ami could see the courtyard. Mamoru was being marched to the stake, followed by the Archbishop and an executioner. No sign of Lancelot. Ami leaned on the railing. "Why did I have to pick today to be so ill." She moaned faintly. Looking down, she saw Queen Rei who was starting to look worried. The boy smiled. "A fine day for a burning." "There won't be a burning." "How can you be so sure? After all, don't you believe you can beat destiny? Well, maybe you will, and Mamoru will burn. You don't want that, do you?" Ami froze. I couldn't stand to let him burn. What if Lancelot doesn't come? What if something goes wrong...I know how my Usagi's plans often come out. What if she overslept or something? Fear clutched at her. Should I do something? She decided to wait...better not to panic and leave her plan. If she had one, anyway. She was too ill to think clearly. The boy smiled. "The game begins." The Archbishop and the executioner stood on the platform. The executioner began trying Mamoru to the stake, while the Archbishop prayed quietly. The Archbishop said, "Do you have any last words, Mamoru of house Chiba?" "I do not regret anything I have done. I am sorry only that I bring this pain to my beloved wife, and the dishonor that has been done to her. I am ready to face my maker." His face was stoic, a look that Ami knew well, though not as well as his wife knew it. Ami sighed and began to pray. Give me strength. I have to be able to act. I can't do this like this...Help me. Help me find the strength I need. She spoke to the presence she had first felt when she found the Grail. God, Goddess, whatever it was exactly, she knew it cared, cared deeply about her, about others. She lifted up her heart in prayer, and watched through half-closed eyes. "I don't regret any of it either," said the Archbishop, who then deftly punted the executioner off the stage. Everyone blinked. The Archbishop pulled out a whistle and blew it. The gates flew open and a pack of Senshi on horseback charged through it. The Archbishop started untying Mamoru. Mordred stared at the Archbishop for a moment, then turned to face the charge. Her men and women weren't ready. The charging senshi simply swept past them. She ordered the gate to be closed and properly formed up her group. Leaving wouldn't be as simple as coming in had been. The knights charged forward. Ami watched, feeling her strength coming back to her. Was it God? Her own willpower? Maybe being in Senshi form was just burning the disease out of her. She could see what was going to happen, just like she now realized that... The clump of senshi charged the platform. They had an extra horse with them. Lancelot's horse. Everyone recognized the black charger with a yellow crescent moon on its forehead. But where was Lancelot? Everyone realized that at the same time. Three guards rushed the platform, trying to do their duty. The Archbishop spun and his bishop's staff glowed with an easily recognizable white light. With one blow, he shattered their weapons. His image shimmered and shattered. It was Lancelot. It had been so long since the last time she had had to use her disguise ring that Luna, the Lady of the Lake, had given her, that everyone had almost forgotten she had it. Hefting Mamoru in her arms, she leaped onto her horse. The senshi about her spun their horses about as best they could. Everyone sensed the moment of decision was at hand. Ami could almost see a road before her, forking two ways. She could see Gareth and Gaheris, still standing with the senshi guarding the gate. A wave of illness washed over her. Her head spun. She fought back. I have to be able to act. Give me strength! The strength came. Words swam into her mind. She hefted her transformation pen and whispered, "Mercury Eternal Power, make up!" The second, higher transformation came over her in a rush. Warmth flooded her limbs, driving the illness from her. Blue feathery wings sprouted from her back, and the tiara on her forehead became a crown. It was time for action. She rose into the sky with her new wings, then dived towards the fight that was about to begin. The crowd spotted her first. Queen Rei stared. Someone shouted, "It's a bird!" Someone else replied, "It's an angel!" A third said, "Wow, she's cute!" She pushed herself. The two groups of Senshi were too preoccupied to notice her, even now. Lancelot was laying about with her staff, knocking Senshi right and left. She seemed posssessed, moving with a speed and grace no one could match. She was heading straight for Gareth and Gaheris, who were trying to get out the way, but were caught in the press of the fight. No way to get out. Except her. She dropped down and grabbed them. Senshi around her blinked and stared, getting clobbered as a result. She rose into the air as Lancelot passed through the space where Gareth and Gaheris would have been. Gareth stared at her. "You...wings..." Gaheris was more direct. "You saved us. We were dead meat." Eternal Sailor Mercury turned her head and looked down. Battered and unconscious senshi were strewn everywhere. Mordred had lost another sword and was pinned under her horse. Aggravaine was lying on the ground with her own mace wrapped over the top of her helmet. Lancelot's senshi had charged out the gate and were rattling off across the countryside. She flew to the ground and put Gaheris and Gareth down. Gawaine rushed over. "We are again in your debt," she said to Mercury. "I only did what was right," Mercury replied. A sharp hideous laughter replied from the top of the walls. "Interfering brat! You force me to show myself. You should have stayed in bed, sick, like you were supposed to." Everyone looked up. It was the Queen's half-sister, the Enchantress Beryl le Fay. She stood on the ramparts, holding her usual gnarled staff of some black unearthly wood. She had been exiled from the court long ago after she had tried to slay Queen Rei and her husband. "Why are you here, Beryl?," Queen Rei said, anger in her voice. "I spent a very long time setting this up. Now I'll have to do this the hard way." She looked around the courtyard, then stared at Mercury. "You think you've won, don't you. Well, I was in this game when you were but a twinkle in your mother's eye. In the end, I'll win and you...you'll wish you'd stayed a twinkle." She gestured with her staff and fired four bolts of black light. Mordred, Aggravaine, Gaheris, and Gareth vanished. Queen Rei stood up and hefted Rhonoghymant, her magical spear to which she had affixed the Silver Imperian Crystal so many years ago. "BERYL!!!! What have you done with my kinsmen?!?!" Mercury launched herself into the air. Words sprang into her mind. Power gathered inside her. "Well, soon enough you'll see your little playmates again. They won't be such pushovers, either." "You're not going to be seeing anything except maybe a dungeon cell, BERYL!" You're supposed to be dead! I didn't die so I could see you again! "ETERNAL WATERY VORTEX!" She spoke the words of power and the ground below Beryl's feet began to glow. Water erupted upward and spun, trapping Beryl in a wall of swirling, glowing water. "Dispel." Beryl spoke quietly, and the vortex broke up. She looked a little battered, but not as hurt as Mercury had expected. "Well, I'm sure my half-sister wishes to join the fun as well, but I don't have time to play with you. I'll see you again, far sooner than you might wish." She vanished in an explosion of darkness. Eternal Sailor Mercury flew down to Queen Rei. "Blast it, I was certain I could stop her now. I should have..." Rei sighed. "My half-sister is powerful, though I never realized she was this strong. So she was behind this...I should have guessed." "I think she was bluffing...though I could be wrong. Although..." It would make sense of the illness. She might have just been trying to take advantage of something that would have happened without her...or it could all be her fault. Mercury's sense of certitude wavered. This hadn't happened in the legends. For the first time in a long time, she had no idea what the future might bring. It was a suddenly scary feeling. Rei smiled faintly. "Well, there is nothing that can be broken that cannot be mended. A new adventure calls to us. We must find Beryl and rescue the Orkney brothers and sisters." Gawaine nodded. "I won't rest until my siblings have been found! I'll make Beryl wish she had never been born!" She smacked a fist into one palm, and for a moment, she extremely reminded Mercury of the Makoto of her own world. The papal envoy chose that moment to arrive. She rode in, surrounded by an escort of senshi, nuns, priests and priestesses. "Halt these proceed...hey, why are all these people unconscious?" Cardinal Rita looked around at the battered senshi still clonked out around the gate. "Umm. I'll meet with you inside, Cardinal," Queen Rei said. "Gawaine, Mercury, come with me." *************************************************************************** They adjourned to one of Queen Rei's conference chambers. It was just Queen Rei, Cardinal Rita, Senshi Gawaine, and Mercury. Mercury had reverted to her normal sailor form...wings made walking in the hallway difficult. Cardinal Rita stared at Mercury. "Are you an angel?" Mercury smiled. "Just another senshi, your holyness." "Do all the senshi around here sprout wings these days, then?" "It's a long story..." Queen Rei cut in. "What brings you here, your holiness?" "Pope Haruna III has sent me to resolve this situation with you and your husband, Mamoru. She has issued an indulgence for whatever errors he may have committed, and requests that you accept him back into your home and your bed. Christendom does not need this spectacle distracting it when there are greater concerns that must be dealt with. The Cardians have invaded Italy again. The Franks are in chaos because Queen Claudia' husbands poisoned each other again and started another civil war." Mercury blinked. "Husbands?" The Cardinal sighed. "She is still sunk in her wicked pagan ways, despite her father's nominal conversion." Queen Rei smiled. "Well, just before you were here, Beryl showed up and stated that this was all her fault." Gawaine growled. "We should have realized this was all one of her tricks." It wasn't ALL one of her tricks, Mercury thought, then sighed and decided not to say anything. If this can bring reconcilliation, it's worth it. Queen Rei continued. "So I am ready to accept your arbitration. Assuming we can actually FIND Lancelot and Mamoru." The Cardinal smiled. "Then let us begin." *********************************************************************** The reconcilliation was easily arranged. Far more easily than the papal envoy had believed, but she didn't mind. The court was once again abustle with activity. Gawaine was leading a body of senshi in search of Beryl. Lancelot was taking command of the forces to be sent to fight the Cardians in Italy. And Mercury... "I need you to stay here, Mercury," Queen Rei said. "But if I go with Gawaine, I can use my computer to help them find Beryl!" "King Nephrite refuses to send Tristam. I need a powerful senshi here, if Beryl strikes before Gawaine can find her." "Then keep Gawaine here and send me." "If I try to keep Gawaine, she'll just sneak out of the palace and try to find Beryl herself. At least this way she won't be leaving alone." Rei sighed. "Or will you try to do that too?" "I'll stay. I just...I just don't like waiting." We always seem to do this back home...just fumble around and wait. It frustrates me sometimes, Mercury thought. Rei smiled. She waved to the page-boy who was sitting in attendance on them. "Go outside. I must speak with Senshi Mercury in private." The page-boy departed. Rei relaxed. For a moment, she looked young, and could have almost been the Rei of Mercury's world. "You have made me a very happy woman, Ami. You don't mind if I call you that, do you?" "No, that's fine, Rei. I'm really much more used to that name, then having everyone call me Mercury all the time. I'm glad that my staying will..." "No, no, not that. Your part in bringing my husband and my dearest friend back to me. If Gaheris and Gareth had died...Gawaine would be trying to hunt Lancelot to the ends of the Earth." "I know. I thought I was here to prevent that..." "Why are you not so sure of that?" "Because preventing that threat just opened up another one." "Maybe you're just here. It may be that there was no purpose, no higher power behind your coming here. Just a lucky accident." Maybe if you could feel the presence I feel, you'd think differently, Ami thought. God brought me here for some reason...if I could only figure out why. "Well, whatever the reason, you've been very good to me." "Not half as good as you've been to me. If there's anything I can do for you, just name it." "I wish...I wish I could go home. At least send them a message. It's been years now. I'm sure they think I'm dead...I wish I could let them know I'm alive. I just...I should let go. I might never return, but..." Ami sighed and shrank down into her chair. Rei reached across the table and squeezed her hand. "Is there...someone special waiting there for you? I know you have been seen much in the company of Greg of Castle Anfang, but..." Ami sighed. "No, not really." She sighed. "I'm really glad you and Mamoru were able to reconcile. Being Queen by yourself would be very lonely, I'd think." Rei smiled. "I am lucky indeed. I will see what I can do to help find a way for you to return to your home. I take it the ladies of the lake were unable to help you?" Ami said, "Minako told me 'That is your fate. Why you have come. To prevent this from all becoming a nightmare without end.' I have to find a happy ending before she'll send me home. And...I wouldn't feel right if I left this unresolved. I want to go home...but I can't abandon everyone. You're my friends too. It'd be nice if I could at least let them know I'm alive. They might even want to help." "Well, I will see what can be done about sending a message. Is there anything else I can do for you?" Ami paused for a moment, then smiled. "Let me tell you about indoor plumbing..." ************************************************************************** Ami stood in the new shower and luxuriated it. A warm shower. It had been so long. Such a simple pleasure, but effective. She felt more clean than she had felt in...well, years. I should have brought this up a long time ago. It was the first in many improvements Ami had in mind. Some things were impossible...She'd thought about trying to have a bicycle made, but the gears were too complex, rubber wouldn't be available unless she went to Asia and got it herself, and there were other technical problems as well. Still, despite the limitations, there was still a lot of good she could do. Some things didn't require massive technical innovations. Better planting methods, better plows, carriages, dyes...simple things, but it made her feel good to spread the knowlege she had...and to figure out some of the things she thought she had known, then realized she wasn't entirely sure HOW they worked. She stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around herself. Having magic around helped as well. She'd had to cheat some on getting the indoor plumbing to work, but for once the ladies of the lake had been very helpful. Things had been calm for months. The one worry was that Gawaine and the others still hadn't returned. They were starting to worry. Lancelot had sent news from Italy. She had been victorious, but it would take another year to finish driving out the Cardians. I hope we have another year. Christmas was coming, and the land was wrapped in a blanket of snow. She stood at the window of the new palace baths and looked out on a field of white. It's so beautiful, she thought. She started as she heard movement from another one of the showers, then laughed faintly. It's a public bathroom...of course there's other people here. Queen Rei stepped out of the shower and quickly wrapped herself in a towel, then joined Ami at the window. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" Ami laughed. "My thoughts exactly. Do you think Gawaine has found her siblings yet?" "I intend to find out." "How?" Ami turned to face Rei. "I am going on a trip with Minako to drink from the well of wisdom." Ami blinked. "The what?" "Far in the frozen north, there is a well guarded by a giant. Whoever drinks from the well gains visions of the future. Minako will take me there. I shouldn't be gone too long. I'm appointing Mamoru regent in my absence." "I...is it safe?" Somewhere in Ami's mind, an alarm bell was wringing, but she couldn't think of why. "Nothing in life is safe, but I think it's necessary. Blaise refuses to talk anymore about the future...I don't know why. I think something horrible may be about to happen, and I want to know what, so we can at least try to prepare for it." "So you have to beat the giant in combat to drink?" "So the stories say. I leave in a week. I'll proclaim the regency today." She smiled. "A final adventure waits for me." Ami frowned. She had a really bad feeling about this. ****************************************************************************** Greg and Ami walked together, hand in hand, through the snow covered garden of the palace. The night was crisp and clear, their breath shining dimly from the lanterns hung through the garden. Several other couples were out wandering around together. Ami smiled. "It's very cold." Greg smiled deeper and moved closer to her, putting an arm around her waist. "Maybe this will help." She smiled and leaned her head on his shoulder. Worries about what she would do when she had to leave one day fled her mind. Slowly, she was coming to believe that she might never leave. What really worried her sometimes was that increasingly she didn't mind. She was needed here. She had friends now, and things to do. She missed her family horribly, and her senshi friends as well, but she had adjusted. "It does. It's nice to be held." He laughed faintly. "I bet you never would expected this when we first met, eh?" She laughed. "Especially not during the part where we were falling off the cliff." Not exactly the best first date any couple ever had. "Well, we did kiss the first day we met." "That was mouth to mouth resuscitation to save your life!" "I'm sure you planned it all." He grinned. She bent down. He stared at her. "What are you doing?" She smiled as she stood back up, molding a large lump of snow in her hands. "Making something for you." "With your magic?" "Something like that." She suddenly leaned forward and dropped the snowball down the inside of his tunic, then took off running. "Why...you...ooooohh!" A snowball fight was soon in progress. ************************************************************************** Ami lay in bed smiling, her love in her arms. He was asleep, breathing softly, his head against her chest. Memories of the night's events flitted through her mind. Maybe I shouldn't have done this, she thought, then decided she didn't care. I can't wait forever. I may never leave. It's not wrong to want to love...to give love. I just wish...I knew if I'd be here long enough to...to... Time enough to think of that later. She looked down at Greg again, then up at the mirror across the room. I look the same...but I feel different. Older. If not any wiser... She giggled. Usagi would just die if she walked in and saw me with a man in bed with me. For a moment, Ami was carried away by her memories, and was the child once more she had been on her arrival here... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Ami and Urawa sat in the usually empty living room of her house, watching TV. Slam Dunk was on. Urawa liked it more than Ami did, but Ami was happy just to be with him. He had taken the train down from northern Honshu to visit her for the weekend, because his school had had to close for two days after a gas leak. Ami took a deep breath and scooted a little closer to Urawa. This wasn't exactly a perfectly romantic moment...but she'd make the most of it anyway. Slowly, she reached over to take his hand...and suddenly realized he'd moved it and she was now clutching his leg. For a moment, she wondered where it had gone, then she suddenly felt an arm on her shoulders and a hand on her right shoulder. She smiled and leaned over. They didn't say anything. To touch was enough. They watched the rest of the show, talking occassionally, but mostly just revelling in being close to each other. A commercial came on and Urawa turned his head to Ami. "Thanks for letting me come visit you, Ami." She smiled. "You know I always like it when you come visit." He smiled nervously. "I really like spending time with you." "I like being with you too." They stared at each other for a moment, then by unspoken consent, their eyes closed and they leaned forward. Their lips quivered with anticipation...neither of them had ever kissed someone before. Then they heard a faint whisper, "Look, Rei, they're about to kiss." They froze. It was Usagi's voice...someone was watching them. They heard Usagi giggle. Blushing, they pulled back. Usagi popped up. "Hi! We're here to take you two snugglebunnies dancing with us!" Ami blushed. Urawa said, "Snugglebunnies..." ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Ami laughed a little. We had a lot of fun dancing...we even kissed on the dancefloor. I almost died of embarassment...happy embarrassment. There was a knock on the door. She blushed. Who's coming to see me in the middle of the night? She scrambled out of bed and hastily got dressed, then realized she wouldn't normally be dressed in her winter outfit in the middle of the night, undressed, and redressed, this time in pajamas. She opened the door and quickly stepped out into the hallway. "Hello?" It was Bors. She looked bleary and kept yawning. "The Queen is back." "In the middle of the night?" "She wants to see you right away." Bors yawned again. "She..." Bors yawned really loudly. "Be ready for a shock." **************************************************************************** The Queen's council chamber was full of Senshi in pajamas, Senshi in robes, Senshi in underclothing. For a moment, Ami felt like she was at a pajama party at Rei's temple. The only thing missing was Rei herself. That lack was soon rectified. The Queen walked in, preceded by her pet ravens, who flew up and perched on a bookshelf. For a moment, Ami felt something was horribly wrong, then she realized what. Rei had an eyepatch over one of her eyes. What happened to her, Ami wondered. "There will be war before spring," Queen Rei announced. "I have drunk from the well of wisdom, and the future does not look good. Queen Beryl has roused the Youma to rebellion. She has corrupted the Orkneys to her service, and soon will create seven monsters with which to destroy us." "What about Gawaine?" Senshi Dodinas asked. "She has her captive. Probably, she'll corrupt Gawaine too with her magic if she can. However, I know where Gawaine is. The Lady of the Lake has offered to take a group of senshi to where she is and help them escape Beryl afterwards. Do I have any volunteers?" A sea of hands shot up. Queen Rei smiled. "I have missions for everyone...We must prepare." **************************************************************************** Ami staggered back to her room to get some more sleep. I can't believe Queen Rei is putting me in charge of a naval squadron...but I guess my powers will be very useful at sea. I hope...I can be worthy of her trust. She opened the door and staggered over to her bed. She clambered into bed, next to Greg, snuggling up to him. His warm body helped ease the chill from her body. This castle really gets COLD at night, she thought as her mind tumbled into the darkness of sleep. ***************************************************************************** The sun came up, waking her. She stirred and slowly sat up, then realized something was missing. Greg. Her brain stirred slowly. Maybe I just dreamed all that...No, there's no WAY I could have dreamed that. She smiled. It was a dream come true, but it was real. He must have gone to the bathroom or something. She looked over and saw a note on the dresser drawers. She scrambled over to it. Maybe he got hauled off like I did. It wasn't EXACTLY like she had been hauled off. The note read, 'You'll never see him again, unless you count when he kills you, bitch. He's one of my special servants now." It was signed, "Beryl of Cornwall". Queen Rei's words returned to Ami's mind. 'Beryl has roused the Youma to rebellion. She has corrupted the Orkneys to her service, and soon will create seven monsters with which to destroy us.' Four Orkneys. Seven Monsters. She took Greg, who is like Urawa... She could hear the mocking laughter of that irritating boy who always showed up when she least wanted to deal with him. She couldn't see him, but she could hear his mocking voice. "History repeats itself. What will you do without a Sailor Moon to turn him back, Mercury? Assuming he doesn't kill you first..." His laughter rang in her head through the days to come. ************************************************************************ Mercury stood on the deck of the Dawn Treader, staring out into the fog that shrouded the Channel. This weather was unnatural. Certainly the Channel had some of the most wretched weather on Earth, but there shouldn't be icebergs this far south, even in winter, nor this constant, annoying fog. The ship was far more primitive than she would have liked, but it was the best they could do. At least it had sails instead of being dependent on rowers. Her fleet of twenty ships continued northeastward with remarkably gentle winds. Their purpose was to keep the Cinque ports safe and make sure that when Lancelot arrived with her army, she'd be able to get across the channel. Also, ideally, this would help prevent Youma fleets from coming over from Youmalandia and ravaging the coasts. Assuming of course, that her fleet of inexperienced sailors and seasick Senshi could handle that task... As if summoned by her thoughts, a swarm of dark, low slung shapes loomed out of the fog ahead. The sound of oars slapping into water carried through the fog. It was a fleet of sixty youma longboats. "Run up the signal flags. Everyone to their posts. Here we go..." Mercury said. Time to see if my secret weapon actually works right...She went over to a large keg and hefted it, then said, "ETERNAL MERCURY POWER, MAKE UP!" The higher transformation rushed over her. She flexed her wings and prepared to take to the sky when the time came. Around her, the fleet formed into a square and prepared the boarding planks. She knew her fleet couldn't hope to compete in seamanship with the Youma, so she was going to take a page from the Romans. They would plunge into the middle of the Youma fleet, and drop boarding bridges to catch as many Youma ships as they could, then open full sail and drag the Youma with them. The Senshi on board would storm the youma ships and ideally wipe them out. Mercury prayed that her plan didn't have some horrible flaw she hadn't figured out. She wished for a moment she'd studied more naval history. The two fleets sailed towards each other. As they crashed into each other and the bridges began to drop, Eternal Mercury took to the skies. Dodging a few arrows shot her way, she flew over the youma ships her fleet was not engaging. Opening the keg, she began to drop smaller pots from the keg onto the youma ships. The kegs fell, burst open, and exploded into flames. When the youma tried to put out the fires with water...they exploded into bigger flames. Greek Fire. Senshi Sagremor had smuggled her the secret formula. She circled over the battlefield, spreading fire and terror in her wake. Soon, the youma fleet scattered, fleeing as best it could down the channel. Eternal Mercury returned to the Dawn Treader and returned to being just ordinary Sailor Mercury again. She slumped, tired. Around her, the cheer of victory arose. She smiled faintly. My first victory as a general. I hope it's not my last. ************************************************************************** Mercury laid in bed and tried to pretend she wasn't all alone. Thoughts of her lost love kept drifting into her mind. She'd see him again. She knew that. Beryl would see to it if nothing else. It's not fair, she thought, opening her eyes and staring at the wall. It had been two months since the day he had vanished, but she still thought of him constantly. There was a knock on the door. She dragged herself out of bed. One of her squires was there, a young girl named Noriko. Mercury smiled faintly. As usual, Noriko was overflowing with good spirits. "I've got great news!" "What is it, Noriko?" "The Queen has sent word that they managed to rescue Senshi Gawaine! Also, they beat a youma army that landed near York. Now the Queen is trying to bring her army down from the north to link up with Lancelot's forces. And we've gotten word that Lancelot has reached Paris. And Senshi Sagremor sent word that she's bringing reinforcements from her father." Noriko paused for breath. "This really cute guy sent me flowers too!" Mercury laughed. I'm surprised she didn't tell me that first... *************************************************************************** The Channel Squadron cruised through the fog. Mercury sighed. This winter is definitely unnatural. The channel does not have icebergs in it during the month of March, nor should the land be blanketed with snow. Her efforts to scan to find the source of the disturbance had yielded only signs of massive enchantment with no real center. Lancelot stood nearby, clinging to the mast, trying not to be sick. Mercury had linked up with Lancelot's army, and was now ferrying it across the channel. Well, some of it. Unfortunately, much of the channel shipping had been disabled by the constant bad weather and all those blasted icebergs, so Mercury had deposited half of her "marines" at Bolougne, and was hauling Lancelot's forces across the channel a few at a time. It did help a lot that the Northern Squadron had sent reinforcements, and they had been able to arm some merchant ships. The Channel Squadron now numbered sixty ships, including five Byzantine warships that had arrived in advance of the rest of the fleet and army that Senshi Sagremor was bringing. There was an audible 'pop' next to her and one of Mercury's three squires appeared. Her name was Kurumi. She had short blonde hair and a few sorcerous abilities, as did all of Mercury's squires, which Mercury suspected was why Queen Rei had assigned these particular squires. Who better to train magicians than another sorceress? Mercury smiled. As if I could actually TEACH my abilities. Kurumi said, "I've got some good news and some bad news. Which do you want to hear first?" Lancelot said, "Does the good news include a cure for...seasickness?" "No." "You might as well start with the bad news," Lancelot said, testing out a few new shades of green. "The Youma have defeated Senshi Dodinas in Wales and captured her. Mordred has captured London and King Mamoru has had to lock himself in the Tower of London to evade capture. Beryl's main field army is striking east towards London and will probably arrive before Queen Rei's army can march all the way from York." Kurumi sighed. Lancelot almost threw up on the spot, then regained control. "Damnit. That'll put Beryl in a position to try and beat Rei before we can reinforce her." "Well, if Rei waits for us to arrive..." "With Mordred beseiging Mamoru in the tower? Maybe the man in the moon will drop by with some cheese for us too. Rei may or may not even know I've gotten here." Mercury sighed. "What's the good news?" "Senshi Gawaine is raising an army in Lothian, her kingdom. Also, Bors and Bedivere defeated an effort by Aggravaine to capture Camelot, and heavily damaged his army. They've trapped the remains of his army on the Isle of Wight." "Now that's good news." "There's an odd report that a giant cat was fighting alongside Aggravaine's army..." Mercury smiled faintly. She remembered that one. Rhett Butler. What a goofy name for a big fat cat. I wonder what the other shadows are in this world... There was another audible pop and Mercury's other two squires appeared. Manami put Noriko down. "The Youma are coming." "What?" "They're being lead by some huge ship with black sails made out of some kind of translucent white stuff. It's...scary to look at." "They'll be here soon, then," Mercury said. Something struck her. "When you say huge, how big is huge?" Noriko said, "Five times bigger than those Byzantine ships." Mercury paled. "FIVE TIMES?" "Yes." Lancelot paled now. "It could hold hundreds of youma." Noriko shrugged. "We'll win. It'll just take longer for Lancelot to kill all of them." "I'm not invincible, Noriko." Lancelot said quietly. "You'll beat them!" Kurumi said. "Mom used to tell me bedtime stories about how you chased the Giant Chicken of Bristol all the way to Ireland, killed it with one blow, and then cooked it for dinner and fed Dublin for a week. This is EASY." Lancelot looked over at Mercury for a moment, a hounded look in her eyes, then the look faded. A smiling, confident face took its place. "It's best not to be proud, Kurumi. Hubris has been the bane of many a Senshi. The gods destroy the proud and raise up the humble." Mercury said, "Well, tell the captains to get into position." Suddenly, she realized something she'd forgotten to ask her squires. "How big is the enemy fleet?" "Around a hundred and twenty if you don't count the big ship." Noriko said calmly. "This should be easy." Lancelot and Mercury both facefaulted. ************************************************************************ The youma fleet slowly came into view through the fog. At its head was the huge white ship with black sails. Strange greenish humanoids manned it, along with twisted and strange creatures of a variety of types. At its prow stood a woman, who was purest black on one half of her body and pure white on the other, holding a sword similarly divided and wearing a dress of the same coloration, but reversed from her flesh. Even her hair matched the pattern. Many of the ships around her large ship were ordinary youma longboats, but there were a variety of other kinds of ships...manned by half-rotted humanoid figures. The fleet of the dead. Mercury shuddered and tried to tell herself that wasn't Hel, Norse queen of the dead at the prow leading the enemy fleet, then failed. Especially when her computer reported, "Hel, Queen of the Dead approaching from the northeast. Distance 500 meters and closing." Mercury's fleet was ready. The plan was to swing northwest and hit the fringe of the enemy fleet, damage it some, then use the winds to run past it and make for Dover or Rochester. A full battle could only result in disaster. She had a few other surprises planned as well. Although she really wanted to know HOW that sailing ship was sailing headon into a wind without having any trouble at all.... The fleets engaged, and the battle was joined. At first, things were going well. The wind was strong enough that her fleet could sail around the flank of the Youma fleet and bring superior numbers to bear. Then the wind died. Her ships weren't going anywhere, while the Youma closed in. It was time to activate the contingency plans. Mercury became Eternal Mercury and took to the sky carrying Noriko and more greek fire. Besides firebombing as many youma craft as they could, Noriko put her talent to use. Spheres of Darkness began engulfing youma craft, and they started crashing into each other in the artificial night. Still, it wasn't enough. Hel's ship could sink Mercury's ships just by ramming into them. She could see Hel's ship heading for the Dawn Treader. If the flagship sank, her fleet would likely panic...not that panicking would let them get away. Noriko looked down at the battle. "It's not going too well..." Mercury nodded. "Hel took away our wind..." Noriko looked through the fog, not sure which way she was looking. The sound of oars started to drift through the fog. "More boats." "More of their boats...Ours don't use oars." Noriko paled. "We're all going to die, aren't we..." "It is the Fimbulwinter, the time for the death of Gods and Men..." Mercury quoted. "As Odin foresaw when he drank from Mimir's well..." "Who is Odin?" Mercury smiled faintly. "A legend that is about to be born, I think." "I don't understand." "Well, we'll see what happens. I don't intend to give up without a fight." She set her computer to searching for any weaknesses in the huge ships construction, then started flying towards it. Something was filling the ship's sails, she saw. She flew around to try and figure out where the wind was coming from. It didn't seem to be coming from anywhere...it just was. The sails were billowing with no wind at all. "Can you freeze the sails?" Noriko asked. Eternal Mercury smiled. "Good idea." She shouted "SHINE AQUA ILLUSION!" Ice shredded the sails to bits. Then the mast suddenly toppled over. Looking, she could see Kurumi and Manami holding hands, their eyes closed, staring sightlessly towards Hel's ship. They both had telekinetic powers, though she had never realized they were that strong. Hel's ship still drifted forward, but slower now. It pulled up alongside the Dawn Treader, and the battle began. Mercury dived to the deck of the Treader and put Noriko down. The battle was underway. Hordes of monsters were trying to pour onto the Dawn Treader, but Lancelot and her elite Senshi guard were standing on the bridge between the boats, tossing monsters right and left. Her glowing staff cut a swath of destruction through the onrushing tentacled hordes. Mercury rose into the air again and dropped the last of the greek fire onto the huge ship. It burned on the deck, slaying some of the crew, but the ship did not catch fire. Hel turned and stared at Mercury for a moment. A stiff wind struck her and blew her away from the ship. She struggled, and finally had to drop down low to get out of it. Meanwhile, Hel strode towards Lancelot. Lancelot stared at her as she approached. The monsters fell back. Lancelot waved her guards back. Nervously, they withdrew. YOU ARE LANCELOT? Hel's voice seemed to reverberate through the mind. "Yes. And you are?" HEL, QUEEN OF THE DEAD. WHOSE RANKS YOU WILL SOON JOIN. Lancelot gulped. "You..." Her voice took on strength. "Go back to Niflheim, Hel. Your time has not yet come. This is not the true Fimbulwinter, only Beryl's mockery of it." PERHAPS. PERHAPS NOT. She drew her sword. WILL YOU COME WILLINGLY OR UNWILLINGLY INTO MY KINGDOM? "I answer to no Queen but Rei. Do your worst." Mercury tried to fly to Lancelot's aid, but the wind always seemed to shift to blow her away. She had to watch as Hel and Lancelot did battle in a flurry of blows and counterblows. Hel seemed tireless, but Lancelot was clearly the better fighter. However, nothing Lancelot did seemed to hurt Hel, or do more than mildly annoy her. The fight went on for twenty minutes. The fleet that Mercury had heard earlier emerged from the fog. It was getting dark and it was hard to see the boats, but they didn't look quite like Youma longboats. Who could it be? The dead calm that afflicted all the boats kept any banners from being visible. Mercury frowned. There has to be something...Her computer beeped. 'Weakness located in ship. Site of rudder is vulnerable to attack.' Mercury flew around the ship to the rudder. "ETERNAL WATERY VORTEX!" The water, filled with chunks of ice, erupted up around the rudder, smashing it to splinters and pulling the end of the boat open. Water rushed into the ship and it began to sink. Above, the bridge staggered and Hel toppled backwards onto her boat, which was swiftly sinking. VERY GOOD, HUMANS. PERHAPS THERE IS SOME HOPE FOR YOUR SPECIES AFTER ALL. I WILL SEE YOU AGAIN ONE DAY. "Too soon for me!" Lancelot said. As Hel went down with her ship, suddenly, the wind picked up. The banner of the approaching fleet flew proudly. It was a golden chariot on a blue field, the sign of Senshi Sagremor. The Byzantine fleet had arrived. The youma fled as Hel's ship sank. The combined fleets of Logres and Byzantium ran down the youma and destroyed them. The battle of the Channel was won. **************************************************************************** After some conversation, they had decided to save time by bringing the fleet around to London directly. With the help of the additional Byzantine ships, they had been able to pick up the rest of Lancelot's army and swiftly shipped it to the mouth of the Thames. They sailed up the river, through the marshes, heading for London. Within a few hours, the walls of London could be seen, and the Tower of London itself. The flag of Logres still flew from its spire. Around the fortress was a vast host of Youma, Cardians, Droidos, Daimons, and other barbarian peoples from the continent. "Well, either Rei hasn't gotten here yet, or they've already beaten her." Lancelot said. "We're going to have a rather hard time landing our troops while Beryl's forces control the docks." Sagremor pointed out. Mercury turned to Manami. "Teleport into the tower and find out if Rei's forces have already been and gone." Manami nodded. She vanished with an audible pop. Mercury turned and looked at Sagremor. I should tell her about...Dodinas...but what if she can't handle it? I don't know how well her forces will cooperate if she goes running off...she might even take them with her. Mercury sighed and felt dirty for not telling her. Soon Manami reappeared. "Mamoru says that her army hasn't arrived yet. He just got a pigeon messenger from Saint Albans. Her army has arrived there, so she should be here tomorrow." Lancelot nodded. "If we run up the river to Windsor, we can dock there and then march northeast to join with Rei's forces." "Do you think you can make all the way to Saint Albans from here?" "I can try." Manami said. "Good. Tell Queen Rei that we're coming." Manami vanished again. Mercury smiled faintly. Things were looking up. She sent Kurumi to the Tower to tell Mamoru about the plan. ***************************************************************************** Soon, the two armies were united and began marching down Watling Street to London. The old Roman road made for easy going, and the army made good time. They arrived at London, only to find that Beryl's army was gone. The leaders met in the Tower, with Mamoru. "As soon as she saw Mercury's fleet, she took off," he said. "Which way did she go?" Queen Rei asked. "She crossed the Thames using the London bridges, and headed Southwest." Lancelot blinked. "Where is she going?" She paused. "Unless she plans to seize the Cinque ports." "That wouldn't do much good with her fleet gone," Sagremor said. "Hmm. I'd have thought she'd retreat into the Youma settlements in Trinovantes and Icenia..." "I'd have thought she'd head for Wales," Queen Rei said. "But if she's SOUTH of the Thames, that seems unlikely." Senshi Sagremor blinked. "Wales? Why Wales? No youma settlements there to fall back on. Plus she'd have to fight Dodinas' army and..." Queen Rei's face fell. "You haven't heard?" Sagremor's expression fell too, now. "Heard what?" "She defeated Dodinas and captured her before marching on London." Sagremor's face turned red. "SHE WHAT?" "I'm sorry. We're pretty sure she's still alive..." Sagremor brought down her fist on the table, which quietly collapsed. "WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME ABOUT THIS BEFORE???" Everyone flinched. "I assumed you heard," Queen Rei said quietly. "I thought I had sent news of this to everyone. Everyone I could reach, anyway." Sagremor stood up. "I'm going. Now." "You think you can fight Beryl's entire army by yourself?" "I can't let her do to Dodinas what she did to the Orkneys!" "You can't stop her by yourself!" Lancelot said. "Beryl could turn you into a kumquat and you couldn't do anything about it." "How is ANYONE supposed to stop her then?" A sudden memory flitted into Mercury's mind. "Moly." "What does a princess from Brittany have to do with ANYTHING?" Sagremor shouted. "No, not a person. A plant. According to Greek tradition, it would protect you from shapechanging sorcery...I don't know if actually works, but..." Mercury said. "I'm not sure where to find it, either." Sagremor nodded. "I've heard of it. Good thinking." Sagremor started to run off again. It took a LOT of effort to calm Sagremor down. *************************************************************************** They soon set out in pursuit of Beryl's main force, sending messengers to tell Gawaine where they were going. They recieved word that Beryl had seized Chichester, probably in hope of recieving reinforcements from her destroyed fleet. Queen Rei swung her forces west to Camelot to join with Bedivere and Bors' army there, also sending small forces southeast to watch the roads and see which way Beryl went. Beryl simply sat in Chichester. Rei would have been content to wait for Gawaine, but Sagremor threatened to take her army herself and move on Beryl if Rei didn't. Rei gave in, not wanting to be beaten in detail. They arrived in Chichester, only to discover Beryl had broken out, swatted aside the patrols watching her, and was heading for Silchester. There was nothing to do but chase her and pray she didn't catch Gawaine before they could catch her. The two armies moved northeast, then turned Northwest, to try and intercept or meet Gawaine's army moving down the road from York to Circencester. Gawaine's army reached Circencester and turned down the road to Silchester. Finally, the three armies came together in the Salisbury downs, just north of an old defensive wall, at a place known as Badon Hill. It was here that Queen Rei had broken the armies of Bretwalda Aelle of the Youma in 414 AD, over forty years ago. Most of those who had fought that day were dead, the parents and grandparents of those who met on the field this day. Beryl's army was outnumbered now, but Beryl had one thing her enemies did not. Monsters. Seven Monsters. The Seven Shadows. Two of them towered over the rest. One was a huge man, clad in furs, with red skin and a flaming sword. The youma named him Surtur, king of the Fire Giants. The second was a man clad in armor of ice, his skin blue, a great axe of blue steel in his hands. The Youma named him Ymir, king of the Frost Giants, but Ami knew him by a different name...Greg. She recognized his features distorted as they were. It was all she could do to keep from crying. Five more monsters joined their ranks. The Fenris Wolf, a wolf the size of a small house, about the right size to be a puppy dog for one of the giants. The Angel of Death, a woman clad all in black with black batwings and a scythe. A huge serpent the youma had named Jormungandr, the world serpent. A huge cat, almost as big as Jormungandr, whom the Britons compared to the legendary Cat of Anglesey. Finally, there was a huge red scaly dragon, a fire breathing beast known as Fafnir. Queen Rei picked her best Senshi to engage the monsters. If they could be defeated, the day could be won. If they could not be stopped...their army didn't have a prayer. The Youma formed up into a huge wedge and drove for the center of Queen Rei's army, with Beryl, the Orkneys, and the Monsters at the point of the Wedge. The last remaining Senshi of the Round Table formed up in the Center of Rei's army. She put her lesser senshi on the two wings of her force, and placed her infantry in the center of her wings. As Mercury charged down the hill towards the onrushing monsters, she felt more tense than she ever had felt before in her entire life, except when she had sacrificed herself so long ago to help her friends make it to a previous confrontation with the Queen Beryl of her own world. She stared at Greg. There has to be something I can do to help him. If only Usagi was here...she could turn them back to their old selves. A voice now irritatingly familiar spoke to her. "I guess you'll just have to kill him. Too bad, eh?" It was the boy. He was riding on her horse behind her. How he could stay on, she didn't know. "Don't you have someone else to annoy?" "Nope. I'm your own personal annoyance." Maybe the youma will get annoyed and kill him, she thought. "Don't count on it." She sighed. "Hmm, looks like the Youma forgot to read their part of the script..." the boy commented. Mercury blinked. The monsters had turned and were charging at an angle into the infantry. The hole they left was plugged by more youma moving into place behind them, while the monsters charged the hapless infantry. Queen Rei swore. "Everyone, take your targets! Hunt them to the ends of the Earth if you must! If we don't act fast, we won't have much of an army left." The Round Table parted for the last time. Mercury turned and charged after Greg, ignoring the boy and his annoying comments. She plunged through the youma and infantry alike, parrying the occassional blow with the mace she had taken as her weapon for the occassion. Her training with Senshi Lancelot had paid off. She caught glimpses of other fights. Bors was going toe to toe with Gaheris. Queen Rei fought the Fenris wolf, the Silver crystal shining like a beacon. Senshi Gawaine battled the great serpent. Lancelot did battle with Surtur. Sagremor wandered the field, dishing out destruction, a berserker fire in her eyes, crying out "Dodinas!" over and over again. Mercury pressed onward through the fight, finally reaching Greg's wake, able to move through the path he had opened by his movements through the battle. Her computer was still analyzing him, looking for a weakpoint. Finally, she reached him. Her computer located three weakpoints in his armor. He turned and stared at her. "GREG! It's me! AMI! Can you hear me?" Emotions flitted across his face, a mix of confusion and black rage. "Don't fight us, Greg! I love you!" He raised his arm to smite her with the great spear he held, then clutched his head. She started to speak, when suddenly, she was struck from behind and knocked off her horse. She knew that only the protection that her Sailor uniform offered had kept her alive. Rolling to her feet, she looked up and saw Mordred. A black fire raged in Mordred's eyes, her face a mask of bitter hate. "Mordred! Why are you doing this?" "This is my revenge on a world that wanted me dead! My own mother tried to have me killed! She didn't even tell her best friends I was her child! I tried playing it her way, but I've had enough of that. When she dies, I'll rule Logres." She raised her sword, limned with black flames and leaped off her horse, down at Mercury. Mercury rolled to her feet and leaped back. "SHABON SPRAY!" A spray of mist swept over the area. Mercury was easily able to keep out of Mordred's way in the fog. "She cried when Beryl took you!" "It's too late for tears now. She made a mockery of me and everyone. How can you defend someone who sent babies on a boat to die and broke her own laws time and again?" "She's paid for her sins in blood and suffering! No one is perfect! If you repay Evil for Evil, the whole world dies!" Mercury tried to circle behind Mordred, who wandered through the mist slashing wildly. "Maybe the world deserves death!" "If you really believed that, you wouldn't be bothered by what your mother did!" Mordred turned and tried to home in on Mercury's voice. Mercury simply leaped over Mordred and landed behind her, then kicked her sword arm. Mordred's sword went flying and the fire went out. Mordred swore. "Who gave you the right to pass judgement on me?" "Who gave you the right to pass judgement on your mother? Do you know what it's like being Queen? Do you know what it's like having millions of people depending on your decisions? Yes, she's made some mistakes, but she's done the best she could!" Mercury sprinted over and kicked Mordred's sword further away. Suddenly, the mist vanished. Beryl stood nearby. "Why are you playing around with her, Mordred? You've got business elsewhere!" Mordred said, "Without a weapon?" Beryl sighed. "You people and your silly weapons." She gestured and a sword appeared. "Go." Mordred went. Beryl turned to Greg. "What are YOU waiting for?" "I...couldn't...see anything," Greg said very slowly. "Well, now you can! KILL HER!" "I...I don't...I don't want to." His face contorted with pain. "DAMN YOU! KILL HER!" Beryl shouted, then fell down as Mercury smacked her in the head with a mace, then lept away. "YOU! I have had ENOUGH OF YOU!" She pointed her staff at Mercury, and lightning crackled from it. Mercury dodged desperately, but got clipped by the lightning. She fell down stunned. For a moment, the whole battlefield went silent as Greg let out a deafening shout. He kicked Beryl halfway across the battlefield. She screamed in pain. Suddenly, her spell on Greg broke and he returned to his ordinary self, collapsing to the ground. Mercury staggered to her feet and rushed to him. He lay on the ground, barely breathing. She cradled him in her arms. "Greg...Greg...Greg..." He smiled weakly. "Ami...my...my love. I feel so cold." She pulled him as close as she could. "You'll be okay. You will. You will." "No I won't. I'm sorry, Ami. But I will see you again." She began to cry. "I don't understand. Don't die. Don't leave me, Greg." He smiled faintly. "I have to leave you...but you'll come to me soon, Ami. In the other world." "You...you think I'm going to die?" Her body shook from her tears. How could he be so calm? Just like...like Urawa so often was. "It doesn't always end this way, Ami. We've danced this dance through life after life, time after time. Every true love defies death. I have to die so that you can come back to me. I can see this now...They're coming for me." "Who's coming for you, Greg? I won't let them have you! I won't!" Her voice was rising to a level of hysteria she had normally only ever heard Usagi achieve. "You've got to take care of the living, Ami. How will you ever be a doctor if you can't learn to let go when someone's death can't be prevented?" Ami blinked. "I...how did you know that?" "I told you...we've loved before. We'll love again. You've known me by many names, and I you by many. Sometimes...I can see what has been or will be again...Not much in this life, but..." His voice grew weaker. "You've got to save the Queen, Ami. Beryl is determined to get her, by hook or by crook." Ami tried to pull herself together. "So this doesn't mean the end?" "Not anymore than Usagi catching us about to kiss on the couch did..." Ami started and suddenly understood. "I won't let you down. I'll save the Queen if I have to die trying." His last words were, "Beryl ALWAYS carries her staff. Always...Remember..." Beryl. I'm coming for you, Mercury thought. What can I do with Greg's body? I can't just leave him here...I don't have time to dig a grave. Wordlessly, the boy picked up Greg. "I will bury him." Mercury frowned. "I don't trust YOU with his body." "I know I have tested you beyond measure. I have doubted your mind, your soul, your morals, your courage, your faith, and your love. I have laid seige to your patience, your time, and your energy. I have forced you to confront the fears and darkness within your soul. I have been your shadow and your bane. You have passed every test. Truly, you are the champion I hoped you would be." Mercury stared at him. "Who are you and what right do you have to test me?" "I am Gwion Bach, sometimes known as Taliesin, the new Merlin of Britain. I have no more right to test you than anyone else. I have done what I thought was necessary for the good of the land. I do not ask for your forgiveness, nor do I expect it. If you choose to hate me, that is your right. The Goddess makes demands of me that I often regret, but I must do what is right for the land as she sees fit." "The Merlin? What about..." "He sleeps until his time shall come again. He was the last Merlin, the lover of the Goddess, her servant, messenger, and prophet. Now I hold that role." "I...uh...." "I swear by my soul and my hope of everlasting life that I shall lay him safely to rest, doing no dishonor to his body or soul." Suddenly, the boy's forehead glowed. A symbol of a bird shone upon his brow, and a light fired up into the heavens. He aged before her eyes, his form taking on the shape of adulthood, his clothing changing to adult garb. He looked familiar, but Mercury didn't quite recognize him. Somehow, Mercury knew this oath was the most binding one she had ever seen. He reached out now and touched her forehead and the power flowed into her. "When the time comes, you shall be able to open a way to your home. Use this gift well. I trust you now to not abuse it. And know that while you part from your love now, soon, you shall indeed see him again. Go forth, Angel of Wisdom, and put your wisdom to use." Mercury looked at herself, and to her shock, she discoverd she had transformed into her Eternal Mercury form. She looked up at Taliesin, who was fading into the bright glow surrounding him and Greg. "G...Goodbye." Taliesin smiled. "Remember what he told you. Goodbye, until we meet again." He faded from sight. Eternal Mercury turned to the battlefield. It was a nightmare of death, bodies scattered everywhere. Surtur had fallen, and his death had killed dozens of others, crushed beneath his corpse. Knots of infantry and Youma struggled onward, and here and there, a lesser Senshi charged into various frays. She activated her computer. "Find Queen Rei and Queen Beryl." The computer began searching. She moved through the battlefield, borrowing a horse no one seemed to be using and heading towards the loudest sources of noise. She emerged into a 'clearing' in the battle, and soon saw the source. Senshi Gawaine was being attacked by three of her siblings at once, as well as Jormungandr. Aggravaine, Gareth, and Gaheris had her ringed in. Eternal Mercury charged to her aid. She could hear them speaking. "Not so tough now, are you sister?" Aggravaine shouted. "I bet you're regretting the way you always beat us up when we were kids, eh?" "I didn't start ALL those fights, Aggravaine!" Gawaine shouted, desperately wrestling with the serpent, which had wrapped around her torso and was slowly crushing her to death. "You killed Pellinore too. A harmless old man obssessed with a stupid rabbit. You deserve every inch of this, Gawaine," Gaheris said. "YOU HELPED! You wanted him dead as much as I did! He killed our mother, Damnit!" "In the middle of a battle! She was trying to KILL him! No different than what's happening with you and Mr. Snake here." Gawaine sighed. "You're absolutely right. I deserve death for what I've done." Aggravaine smiled. "See? Justice is being done." "So do you. So do all of us except Gareth. He was never partner to any of our crimes." Eternal Mercury paled. She tried to press the horse to go faster. No matter what she did, she couldn't seem to get closer fast enough. Something horrible was going to happen. Gawaine began to swing her hammer over her head. Above her, a swirling cloud began to form. "I AM THE WIELDER OF THE HAMMER OF JUSTICE! LET JUSTICE BE DONE TO ME AND MY KIN!!!" Mercury realized what was going to happen. "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" Sometimes, just saying no isn't enough. Gawaine released the hammer and it flew at Gaheris, who dodged to one side. The hammer kept flying. Aggravaine laughed. "I guess Justice has a different opinion." Mercury knew better. She saw the clouds still swirling over Gawaine, darkening. She saw the hammer suddenly arc around and turn back towards the three Orkneys. So did Gaheris. He lept desperately at his sister Aggravine, trying to knock her out of the way. The hammer changed course and homed in on her head, crushing her skull from behind and pitching her forward onto the ground. Gaheris was knocked away as well, though unhurt. He blinked and the glaze in his eyes faded. The hammer returned to Gawaine's hands. Gaheris stared at Gawaine, the berserkergang building in his enchantment-shrouded eyes. "YOU KILLED OUR SISTER!" He rushed forward, his sword crackling with black electricity. As Gaheris reached Jormungandr's side and began to clamber over the serpent to reach Gawaine, Gawaine said, "You murdered our mother for daring to love someone other than us. We both deserve death. Let there be an ending." Mercury rode forward, "No! MAKOTO!!!!!" "Justice must be done." As Gaheris swung at Gawaine's head, Gawaine tossed her hammer to Mercury, then wrapped her arms around Jormungandr's head. "Great lord of Heaven, SEND DOWN YOUR WRATH!" A massive bolt of lightning, as wide as a house stabbed down from the clouds. Gaheris, Gawaine, and Jormungandr turned into negative images of themselves and winked out of existence, leaving only a crater. Gareth began to cry. "No...no..." Mercury rode up to Gareth and handed him the hammer. "This is all that is left." Gareth began to sob. "They didn't deserve this." "We can only pray that God will show Gawaine more mercy than she showed herself. I wish I could have stopped her. There had to be another way." She was crying too. "Come on, Gareth. We have to save the Queen." "I don't care about the queen! My family is dead! I'm the last of the Orkneys. They're all...dead..." Mercury hugged Gareth. "You don't want her sacrifice to be in vain do you? Gawaine didn't die so that you would lie down and die...She tried to make sure you would live. So you could carry on where she could not. Can't you do it for her?" Gareth pulled himself together and stared at the hammer. "The mallet of justice. I...Am I worthy to bear this?" "You're the most worthy person I know to bear it. That's what Gawaine wanted." "But she threw it to you..." "I am the Senshi who needs no weapon. I pass this on to you, as you have passed it to me. Bear it well, Gareth, and let Justice be your guide, but do not forget mercy as well." "Gawaine was always better at Justice than Mercy." He hefted the weapon. "Let's go." They made their way across the field. They pulled a dazed Bors out from under her horse. They retrieved Lionel, Lancelot's younger brother from a pile of corpses he had almost smothered in. They saved Aglovale from a knot of Youma that were attacking her. Aglovale stared at Gareth for a long moment. He stared back and bowed his head. "My brother and sisters slew your father. I'm sorry." Aglovale sighed. "Melodiam died for nothing." "My brother and my sisters are dead, except for Mordred." Mercury decided now was not the ideal time to bring up that Mordred wasn't really Gareth's sister. "As are mine. We have destroyed our families for nothing. Can there be peace between us?" Gareth looked up. "I hope so." Lionel twitched. "Come on. We have to find my sister before she does anything stupid, like the time she tried to wash the dishes with lamp oil..." He started off and the others followed. Not every Senshi could be saved. They found Ector dead with an axe stuck in his chest. Pelleas had died from mutliple spear thrusts. Dinadan had been stepped on by Surtur. Palomedes, eaten by the Cat of Anglesey. A small pink rabbit could be seen circling him, letting out a sound like hounds baying, a sound that would never again call him to the hunt he had dedicated his life to. Many others had fallen, of less reknown. Others were conspicuous by their absence. Tristam, who had finally died at the hands of King Mark. Lamorak, cut down by Gaheris so long ago. King Bagdemagus, slain on the quest for the Grail. Griflet, slain by a chance arrow at the battle of York. The Pellinore family, all dead, but for Aglovale. The Orkneys, also all dead, but for Gareth. So many others cut down by chance, hate, feud or accident. A fog had settled upon the field. The sound of battle drifted through the mist, making it hard to tell where fighting was going off. There certainly seemed to be enough corpses for both armies to be dead. Mercury's computer pinged. 'QUEEN REI LOCATED.' She lead her band through the mist to the site. The sound of fighting got louder. Finally, the mist parted and they could see the heart of the battle. Knots of senshi, footmen, and youma were still fighting here. At the center of the killing ground, Senshi Lancelot did battle with Fafnir the great, while Queen Rei battled the Fenris wolf. A hard pressed Senshi Bedivere tried to fight the Angel of Death and Mordred at the same time. It was clear that soon Bedivere would die. "Lionel, help Lancelot. Gareth, Aglovale, help Queen Rei. Bors, take Mordred. I'm going to deal with the Angel of Death..." The Senshi nodded and went to do their duty. Eternal Mercury spread her wings and rose into the sky. She flew towards the Angel, which accepted her challenge and rose into the sky. "SHINE AQUA ILLUSION!" Ice and frost soon limned the wings of the Angel of Death. It plummeted to the ground and shattered. She turned to dive down to Bors aid, only to see a huge blue cat bound out of the fog. It swatted Bors aside, knocking her out, then charged Lancelot and Lionel. Lionel turned to face it and it leapt into the air and landed on him, knocking him out as well. Mercury dove towards it. "Here, Kitty, Kitty!" The cat paused and turned, looking up. The computer identified a weakpoint right between it's eyes. She kicked it there, then flew off, drawing it away from Lancelot and Rei. Why do I feel like I've forgotten something, she wondered, then her brain clicked. No one's fighting Mordred. She whirled about and returned. Unfortunately, so did the cat. As she returned to the ongoing fight, the cat headed for Lancelot, while she could see Mordred staggering towards the beleagured Rei. Lancelot, I'm sorry, Mercury thought as she spoke the words, "ETERNAL WATERY VORTEX!" The ground beneath Mordred swirled as water rushed up from dry ground and smote Mordred in a whirring guyser that shone with a white light. Mordred went flying. As the cat charged Lancelot, she lept away. The cat slammed into Fafner, knocking them both back. The two monsters began to fight each other. Then, out of the fog, came a great shout of rage. A blur with golden hair charged out of the mist, crying its refrain of fury. "DODINAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Senshi Sagremor attacked the beasts, uncaring of survival in her fury. Lancelot paused, trying to assess the situation. Mercury dove down to attack the Fenris wolf, unleashing a cloud of mist over its massive head so that it could not see. She could see Queen Rei was bleeding from multiple wounds. Her ravens were pecking at the huge wolf's eyes. Rei stared at the beast through the one good eye she had left. "Thank you, Mercury. I knew I could count on you." Bedivere staggered to her feet and stumbled over to Lancelot. "I'll help Sagremor. Go save the Queen." "Can you handle it?" "I'll be fine. Kill that damned wolf. She needs you..." Bedivere trailed off, some thought unspoken. Lancelot nodded and turned to charge the wolf. Unseen, and forgotten as always, Mordred stood. She could feel her life ebbing away. Only one thing was left to drive her on. Revenge. Gripping her sword, she lifted it one last time. Flames ignited along the hilt. The sign of her descent from Queen Rei. The sign of her vengeance. She staggered closer to Rei. This also meant coming closer to the Fenris Wolf. It lunged forward, smelling fresh prey. Rei leaped at Mordred, knocking her back. "Mordred! You've got to be more careful! It's trying to kill everyone!" Mordred began to cry. Rei held her. "Kyrstiara," Rei said, calling Mordred by her true name, her secret name. "I...I'm so glad you're alive." Kyrstiara began to cry more. "Mother...mother...I'm sorry. I've failed you, mother. I failed Aunt Beryl...I'm so sorry." Krystiara sobbed. "Don't be sorry. We all make mistakes. Mine were much worse than yours." Queen Rei held her daughter tightly. Unfortunately, a battlefield with a hungry wolf the size of a house isn't a very good place to have a tearful reconciliation. The Fenris Wolf lunged forward, but unable to see, stepped on its prey instead of biting them. Kyrstiara could hear Rei's ribs cracking. She raised her sword. "BASTARD! FOR THE HONOR OF HOUSE PENDRAGON, RECIEVE MY DYING CURSE!" She hurled her sword at the Fenris Wolf, the flames erupting upwards into its right eye, blinding it. It staggered, badly hurt. Slowly, the flesh around the eye began to wither. The wolf would die....but not soon enough. Kyrstiara felt death coming. The end was near. "I'm sorry, Mother...I wasn't strong enough to kill it." Rei coughed and said, "Neither was I. I love you, Kyrstiara...I think I may be coming to join you soon. Goodbye, my daughter." In death, Kyrstiara found the dignity so often denied her in life, dying neither unseen nor forgotten. The Fenris Wolf bent its head a second time to try to eat Rei. Rei managed to roll her daughter away on the ground as the wolf picked her up in its mouth. At least you won't be eaten as well, my daughter. The wolf began to close its jaws to finish the job it had begun... But its jaws could not close. Senshi Lancelot stood in its mouth as well, and she stuck her staff into it's jaw. The mouth could not bite down. Senshi Lancelot knelt and focused on the staff. It glowed brightly. Sweat began to run down her brow. "MERCURY! GET THE QUEEN OUT!" Lancelot shouted. Mercury dove down and picked up the queen, then paused. "What about you?" "Just get her to safety!" Rei woke back up and moaned. "Lancelot..." "What, Rei?" "I'm sorry, Lancelot..." "You don't have to be sorry. Just get out of here." "I won't leave you to die." "I'll be fine," Lancelot lied. "Don't you know by now that you can't fool me? Mercury, give me my spear." "What are you doing? You're badly hurt! Mercury, take her away from here!" "We leave together or not at all." Rei took the spear from Mercury. The Silver Crystal glowed. She put her hand on Lancelot's staff. It began to grow longer, forcing the top jaw of the Fenris Wolf upward. It howled with impotent rage as its mouth was forced further open. Weakened by Kyrstiara's dying curse, the beast could no longer resist them. Then its jaw was dislocated. White fire surged up the staff, carving a swath through the beast's head. The Fenris Wolf died. Lancelot grabbed Rei and leaped out of the mouth, with Mercury following her. The battlefield was largely silent. Sagremor had collapsed in some sort of exhausted torpor, still murmuring Dodinas' name. Bedivere was trying to revive her. Bors and Lionel were unconscious. The cat and Fafnir were dead. Everyone was dead. Gareth and Aglovale mutely followed Lancelot and Mercury. Lancelot laid Queen Rei down by Senshi Sagremor. Rei moaned. "Bedivere." "Yes, my Queen?" Rei paused and removed the Silver Crystal from her spear, Rhonoghymant. She handed the spear to Bedivere. "Cast the spear into the lake." "Lake?" Bedivere looked and now saw they stood near the shores of a small lake. "Why?" "I will soon die, and I must return the gift the ladies of the lake gave me." "Shouldn't I..." Bedivere began. "You're not going to die, Rei," Lancelot lied for her own benefit. "Do it. Oh, and Bedivere..." The Queen paused. "Make sure Kyrstiara, my daughter, recieves a proper burial. That will be your last duty..." "Yes, my queen." Bedivere walked to the edge of the lake and hurled the spear as far as she could. Her two long ponytails blew in the stiff wind that began to blow off the lake. A black cat lept up from the water and caught the spear, brandished it, then sank into the lake. "I wish Mamoru was here so I could say goodbye..." Rei said. Three figures walked out of the fog. "Sometimes, wishes come true," Minako said. With her walked Mamoru and Dodinas. Dodinas rushed over to Sagremor, while Mamoru rushed over to Rei. "No...Rei-chan..." Mamoru held Rei and began to cry. On the surface of the lake, a boat came into sight through the fog. Minako smiled. "They have come for you, Rei, to take you to your final reward. A time of rest and healing in Avalon, until the world needs you once more." Rei smiled. "Rest...that would be good." The boat came closer. Three Queens sat upon the boat. One a raven haired beauty, bearing a hammer. She was the youngest. One with brown hair, bearing a staff, middling in age. The third with long white hair, holding a spear. She was old, but dignified. They sat on thrones and wore crowns. Their boat sailed closer to the shore. Lancelot picked Rei up and began to carry her towards the boat. "I'll miss you, Rei." Something caught Mercury's attention. The staff that the middle queen bore. It looked like...She ran a quick computer scan. It was Beryl's staff. And her computer's long search for Beryl suddenly clicked positive on the middle queen. They were all shrouded with illusions. The computer soon identified the others as well. Mistress Nine. Nephrenia. At least, their doubles in this world. "It's a trap!" Lancelot froze at the edge of the lake. Minako turned and stared. Her eyes widened. "Oh my goddess, I have been decieved..." The middle queen shrieked with rage. "So, you interfere in my plans once more! NOW I WILL DESTROY YOU!" The illusions shattered. Queen Beryl of Gorre, her sister, Elaine, Queen of Norgales, and the youma queen of the hidden kingdom of the Eastlands, Nephrenia, stood revealed. Mercury felt fear clench her heart. We can't stop them all. We're all hurt and tired. Most of us are dead, Rei is mortally wounded...How can we stop them? If only Usa...She remembered Taliesin's words to her. That's it. Below her, Lancelot handed Rei to Mamoru. "Run. Get out of here." She turned to Beryl. "Come and GET US!" The last of the Senshi of the Round Table drew their weapons to make their final stand. Mercury flew lower. She knew what she had to do. Drawing her transformation pen, she concentrated. An ice-blue blade erupted from the end. As Beryl, Elaine, and Nephrenia began to chant in unison, Mercury began her own spell. She slashed a circle rimmed with blue light in the air, then cut it with a horizontal and a vertical slash so that it became like a celtic cross. She prayed for strength and unleashed all the power Taliesin had stored inside her. The circle flashed blue fire, and a door opened in the air. Beyond it was the playground she had left so long ago. Her friends were still staring in shock. She cried out to them. "Sailor Moon! Venus! Mars! Jupiter! I NEED YOU!" They started, hearing her voice, and came, no questions asked. Mercury looked around. A great black dome had settled over the area. Clearly, no one was going anywhere. Dodinas was trying to wake Sagremor, while Bedivere, Aglovale, Lancelot, and Gareth were trying to wade out into the lake. Sailor Moon said, "What's going on?" Mercury said, "I don't have time to explain...We have to stop Beryl!" Moon stared out onto the lake. For a moment, a terrifying wave of anger washed across her face. A rage that Mercury had never seen in her before. It vanished, swiftly. Sailor Moon blinked. "That's me...twice...I mean..." Jupiter said. "Those three again? What is this, a rerun? Right. Time to kick butt." She charged into the fray, as did the others, and not a moment too soon. Bolts of energy flew from the three queens, knocking out Aglovale, Bedivere, and Gareth. Lancelot took the blast and kept going grimly, silently, through the water. Minako fired a bolt of energy at Elaine, and began to duel with her. The Senshi charged forward and began dumping attacks on the boat. The boat began to break apart under a hail of energy. Mamoru watched the battle in which he could not take part, and held Rei tightly. Sagremor moaned and woke up. "Dodinas?" She hugged Dodinas desperately. Sagremor stood up. "Battle...we are needed." She drew her mace and chain. Dodinas followed her as she pitched into the fray. Mercury desperately tried to tow the three fallen senshi out of the lake with Dodinas' help. The water of the lake churned from the blasts being hurled about. The air crackled and hummed with energy and shouts of words of power. Lancelot finally climbed onto the boat and said to Beryl, "It ends here." "With DEATH!" Beryl shouted, raising her staff high. "Your death." Lancelot struck Beryl's staff with her own. Beryl's staff shattered and she collapsed, visibly aging. "Nooo...." Lancelot picked up Beryl and hurled her into Elaine. They both fell over and another bolt from Minako struck them. Elaine collapsed, howling in pain. Nephrenia saw them fall and vanished just before another wave of attacks cascaded in from the Sailor Senshi. Beryl looked up to Lancelot, "Mercy..." Lancelot hesitated. Her choice was taken from her as the boat cracked apart and hands reached up from the waters, pulling Beryl and Elaine under. A voice whispered, "We will not be mocked," as they screamed and sank beneath the waves. Lancelot jumped off the wreckage and swam to shore. She joined the knot of those who stood around Queen Rei. Sailor Moon knelt by Queen Rei's side. "What...what happened to you?" Queen Rei stared at her through clouded vision. "L...Lancelot? You look so young..." Lancelot knelt and took her hand, as had Mamoru. "I'm here, my Queen. My friend." "Mercury." Mercury flew down. "Yes, my queen?" "This is the end. Lancelot, Mercury...promise me you'll take good care of Mamoru." "Rei...I..." "Don't prattle on about not wanting to live without me, Mamoru. I don't want to leave you either, but I don't think I have a choice. Swear you won't do anything stupid like entering a monastery or swearing never to love again, Mamo-chan." "I..." "Do it! I know you'll do something like that if I don't make you promise me to try to not be miserable for all of eternity!" "I swear I won't try to be miserable for all of eternity." Sailor Moon said, "Maybe...Maybe I can heal you..." Minako said, "Her wounds are beyond even your power, Sailor Moon. But not beyond their power." "What?" Minako gestured. "This time, the emissaries have come in truth and light." Another boat had appeared on the lake. This one also bore three women, but their visage was joyous. The boat veritably shone with light. Three sisters stood upon the prow, clad in white. The middle sister stepped forward, and spoke in gentle tones. "Rei Pendragon, High Queen of Britain and Lord of the Roman Empire, you are summoned to the Glad Hall of Kamisama, Overlord of Many Names ..." The youngest sister stepped forward, and picked up where her elder had left off. "... where you will be honored for those of your deeds which have been done in the service of the Light." Rei stared at them, dazed by the splendor ... then shuddered. "And what of my sins?" she said quietly. "I have been prideful, I have wrought ruin on the lives of thousands ..." The eldest sister stepped forward, and said, in a sure voice, "... and for these you have paid fullest price." "You are summoned now to glory, not to pain," the middle sister explained. "This is the hour of your release from anguish." For the first time in ages, it seemed that hope glistened in Rei's eyes ... and then Ami saw it flicker and fade, and knew in an instant the cause. Rei turned to Mamoru. In the long moment that they gazed on each other, a thousand words could have been uttered ... but perhaps the time for words was past. He smiled, stepped forward, and bent to kiss her on the lips -- a kiss of farewell. And then stepped back. In his heart, he had never been unfaithful, she knew. His love for her had been as great as his lover for ... the other ... and each of them had held the whole of his heart. Mercury heard a quiet weeping, even as she felt her own tears begin to flow. She knew who wept for the two of them. Her tears were almost never for herself ... Rei turned slowly to face the sisters once more, and there was a pleading expression on her face ... For a moment, they seemed to commune, and then the middle sister stepped forward once more. "This boat is large enough for more than one passenger, Rei of the Fire Soul." It seemed for a moment that Rei was about to burst into tears. She drew a long, shaky breath, and turned once more to Mamoru. "Will you come with me?" she whispered. "Will you stand by me in the Hall of Light?" It was no command, but a plea. He came forward, and took his hand in hers ... and together they walked across the water to the boat. When they were aboard, Rei slowly turned to gaze back at the shore. And then her eyes fell on Usagi. And Mamoru also turned to look. Usagi of the Lake stood unbent by the grief that she must have been feeling, staring back at them with shining light in her eyes. Rei knew that it was folly. That it pressed the patience of the divine ones. But ... "Megami-sama," she whispered, "Is there room in this boat for three passengers?" "There is, if you wish it." And the very last shackle fell from Rei's heart, and with a cry of joy from the depths of her being, she turned back to the shore, and called "OH USAGI, COME! OH, COME WITH US!" For a moment, Senshi Lancelot did not move, not even the muscles of her face. Then the light of her eyes doubled, no tripled in brightness, and she began to stride to the boat, picking up speed, running at the last, clambering into the boat to grab Rei and Mamoru into a great embrace that seemed almost to pull them into a single being. Which was what they were, after all, Mercury realized. Not a triangle, as poets and authors who had never seen this moment had painted them, but a circle ... each loving the others with all of their heart. And so perfect and sacred was the moment that she couldn't bring herself to gaze on it for long. So she turned her eyes away, and glimpsed another such moment. To the side, her own Rei and Usagi were standing at each others shoulder, gazing in wonder at their counterparts. Their eyes did not stray from that wonder. But Rei's hand slowly reached out for Usagi's; then hesitated; and then was caught in Usagi's firm grip. They squeezed, once. It was another moment too private to intrude on, so Ami turned back to gaze at the boat. Rei's voice echoed from the boat. "Mercury!" "What is it, my queen?" She said for the last time. A shining mote of light flew through the air and landed in her hands. It was the Empyrian Silver Crystal. Usagi stared at it, as did Mercury. "I...what do you want me to do with it?" "Give it to Gareth when he wakes. He is my heir, the king of Logres. He is the last of the Cornwalls, the last of the Orkneys. Two royal houses. Farewell, Ami, my friend. I regret I can give you no gift in parting to match the many gifts you have given me. Perhaps one day we will meet again!" Mars stared at herself in wonder, unable to speak. Mercury smiled, remembering Greg's words. "Perhaps we already have. Goodbye, my friend. God bless you!" "And may the great Goddess bless you also," Queen Rei said, "As you have blessed me. Farewell, Mizuno Ami, the Senshi who needs no weapon. For there is no greater weapon than love." The boat began to move against the wind, picking up speed, as it began to sail to the Glad Hall of the Overlord of Many Names. To Avalon. To Heaven. ********************** Epilogue 1 Memory Shall not Dim the Beauty *********************** Louvois reached over to stir the fire as Francis finished the tale. "And so Senshi Mercury vanished into the mists from which she had come. Like the Queen she had served, she went to wait for the day when the land would need champions once more. Queen Rei rests still at Avalon, until the day when she shall return, in Logres' darkest hour." Marguerite smiled. "What a beautiful story." She sat, polishing her sword while Raoul kept watch. Raoul moaned. "You haven't had to listen to Francis tell it a thousand times, like I have." Eleanor laughed. "It beats listening to you tell the Chanson de Priscilla again. Bishop Macky and all that...And that only happened, what...five years ago? And I'm already sick of listening to you tell about it." Marguerite finished working on her sword and slid it into her sheath. "Well, we don't hear many of those Breton stories down in Occitania, so this is new to me." Francis smiled. "Well, when you march in the army of Celia Magnus, Queen of the Franks and Emperess of Rome, you hear a lot of stories." Raoul muttered, "Some of them even worth repeating." Everyone laughed, and the story lived on... **************************************************************************** ********************** Epilogue 2 Of the Fires of Your Love *********************** Urawa sat at his desk, studying hard. He put away his books. His dream from last night had really bothered him. Dying in Ami's arms. It felt like one of his prophetic visions, yet...well, his name WASN'T Greg for one thing. Or was it? He knew he had lived other lives, or at least it seemed likely from the strange dreams he had of other times and places. Worst of all, now he remembered other things. Things he had forgotten, but wasn't sure why. Things like Ami. How could I have forgotten her? He stared at the phone. I should call her...but what if she doesn't remember me? What happened? There was a knock on his door. "Yes?" "There's a girl here to see you, Urawa-kun." He blinked. A girl? His father opened the door. Next to him, Ami stood, smiling nervously at him. She looked different. Her hair was longer, down below her shoulders. She seemed older too; maybe it was the hair, Urawa thought. His father smiled. "Well, I'll let you two talk." He ambled downstairs. Urawa stared at Ami. "Mi...Mizuno-san...what are you doing here in Fukushima?" A smile crashed across her face. "You remember me! Oh god, I was so afraid you wouldn't remember me..." He stood nervously. "I...what happened..to me..to us?" She stepped closer to him. Her eyes sparkled. "After Usagi defeated Beryl, she wiped our memories so we could live normal lives." She paused. "Which didn't work out. But I was afraid to come find you. I was afraid you wouldn't remember me. That I'd just make a fool of myself." She moved closer again. "I dreamed last night...that I died in your arms. It was another world...When I woke, I remembered everything. It's been haunting me all day. What I said to you...'we've loved before. We'll love again. You've known me by many names, and I you by many. Sometimes...I can see what has been or will be again...'" He stared at Ami. "You look older...like you did in the dream..." Ami crossed the gap to Urawa's side and kissed him fiercely. "I love you by whatever name, Urawa." He nearly fainted. "I...I love you too, Ami-chan." He pulled her close and kissed her. They would never forget their love again. They relit a flame that would burn for over a thousand years and beyond. ********************** Epilogue 3 A Flame Which Burns Forever More *********************** Raye Hines ducked her head to avoid a small stalagmite. "Are you REALLY sure this was a good idea, Bunny?" Monica Love nodded, shaking her long blonde hair in the dark. "Yeah. This place is kinda creepy." "Oh come on! That rock's been sitting there for AGES!" Bunny said. Her real name was Roberta Moon, but everyone called her Bunny because of her three dozen stuffed rabbits. She wasn't quite sure WHY she liked rabbits so much. She just did. Her hair was blonde too, but done up in an oddball hairstyle with two small buns on each side with long trailing pony-tails. Raye liked to call her meatball-head sometimes because of it. Maggie Kines nodded. She was tall with long brown hair in a single pony-tail. "Where's your sense of adventure? Haven't you heard all the stories about how this place is haunted?" Amy Waters said, "I hope one of those monsters isn't down here." Maggie laughed. "Been reading the sci-fi again, Amy?" Bunny blinked. "Like on the news?" Raye stopped moving. "What?" "Yeah, five people have died in Winchester due to unexplained attacks. One of them was near your grandfather's church, Raye." Raye shivered. "But Monsters? Like in those old fairy stories?" Suddenly, there was movement in the darkness. They all jumped and Amy swung her flashlight around. It lit upon two figures who were cuddled up in the corner, busily smooching. They turned and stared into the light, blushing. "Hey, it's Harry and Michelle!" Maggie said. "I bet this would make a great makeout spot." Monica and Bunny both got hearts in their eyes as they looked at Harry. He was a new student at Winchester Academy where they were all going to school, and he had rapidly become the biggest heartthrob of the school, despite having a girlfriend already, Michelle Kayson. Raye rolled her eyes. Can't these idiots tell he isn't interested? I suppose if I wasn't dating someone right now, I'd be doing the same thing, though. Matthew is more handsome than Harry, anyway. Michelle blushed. Harry laughed. "Yeah, it is, eh? You'll need to wait in line until I finish with Michelle, though." He winked. Michelle bopped him lightly on the head. "I DON'T think so." Another voice spoke from the darkness, a garbled male voice. "Ugh, I hate waking up in the morning." Amy swung the flashlight around. "Hello?" Is it some kind of vagrant, she wondered. No, it was a little white cat with a yellow crescent moon on his forehead. "Hiya, girls! You miss me?" They all froze in place. Bunny broke the silence. "Cat. Talking cat. Cat, talking cat." "Oh right...you don't remember anything." He lept over to Raye and bowed as only a cat can. "I am Artemis, the Merlin of Logres. I thank you for freeing me from my centuries of sleep." Raye stared. "M...Merlin? Like in the Stories of Queen Rei?" "Indeed. You have come again as was foretold. Britain has need of you, Raye Hines. For you are Rei Pendragon, the once and future Queen of Logres. Your nation has need of you." Raye, of course, did the natural thing. She fainted. Every event is unique. History always repeats itself. Both of these are true, and so every story is lived over and over, ever changing and ever eternal. The story ended a thousand five hundred years ago. It ended today. It ends a thousand years from now. Or perhaps it never ends at all. THE BEGINNING. Author's afterword: Wow. I've been writing this baby since March. I hope the love and passion I've put into this story shows. I honestly think this is one of my best works ever. I'd especially like to thank Chris Davies and Jeff Hosmer for their contributions towards this work. Jeff provided much valuable advice, while Chris helped me create the combined Sailormoon/Arthurian mythos, wrote a few scenes, and has generally been of much help. I'd especially like to thank Chris Davies and Jeff Hosmer for their contributions towards this work. Jeff provided much valuable advice, while Chris helped me create the combined Sailormoon/Arthurian mythos, wrote a few scenes, and has generally been of much help. I'd also like to thank the hundreds of authors who have contributed to the Arthurian mythos over the years, keeping it vibrant and alive for all ages. It is perhaps the greatest cycle of fanfiction in the English Language and other languages as well, and I am proud to be a part of it. This story Copyright (1996) by John Biles, for whatever THAT'S WORTH :) -- John Walter Biles : MA-History, Ph.D Wannabe at U. Kansas ranma@falcon.cc.ukans.edu naru@sailormoonfan.com rhea@tass.org http://www.tass.org/~rhea/falcon.html "It is a serious thing to live in a society of possible gods and goddesses, to remember that the dullest and most uninteresting person you talk to may one day be a creature which, if you saw it now, you would be strongly tempted to worship, or else a horror and a corruption such as you now meet, if at all, only in a nightmare...There are no ORDINARY people. You have never talked to a mere mortal. Nations, cultures, arts, civilization--these are mortal, and their life is to ours as the life of a gnat. But it is immortals whom we joke with, work with, marry, snub, and exploit--immortal horrors or everlasting splendours." --C.S. Lewis, "The Weight of Glory"